Mon 27 Jan
___ CLaSsY____ BLONDE ____ AvaLiAbLe 100 % GFE :::: C a U c A S i A N .BeAuTy 100% G..F..E - 20
(ArTeSia (91/605/105))
CaN I taste YOU ????? I LuV CrEaM !!** PhaT **** BooTy ** CuBaN GiRL ___ ( AVAILABLE NOW) ____ 80Q - 22
(Artesia norwalk iNcall)
Busty beautiful brazilian im in or out specials 405/Lax Redondo Artesia San pedro 24/7. - 35
(Long Beach, 405/lax,Redondo,Artesia,San pedro,24/7**)
boMb BoDy █ ▄ U ▃ N ♥R ☆S ♥H ▃ █ SpEcIaL ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R forget 60 special - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
_ _ _ _ CURVY BEAUTY _ _ _ _ THICK GODDESS _ _ __ YUMMY BABE _ _ _ _ _ BIG BOOBS _ _ __ _ BUSTY __ _ - 21
♥ ☆ CRAVING * SOMEONE... B=U=S=T=Y? ☆ ♥ Available LATE nights - 18
(Artesia , Cerritos , Norwalk)
-%- ComE && See My JuicY B(0)(0)tY BounCe!! -%- •°• Call Now •°• {{×Up All NiTe×}} - 22
- - - *Come* N *Check* OUT my *NEW* L(o)(o)K - - - [Young] [Mixed] [Playmate!!!] - 19
CALL ME ((714 948 65 96 )) aly and jenny two girl for 80 $ % - 25
(Long Beach, longbeach,91@pioneer,aryesia,cerritos,)
* { Blonde QuEEn} * ._. SeXxXy & ReAdY ._. * { S p e c i a l s } * *>TrY Me
(Long Beach..Norwalk..Artesia..)
{{××CoMe & ExPloRe Me××}} Im FuLL Of FUN!!! °°°·80$ SpeciaL·°°° - 19
((( CLICK HERE )) ------ (( EaRLy mORNinG SpEcIaLs )) ------------- (( CuM gEt a TaStE )) ----- - 20
Breaking News 60 Clean and Ready ) The Best Price on Bp ( real f®£ak ask about booty special - 21
(Long Beach, all over 91 bellflower artesia norwalk)
♥ ———— — C—L—A—S—S—Y ————— ♥ ————— H—O—T ————— ♥ ————— L—A—T—I—N—A ————–— ♥ - 19
(Long Beach, ★ 91 Frwy Artesia iNCALL..)
CLiCK HeRe ~*~ GoRgeous BLonde PLayMaTe ~*~ AvaiLaBLe NoW ~*~ CoMe ReLaX with Me ~*~ No RuSh FuN - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia Downey Norwalk 91/605/105)
([(‼️ CLiCK HERE! ‼️)]) ✨ N€W ➔ ✨💗 BLOND£ ❥ WHiT£•GiRL 💞💖 1OO% R£AL ☎️ SW€€T & TiGHt ❥ LETs PLA¥ ‼️🚺 - 21
(91 & Pioneer : Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos, Long Beach)
♥CINDY 60$$ love to kiss ♥ Reviews ♥38DD latina 323-775-4945 ... 91 fwy exit pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Bellflower 562)
CLiCk HeRe ~~~ Gorgeous FuN SiZed BLOndE DoLL ~~~ TempoRaRiLy YouRs ~~~ CoMe over and ReLaX with Me - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
*°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=HOT=)) °o©° $ SPeCiALS ReViEwEd - 23
(91/Pioneer incalls/outcalls 2 u)
☆ ☆ CHOCO _BUNNY- Rainy Day Specials- CHOCO MISTRESS ☆ ☆ - 23
(Artesia/ Riverside Freeway 91 incall/out)
CINDY .... 60 Special 60 Special... CINDY 38DD Sexy latina ... .... 91 fwy exit Pioneer - 25
(Long Beach, lakewood cerrtios long beach artesia)
CINDY Big BUtT (( SPECIAL 80/30 )) off 91fwy near 605fwy - 25
(562 Lakewood,Cerritos,Artesia,Downey)
(click here) happy * YO SoY TU SEXy MAMi 100% LATINA MEXICANA 100% REAL ☎ Call Now!!! - 35
(Long Beach, Lakewood/Norwalk/Downey/Artesia/Cerrito)
*CLiCK HeRe! *NeW SUPER -HOTT! * * BRuNeTTe *GiRL NeXT DooR! * 100% *ReaL*! *INCaLLS NoW! - 21
(Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos 91fwy)
👑🙋💋 #ChooseWisely 😍😜🎀 Filipina and black GODDESS 🍍🙊 All NATURAL beauty ✨ all NATURAL b👀ty 🍑👅💦 - 22
(Long Beach, 91/710/605)
CeRtIfIeD *: ☆To LeAvE YoU WeAk N ThE KnEeS : *☆ AnD I'LL make Your PanTs RiSe - 23
(Long Beach, NORWALK/ARTESIA 91/605/105 INCALL)
»»»» BuBbly bottom Hotnness»» »»specials... Commerce / Downey 80 80 80 80 - 25
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/CERRITOS/Artesia/Santa fe)
Beautiful BLONDE...LEGS FOR DAYZZZZ!!! Have IT doNe RIGHT the FiRst Time... Take a PEEK!! - 21
(Long Beach, NORWALK ARTESIA downey LB INN& OUT)
♡♥♡ {{BEAUTIFUL}} ♡♥♡ {{EXOTIC}} ♡♥♡ {%1OOO REAL}♡♥♡ Booty}} ♡♥♡ Spcl - - 22
(Long Beach, Normandie Ave. And W. Artesia Blvd.)
