Mon 27 Jan
*:©:* ExTrEmElY ©:* AdDiCtIvE *:©:* BrUnEtTe *::* HoTtIe!!! *:©
(Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
★ ★ EVERY ★ ★ MANS ★ ★ FANTASY ★★ - 20
(Long Beach, cerritos,long beach,Norwalk,Artesia,Lax)
Downey 100% Latina Hablo español 100% real 100% sexy - 21
(Cerritos, Downey, Lakewood Boulevard stonewood mall, Long Beach, Norwalk)
☑️♥️♠️🚧😅〰. Curby. Piitite 🎀c. 🎀. 🙋💝Pricess. 👑👸👸Colonbiana 👸👸👸 - 24
(Long Beach, 710. Fwy. Saugate downy parramon bell)
~* eXXXpLoSiVe ~*~ WeT'n WiLD ~*~ PLeaSuRe ~*~ NAUGHTY * YounG * HOTTIE! ~*~ WaNNa PLaY ? ~*~ - 21
____ *EXOTiC* bLoNdE :B:A:B:E: {150% REAL pics} BuBBLe B(o)(o)Ty !!! {BuSTy} *DoNt MiSS OuT!!* ___ - 21
(ArTeSia/DoWney/Norwalk/Cerritos 91/605)
*DoMiNiCan *HAiTiAN* HOTt & SeXXy big booty bOMBshell $60$pecials!! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia*norwalk*downey*lakewood*cerritos)
★【💋 CuRvY】★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's】★【cUτ!e💋 !! 】★【spaNKaBℓε 💋 αSS 】★【 N€₩ Hot 60 Spec!als】 - 21
(Long Beach, ★Cerritos Artesia 91//605//710fwy Incall)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY - -:¦:★ SpeciaLs - 20
(Artesia / Norwalk / Cerritos)
CreMe de La CremE ▬ 💕▬★ 100% REAL★ ★ V ▬💕 MiXed HoTTie▬ ★★▬up aLL nitE💕▬BranD neW !!★★▬💕▬ ★★ - 22
(Long Beach, Bellflower/ Norwalk/ Cerritos)
CoMe OveR and ReLaX ~*~* SeducTive BLonde HoTTie ~*~* Ready To PLay ~*~* CaLL NoW FoR SpeCiaLs ~*~* - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos,Bellflower 91Fwy)
COME & ^ ---- | PLAY |---- WITH ---- *(*( ME!)*)* Ready, and waiting 4 U*)*)*) - 19
💋💕💋💕💋💕Come get the 👑ROYAL👑 Treatment💕💋💕💋💕💋 Classy 80special✨5 star Persian cuite💫 - 21
(Artesia Cerritos Norwalk 91/605, Long Beach)
★ CHECK THESE ★ S p e c i a l s ★ O U T ★ - - 20
~ DONT ~ MiSS ~ OuT ~ On ~ ThIs ~~~~~ GOrGeOuS && PeTiTE LATINA TrEaT !!!!!
(Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
* E_X_o_T _i _ C * G_o_R_G _e_o_U_ S * P_L _a_Y_M _a_T_e * * cALL NOw ! ! - 21
°° DoNt WaStE ThiS BeAuTiFuLL DaY °° CoMe SpeNd iT WiTh a GoRgEoUs GiRL WhOs ReAdY To PLaY °° - 19
♥DaNGERoUSLY ______ ★°•. Addictive .•°★Curvy ______ Beautiful 6O Incall SpeciaL! - 20
(Long Beach, Cerritos Norwalk 91-6O5fwys Incalls)
◆ ◆ *** CLICK HERE***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INCALL SPECIALS - 20
(Artesia * Cerritos * Norwalk * Incalls)
__________ ~ _CUTIE__NEXT __DOOR_ ~ ____________ ~ SLiM & SeXxY ~ __________ - 21
(Cerritos, Artesia, Norwalk)
BuStY 36 DD PrEtTy . GORGEOUS ExOTIc. Latina. 100 Specials - 27
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/CERRITOS/Montebello)
_ _ _ _ CURVY BEAUTY _ _ _ _ THICK GODDESS _ _ __ YUMMY BABE _ _ _ _ _ BIG BOOBS _ _ __ _ BUSTY __ _ - 21
♥ ☆ CRAVING * SOMEONE... B=U=S=T=Y? ☆ ♥ Available LATE nights - 18
(Artesia , Cerritos , Norwalk)
- - - *Come* N *Check* OUT my *NEW* L(o)(o)K - - - [Young] [Mixed] [Playmate!!!] - 19
😻😻😛👅💦 Chocolate Treat, The Best U could Eat. Delicious and Sweet 😘 💲specials last til 8am - 25
(Long Beach, Bellflower, Cerritos, Downey, Norwalk)
CALL ME ((714 948 65 96 )) aly and jenny two girl for 80 $ % - 25
(Long Beach, longbeach,91@pioneer,aryesia,cerritos,)
*{* CoMe pLay WiTh A*}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* - 22
