Sat 04 Jan
1000%real PiCSBoMb BoDy █ ▄ U ▃ N ♥ R ☆S ♥ H ▃ █ ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R FÕ®G€T - 19
(Long Beach, ALL over,pioneer,longbeach,LA,cerritos)
»——» »——» ♥ [100% REAL] »——» [* NEW * BOMBSHELL * ] »——» [LATINA & SEXY]♥ »——» »——» - 20
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Norwalk Downey Incalls)
~100% R€aL_ CoLoMbIaNa M!X__ VeNeZoLaNa__ G_!_R_L 80 $p€cIaL Now!! ♡9494670763 - 24
(Long Beach, 91/605Fwy,Artesia,Downey,Norwalk)
(100 sPeIcaLS ___YoUnG ___ WhiTE ___ B{i}G ___ BuTT__ S*L*UT____ {[G.F.E}} ___ (100 SPEICALS) - 21
Fri 03 Jan
{{{ HoT }}} ~~~ ~~~ ***~~~ {{ nEw }} ~~~~~~ *** ~~~~~ {{ ErOTiC }} ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ {{ pRoViDeR}} - 20
I'm BACK ° JUICY B00TY ° Gorgeous FAC€ ° 1OOOOOO % Real ME ° Guaranteed Satisfaction ° IM BACK - 69
(Artesia, downey/lakewood-firestone)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
* HIGH QUALITY! * __ (( 1OO% REAL )) __ *:* *:* __ *:* H O T_ ~&~ 24 HOURS - 20
—— ★ ★ ★ ———— HERMOSA ✮ ★ ✮ MILF ———— ★ ★ ★ ————————————————————— ★ HOY SOLAMENTE ——— - 37
(Bellflower/Artesia 91 Fwy, Downey, Long Beach)
I CaN Do EvEryThiNg ° LeT Me ShoW u HoW i CaN MoVe My ××HipS×× *1000% Me oR iM FREE* {60$ SpeciaL} - 22
☆ = ❥ HoT! 1OOOO% REAL! °★ ( M V P ; ) ABSoLUT BoMBSHLL° ♥ - 22
(Long Beach, 91/5/605Fwy =) Downey/Norwalk/ Artesia !)
(( !¡! CAUTION !¡! )) _______ * EXTREMELY * ________ {{ N-AUGH-TY }} ________ SUPER ~H0T~ BL0NDE! - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos-Artesia-Norwalk-Downey)
(( !¡! CAUTION !¡! )) ____ * EXTREMELY * ____ {{ N-AUGH-TY }} ____ :: SM0KiN' H0T :: ____ [ BL0NDE ] - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos-Artesia-Norwalk-Downey)
BUSTY__G O R G E O U S ♥ H O T T I E ♥ __BUSTY - 18
___ (( * CAUTION * )) _________ ExTreMeLy _________ N-AUGH-TY _________ SuPeR HOT BL0NdE! __________ - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos-Artesia-Norwalk-Downey)
~♡♡100% R€aL~ CoLoMbIaNa M!X__ VeNeZoLaNa__ G_!_R_L 80 $p€cIaL Now!! 9494670763 - 24
(Long Beach, 91/605Fwy,Artesia,Downey,Norwalk)
2 girls for 80$$ Ven pApi .. Bonita Latina SELENA 60$$ ...... 91fwy exit PIONEER - 24
(Long Beach, Lakewood artesia Downey Norwalk)
❤️ Brown eyed BoMbsHeLL NEW in town ready to have fun 😜 - 20
(Anaheim, Cerritos, Downey, Downey, Long Beach,Artesia, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
{ 100% Real } ... { Young & Tight } ... { Blonde & Yummy } ... { $ 100 } - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
$100 O U T C A L L S* *B U S T Y* DD's. R E A L * N Y M P H O *( tight pussy) $100 C A L L N O W - 20
(up all night 24/7 OUTCALLS)
_100%_ REAL_ BUSTY SOPHIE 💋 Hot College Girl 🔥 ✨ SPECIALS available now ✨ - 20
(Long Beach, Cerritos/Artesia (91 fwy))
L O O K====* SwEEt * __ &__* SeXy *______* EX0TiC *_______ ♥ HoTTiE♥ ! APPLE BOTTOM! - 20
♥ LeAVinG ToWn 2MoRroW ¤ MiD West Busty BloNde SnoW BUNNiE PlayMate ¤ CatCh Me WhiLe YoU CAN ♥ - 21
I'm So TaSty!!! EXTREMELY TaLenTeD BuRNeTTe Barbie!! [ BRAND NW FaCe 2 the AreA ] - 21
L°_E _°T°_° S° ► "available now" ◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° - Specials - 20
(pioneer and 91 fwy)
HOT wild NASTY exotic BUSTY latina WITH big HUGE 40DDD'S to FONDLE and play all FETISHES - 25
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
__*!*____ B_L_O_N _D_E_S ___*!*__ A_L_W_A_Y_S ____*!*___ H_A_V_E _____ *!* ____F_U_N!____ *!* - 22
(_____ 91 ! 71O ! 6O5 Fwys *)