(Norwalk..Cerritos..Artesia.. INcalls)
(¯`' .BACK BY popular DEMAND.. '´¯)60 ROSES Steph - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk, Artesia, Bellflower (91 & 605))
B E S T C H O I C E[unrushed] E X O T I C [fun] V I S I T I N G - 25
(Cerritos/Artesia/Norwalk, Long Beach)
♥♥ ♥♥ BIG BooTY Sussianna ♥♥SPecials ♥♥ Dont miss out.. well reviewed off 91 freeway - - 25
(Long Beach, 91 FWY ARTESIA)
* ____ B _______ E ________ A ________ U ________ T _______ I ________ F ________ U ________ L ___ * - 24
🎀Available NOW 🎀 *Exotic Mixed Princess* 100% REAL pics* Tonight 0NLY!! - 20
(Long Beach, Artesia , Long Beach surrounding)
©®azY SkiLLs §PaNkABL€ BѺѺTY❤️💎💙 BoOtY LoVeRs TrEat‼️ IrIsH Beauty Visiting! 💎💋 Available now ‼️ - 24
(Long Beach, artesia)
((£aST DaY SpLs!)) •♛• Exclusive {{1 oF A KiNd}} Companion •♛• BeAiTiFuL BuNNii •♛• {{£aSt CHaNCe}} - 25
(Long Beach, ARTESIA/NORWALK 91/605 FWY)
Americas # 1 AddicTion ((((( Wet Tight & young )))) AppleBottomed Slut - 19
BeAuTy ____ OF ____ tHe ____ WeeK ____ P/h/A/t P/u/$/$/y ____ SexY ___ ShILhOuEttE ___ExOTIc BLiSs - 22
(ArTeSia (91/605/105))
BEaTUiFUL MiXeD* * Blonde BomBsHeLL* {{incall 100$ SPECIAL only}} - 21
(91/605/cerritos/artesia/downey/norw area)
BBW-•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •-:¦:-•*BBW - 23
(Long Beach, 605/91/5/105/710& 405 Fwy)
ATTENTION ~~>; Sexy Mixed Exotic Bombshell ) Up all NiTe!! ((SpEciAls.. Dnt Miss Out!!!)) - 22
(Long Beach, off the 91 and pioneer.... artesia area.)