((( CLICK HERE )) ------ (( EaRLy mORNinG SpEcIaLs )) ------------- (( CuM gEt a TaStE )) ----- - 20
?BUSTY ? BlonDE? HOTTIE ? AbSOlutlY STunninG;!! - 21
(Long Beach, *Cerritos/ norwalk/Artisa incall)
([(‼️ CLiCK HERE! ‼️)]) ✨ N€W ➔ ✨💗 BLOND£ ❥ WHiT£•GiRL 💞💖 1OO% R£AL ☎️ SW€€T & TiGHt ❥ LETs PLA¥ ‼️🚺 - 21
(91 & Pioneer : Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos, Long Beach)
★* (= CAUTi✪N =) °o©° (= iNCREDiBLY =) ©° (= H✪TT =) *★ - 21
Check Out My New Sexy Pics!!! Sexy Latina Here!! 80/20 - 21 - 23
CALL NOW 50$ LuNcH $p¢ia£s ?Th!cK Th!GhS °o? ?N!Ce H!Ps °o? RoUnD BoOtTy ? LuC!OuS L!PS °o - 23
(Long Beach, cerritos"norwalk"artsia NEAR 91 & 605)
*°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=HOT=)) °o©° $ SPeCiALS ReViEwEd - 23
(91/Pioneer incalls/outcalls 2 u)
☆ = ❥ *▓* Âb§OLutLy ÂmÂzInG * ▓* .* (_S_e_X_y_) 1OOO% REAL ! *.* - 23
(Long Beach, 605/91 Fwy =) Cerritos / Norwalk !)
♥ ——————— * BL0NDES *DO IT* BETTER * ——————— * 80 SPECiALS! * ——————— ♥ - 20
(Long Beach, 91 Fwy =) Norwalk/ Cerritos/ Long Beach)
CINDY Big BUtT (( SPECIAL 80/30 )) off 91fwy near 605fwy - 25
(562 Lakewood,Cerritos,Artesia,Downey)
Beyond your deepest fantasies ☆ Sexy stallion India ♡upscale encounters 24/ 7 ♢ Juicy mouth tricks ♡ - 18
(bellflower lakewood downey Whittier lax, Carson, Cerritos, Long Beach, Norwalk)
*CLiCK HeRe! *NeW SUPER -HOTT! * * BRuNeTTe *GiRL NeXT DooR! * 100% *ReaL*! *INCaLLS NoW! - 21
(Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos 91fwy)
»»»» BuBbly bottom Hotnness»» »»specials... Commerce / Downey 80 80 80 80 - 25
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/CERRITOS/Artesia/Santa fe)
😍👅 Breakfast Awaits No need 4 a Plate. Call 4 Your Date - 25
(Long Beach, Bellflower, Cerritos, Downey, Norwalk)
(Norwalk..Cerritos..Artesia.. INcalls)
B E S T C H O I C E[unrushed] E X O T I C [fun] V I S I T I N G - 25
(Cerritos/Artesia/Norwalk, Long Beach)
((£aST DaY SpLs!)) •♛• Exclusive {{1 oF A KiNd}} Companion •♛• BeAiTiFuL BuNNii •♛• {{£aSt CHaNCe}} - 25
(Long Beach, ARTESIA/NORWALK 91/605 FWY)
Americas # 1 AddicTion ((((( Wet Tight & young )))) AppleBottomed Slut - 19
Aly and Jenny Two Hot Latinas! Special Special 60!!!!!!!!!!!! - 25
(Long Beach, Long Beach,91@ Pionner Norwalk Cerritos)
AttRaCTive FuN SiZED PlayMaTe ~ 100% *REAL PiCS* ! ( Always Ready ) SPECiALS* TOTAL FUN! - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos Norwalk bellflower)
♥ ____ LIMITED TIME ONLY.. So come see this sexy mixxed Hottie___ ♥ - 22
(Downey~Norwalk~Cerritos 1o5 FwY*)
ARTESIA✨✨✨100%ReaL PiCs💋 💋 HOT & READY💦😻💋👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆 EnJoYs IT aLl - 19
(Cerritos, Artesia, Norwalk, Long Beach)
♥ Asian & Latina * Playdate * Today Is My Last Night 100% Me Or I'm Free! I'm all real! - 23
ARTESIA✨✨✨100%ReaL PiCs💋 💋 HOT & READY💦😻💋👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆 EnJoYs IT aLl - 19
(Artesia, Cerritos, Bellflower, Norwalk, Long Beach)
^_^ ASIAN BOMBSHELL ^_^ 8(o) SpEcIals *_*_* NoRwAlK / Downey /605 fwy *_*_* SpecIals *_*_*_*_* - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk/downey/605 fwy/cerritos)
*☆* NeW To ThE ArEa *★* ThIcK & SeXy *☆* ArE U ReAdY *★* EaRLy BiRd SpEcIaLs - 20