{BeST CHoiCe 80${{ SeXy}{ *BLoNde*}} 80${{HoTTie }}*l* {{ *CuRvY*}}* CaLL NoW - 21
☆ :: _BiG B00TY!_ :: *S.E.X.Y* *M-i-X-E-D .. BrUnEtTe* {~36DD'S~} = 6O SPECiALS! = ☆ - 20
(Long Beach, 91/710/605FWY » [6O INCALLS]...Xo)
((AVAILABLE NOW 24HRS))---> ©OME & NJO ¥ 5 ((★)) ♛ ROYAL _ TREATMENT ♛ SPCIALS!! - 20
(Norwalk / Cerritos / Artesia / Downey)
(( B L O N D E )) ___ *BARBiE* ___ {SuPeR} ___ :S W E E T: ___ [&] ___ =YUMMY= _____ 1OO SPECiALS! - 23
(Long Beach, _ INCALL * OUTCALL _)
💗 Be AuTiFuL ♥ ExOtic ♥ PLaY m aTe 💗 - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos Artesia Norwalk Downey*incalls*)
NEW PICS -:¦:- LUSCIOUS V-:¦:- BiG BooTy SnOwBuNNiE -:¦:- Amazimng Skills -:¦:- 60 SPECIALS - 25
(Long Beach, ╚»NORWALK INCALL 5/605 FWY«╝)
NeWoOo * DeLiCiOuS * oOo * oOo*ErOtIc *oOo _ WeTt _ oOo * wett PuSsy *oOo - 20
NeW IN TOWN..💋PeRfEcT 💋TeN 💋 ThE 💋BeSt💋 Of 💋ThE 💋BeSt ~ ❤in call Special❤ - - 21
(Long Beach, norwalk downey artesia)
💢❤💢——💄💢❤💢[[ N£W SW€€T & S€X¥ EBoNY BARBi€ ] 💢❤💢💢❤💢[[ 12O$ HOUR - 6O$//3OMiNS ]] 💢❤💢 PUT iT iN MEe 😘 - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605 frwy - pioneer - Artesia/Norwalk)
★ Gorgeous ★ ————— █ BLONDE BOMBSHELL █ ————— 5staR ServiCe ————— ★ REAL PICTURES!! ★ - 28
(Long Beach, LB Wilmnigton HarborCity Lomita Crsn PV)
f L a w L s s * ReDHeaD *+CaRiSma Lo^£ + Let M B Ur SluT - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia,91,downey,norwalk,cerritos(605))
—♥— [[ Hazel Eyes • JUICY BOOTY ]] ——♥— [[ WHITE LATINA BOMBSHELL ]] —♥—— [[ S P E C I A L S ]] —♥— - 22
(Long Beach, Lakewood / Artesia / Bellflower / Downey)
—————————— GORGEOUS ___*!* LATINA ————————— ★S p E c I a L 's (80)——————— - 25
—♥—[[ GoRGeouS ]] —— ♥ —— [[ SEXY ]] —— ♥ —— [[ LATINA]] —— ♥ —— [[ GiRL NeXT DooR]] —♥ - - 20
(Long Beach, Artesia Downey Norwalk Cerritos Incalls)
$$ 60 $$ SPECIAL!!! MISS Mercedes BENDS!! - 19
(Long Beach, 91 @ 605 Artesia Downey Cerritos Norwalk)
((80 SpEcIaLS Today)) Irresistible BIG BUSTY natural SEXY Latina MeXicana call NOw Sofi - 35
(Long Beach, Lakewood/Downey/Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos)
($60 specials ) PuReTo RiCaN ViXen! _______ AnYtHiNg ~~ GoEs _______ ($60 specials )Exotic vixeN - 21
60$~°~ {TH!cK} ~°~ {PeRkY} ~°~ {CuRVy} ~°~ {ExoT!c G¡rL} ~°~60$___B[¡]G = R(o)uND = B_0_0_T_¥ ``60$ - 19
50$ 50$ 50$ Special Sexy latina CARMEN te Espero 213-545-4104 91/605 fwy .. Pioneer - 25
(Long Beach, cerritos long beach orange county downey)
80$ INCALL SPECIALS :•❤•: + New Face + :•❤•: Nikki :•❤•: + New Face + :•❤•: LIMITED TIME ONLY - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia , Cerritos , Norwalk, Downey)
80$ MONICA 80$$ 36dd Bonita Latina me or free ..... 213-2480052 Pioneer/Artesia - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit pioneer)
!! 80 !! P_ _R _ F_ _C_T __ _BoDY! _ ( ( ( rotic) ) ) __P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e!! 80 !! - 21
•°•°• 2Mixed Hotties •°•°• CoMe Out & PlaY WitH Us •°• {{×EarLy MorNiNg BurSt×}} *60 SpeciaL* - 22
60$$ Ready Monica 60$ 38DD I'm READY pretty Latina ..... Pioneer/Artesia - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit pioneer)
6*0 INCaLL VERY {HoT} BarBie PLayMate* JuIcY B0oTy & A FREAKY {MuSt HavE} NEW HOT PICS. - 22
60$ SPECIAL ... Monica 38DD I'm READY pretty Latina ..... Pioneer/Artesia - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit pioneer)
4O4-991-8677 A V A i L A B LE ♥----> sexy BRunEttE - 21
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk cerritos downey lb)