ARTESIA✨✨✨100%ReaL PiCs💋 💋 HOT & READY💦😻💋👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆 EnJoYs IT aLl - 19
(Cerritos, Artesia, Norwalk, Long Beach)
>{VAnessa💗] _[ Sweet🔥] ➜ [B l o N D e] BARBIE AVailabLE NOW💎It's me or It's FREE!! - 23
(Long Beach, Fwy 91/Artesia/ pionner)
~&>__60$ specials____ Asian____420 friendly____[]D () r n star very kinky - 20
(Long Beach, Lax,norwalk,gardena,artesia,91fwy,dwntwn)
*Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic HOT NDIAN PLa--Y m aTe - - 20
(Long Beach, ARTESIA FWY OFF THE 91,710,605.105)
BACKPAGE M.V.P. (Most valuable P*%$Y ) inTORRANCe 4 IncaLLs 36D-25-38 LATiNA MiX - 24
(Long Beach, Carson | Gardena | Southbay )
A PIeRcEd 36 DD VegAs PLATiNUM BLONDE Curvy DoLL *~ #1 FaV is BACK! {5*Star Skills} 1OO% ME or FREE! - 25
(Artesia/Surroundings (Incall/Outcall), Long Beach)
(818)747-4675 �💋🌺🌴100% Rεaℓ Mixed ßεαuty🌺🌴💋🏆🏆 - 23
(Artesia, Lakewood, Carson, Cerritos, Long Beach)
ARTESIA✨✨✨100%ReaL PiCs💋 💋 HOT & READY💦😻💋👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆 EnJoYs IT aLl - 19
(Artesia, Cerritos, Bellflower, Norwalk, Long Beach)
*☆* NeW To ThE ArEa *★* ThIcK & SeXy *☆* ArE U ReAdY *★* EaRLy BiRd SpEcIaLs - 20
AVAILABLE LATE!! * iNCaLLs * specials *_ FUN! HoTT Brunette * specials - 20
(Norwalk ::: Cerritos ::: Artesia)
Asian GiRlS Do it the bEst aSk about my 60 specail - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy 605fwy LB ,Artesia ,Norwalk Downey)
💛💙❤️ Artesia 91 and Pioneer Boulevard Incall💙💛❤️ - 20
(Artesia 91 and Pioneer Boulevard, Cerritos, Long Beach)
♥ 80 ♥ S_P_E_C_I_A_L ((LaTiNa mixed BARBIE♥ NEW PICS!!)) - 20
(91..6O5fwys..cerr.norw...INCALLS onLy!!)
80 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 80 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
[===> sWeEt:::BLoNdE :::===pLaYmaTe :::aLL nIgHT===> ] __ [ ===> ':::ReAdY :::fOr :::yOu===> SPeCiAL - 21
(91fwy ArTesia Norwalk CerriTos)
_______❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ______❤______ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤_______ - 18
A real pot of GOLD!!!!! Here it is 36 dds and Green eyes need I say more!!! Real Life Ginger - 23
(Long Beach, artesia 91 pioneer Inoutcall Specials)
(( AVAILABLE NOW )) LOOK ===== ((CuTiE w/ BOOTY )) * (1OO% FuN & SeXy) !!SPECIALS!! - 19
$80💕Best💑 $80 companionship 💕INcalls only $80💕New $80 pretty Sexy 🍒💕$80 - 21
(Anaheim, Buena Park Anaheim Costa Mesa, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Garden Grove, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County)
80QK :* ☆ ¨*: {HEAVENLY DREAMS} :*★¨*: {PORNSTAR FANTASIES!}: *¨☆*: 80 QK - 22
(ArTeSia (91/605/105))
Sun 26 Jan
🥂NYE Specials🥂Artesia hr incalls😻EXOTIC LATINA MAMI👅🥰 Cash Accepted✅HEAD DOCTOR👩🏻⚕️💕
( City Of Artesia Off 91 Fwy)
4 hands 🙌newburgh☎️ 562-410-9508⬛lick69➕gfe➕bbbj➕cim➕cip busty hot body⬛🟥🔶🟥⬛special skill⬛🟥🔶🟥⬛✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
(9604 Artesia Blvd Bellflower)
new japanese $100 special ▀▄▀▄▀2 girls 4 hand▀▄▀▄▀100% young▀▄▀▄▀double lady and let’s party!!!!▀▄▀▄▀elmsford
(Bellflower ca90706)
$1OO🌹❎🐸💋❎🐸══════ NEW ASIAN GIRL ══════💋❎💋══════ SEXY&YOUNG ══════🌹❎�
(Asian GFE @Artesia, Bellflower)
$1oo special!❤️⬛💚⬛💛⬛💜⬛❤️⬛💚⬛💛⬛💜⬛▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬your body really need a sexy asian doll today!!▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬�
(Asian GFE @Artesia, Bellflower)
$1oo special!❤️⬛💚⬛💛⬛💜⬛❤️⬛💚⬛💛⬛💜⬛▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬your body really need a sexy asian doll today!!▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬�
(Asian GFE @Artesia, Bellflower)
👍💮🌙꧁full service꧂❤ 5622283882 ❤꧁ ꧂✨🌸☀⎞⎛🌙🌺🌴the best service in town!🍆💦😋👑👑
(Artesia Blvd, Bellflower, CA)
👍💮🌙꧁full service꧂❤ 5622283882 ❤꧁ ꧂✨🌸☀⎞⎛🌙🌺🌴the best service in town!🍆💦😋👑👑
(Artesia Blvd, Bellflower, CA)