$60 {{ APPLE BOTTOM!!*}} ♥_____M___Y ______J___O___B $60 DOLL FACED ♥ ——— S3XY PUERTO RICAN - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia! Norwalk ! Cerritos ! Downey)
___ = 1oo$ Incall = ___ = Young & Tight Blonde Bombshell = ___ = 100% Real = ___ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
{{60 SpeciaL}} ♡SeXy ThIcK GoDeSs ♡ ♡ HeRe To PlEaSe YoU ♡ ♡ New Pics. 100% Real! ♡ ♡ {{60 SpeCiaL} - 19
____$60 Specials!!! __ _____ S__ _W__ _€ _ __€ _ __T_ ____ _& _ ___ _S__ _ € _ ___X_ ___Y _ ________ - 24
(Long Beach, 91 & Pioneer)
($60 Specials) Google my number! --Aly-- Highly Reviewed Latina! - 25
(Long Beach, 606/91@Pioneer, Artesia,Cerritos,Downey)
(New Pics) I've Been A Bad Girl...I NEED @ SPANKIN' You Ready 4 ME $6o Specials! (New Pics) - 20
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Artesia,Cerritos,Downey)
NEW 2 AREA 80 $♣ ♛ PRETTY FACE ♛ ♣hhr/100$♣ ♛ PERFECT b0dy ♛ ♣♣♣♣ UPSCALE.100% REAL PICS - 20
NeW IN TOWN..💋PeRfEcT 💋TeN 💋 ThE 💋BeSt💋 Of 💋ThE 💋BeSt ~ ❤in call Special❤ - - 21
(Long Beach, norwalk downey artesia)
::+NeW!! 60 SpeciaL+:: ❤ CoMe PlaY WiTh Me D.@dd.Y❤ ::+NeW!! 60 SpeciaL+:: - 22
New Sexy latina Monica (( 60$ Special )) u won't regret it ... pioneer exit off 91 fwy - 24
(Long Beach, orange county lakewood downey artesia)
((_iTs OpeN-MiNdeD Remy RidaH_)) TyMe To GeT N@ughTy {{{--Amazing Specials--}}} - 18
🏩INCALL ONLY🏩 Pretty Mixed Girl 🌺 Baby Doll 🌺 Sweet & Petite 🌺 Call Now 6266533814 - 19
(Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Huge BUSTY melon 40DDD TITS on Super EXOTIC LATINA thats in the (562) AREA or can go to your place - 25
(near the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place b)
L°_E _°T°_° S° ► "available now" ◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° - Specials - 20
(pioneer and 91 fwy)
if u treat me good ill treat u better so its a win win situation for both of us. lets party incall - 23
(Long Beach, in or outcall is ok lbc lakewood downey)
HOT wild NASTY exotic BUSTY latina WITH big HUGE 40DDD'S to FONDLE and play all FETISHES - 25
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Ki§§ABLE *KAnDi*is*rEAdy NEVER n a RuShhh 60/140 incAlL till 1pm - 23
(Long Beach, 710 downey,s.gate,&; incall only)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Early Morning!HOTTie LaTiN BoMbShELL ♥* HiGhLy SKiLLeD &ADDiCTiVe; *♥* 1OO% REAL PiCs GuARaNTeeD - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
💦💋 Creamy latina💋💦💦 🙌🏽💁🏼💁🏼 SUPER FREAK😜😫Si Hablo Espanol💃🏼💃🏼 909 714-4144 - 21
(Artesia, 91, 105, 605 Fwy Downey Incall, Downey, Long Beach)
.-:¦: Check IT OUT .-:¦:- XÕIC .-:¦:-. Polynesian Beauty -:¦:- ->> Yummy A(s)(s)ets !!... - 22
(Long Beach, Downey/Artesia/Norwalk {605,91fwy})
🌻🌻 College Girl • New Girl • SWEET & PETITE • Call Now 6266533814 🌻🌻 - 19
(Artesia, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk)
(( !¡! CAUTION !¡! )) ____ * EXTREMELY * ____ {{ N-AUGH-TY }} ____ :: SM0KiN' H0T :: ____ [ BL0NDE ] - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos-Artesia-Norwalk-Downey)
████☆★☆████ ~~~❀~~~A Little Touch Of Relaxation ! ~~~❀~~~ ████☆★☆████ - 23
(Long Beach, Downey/Bellflower/Artesia/605/105/91Fwy)
(( B L O N D E )) ___ * BARBiE * ___ { SuPeR } ___ : H O T : ___ [.&.] ___ = SWEET= _____ SPECIALS! - 23
(_____ 91 / 71O / 6O5 Fwys!)
60 special Eliz in town come taste me squeeze me love me 😙😙😙 - 21
(Downey, Downey,Artesia,Bellflower,lakewood, Long Beach)