Aly and Jenny Sexy latinas 60 Special ******** - 25
(Long Beach, Longbeach,91@pionner,norwalk,cerritos)
AVAILABLE LATE!! * iNCaLLs * specials *_ FUN! HoTT Brunette * specials - 20
(Norwalk ::: Cerritos ::: Artesia)
^_^ ASIAN BOMBSHELL ^_^ 8(o)//6(0) SpEcIals *_*_* NoRwAlK / Downey /605 fwy *_* SpecIals *_*_*_*_* - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk/Downey/605 fwy/Cerritos)
--> New In Town!!! 34DD ** Hottie ** Platinum ** Blonde ** Hottie ** W/a8 ** Body -> - 21
(*Cerritos/ norwalk/artisa incall/outcal)
Aly and Jenny Two Hot Latinas! Special Special !!!!! Today ***** - 26
(Long Beach, Longbeach,91@pionner,norwalk,cerritos)
[===> sWeEt:::BLoNdE :::===pLaYmaTe :::aLL nIgHT===> ] __ [ ===> ':::ReAdY :::fOr :::yOu===> SPeCiAL - 21
(91fwy ArTesia Norwalk CerriTos)
(( AVAILABLE NOW )) LOOK ===== ((CuTiE w/ BOOTY )) * (1OO% FuN & SeXy) !!SPECIALS!! - 19
$80💕Best💑 $80 companionship 💕INcalls only $80💕New $80 pretty Sexy 🍒💕$80 - 21
(Anaheim, Buena Park Anaheim Costa Mesa, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Garden Grove, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County)
Sun 26 Jan
⬛🟥⬛🟥⬛▬★ anaheim. cerritos. lakewood__ cypress ★▬international staff ▬⬛🟨⬛🟥⬛🟨⬛★714-822-9098 ★★⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛
(Cerritos. Lakewood__ Cypress)
late at night⬛🟨⬛★santa fe spring🟨cerritos🟨lakewood 🟨anaheim🟨▬international staff ★⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛
(Santa Fe Spring. Anaheim)
⬛🟨⬛★santa fe spring🟨cerritos🟨lakewood 🟨anaheim🟨▬international staff ★⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛
(Santa Fe Spring. Anaheim)
⬛🟨⬛★santa fe spring🟨cerritos🟨lakewood 🟨anaheim🟨▬international staff ★⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛
(Santa Fe Spring. Anaheim)
Mon 13 Jan
80 Special - ♥ ___ ♥ YouR ULTIMATE LaTiNa FANTASY ♥ ___ ♥ - 21
(Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
6O Special ExxxCLuSiVE EvEnTS :::: AvAiLAbLE NoW ::::: SnACK :::: 6O Special - 22
8O specials LeTT LooSe ~ BiGeSt BooTy EvEr ~ InCALL SpECIAL ~ wItH The Best ~ HoTTiE NoW - 22
80 ___ SPECIAL ::____::____ :: HOT :: __ :: HOT :: __ :: HOT :: ____80 ____ SPECIAL :: ____ - 22
(Artesia, Norwalk,Cerritos)
80 SPECiAL __ TRUE ____ LaTiNa ___ L♥verS ____ # 1 PiCK __ NEW PiCS - 21
(Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
*$60specials!! _ ** I'm ——A—— V—€—®—Y —— ~F—®—€—A—K—y ~ ——— G—i—R—L-:¦:- - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos, Buena Park)
ALWAYS READy & Available ______ *** ______ Exotic Brunette _______ 100% Real/NO DRAMA - 20
(artesia . norwalk . cerritos . downey)
8189640716 💙� BEST you'll ever have💎 💙 🌟INCALLS ONLY 🌟 🍭SPECIALS 🍭🌟 ⏰Available 24-7⏰ 💋 - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Bellflower,lakewood,cerritos)
80 Special (¯`·.·´¯) Let this LATiNA/iTALiAN show you how to have some REAL FUN! (¯`·.·´¯) - 21
(Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
$60 N@ugHtY FUN ==> Big BOOTY ((Sexii CUBAN DoLL)) 1000% SUPER Freak! $60 N@uGhTy FUN! - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk Cerritos Cypress ) 91/605fwy)
Sun 12 Jan
☰✨$80❤️E✖ΘTiC ❥Ki₦KY ➔➔ ✨💗 bⓤⓢⓣⓨ ❥HO T ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘ€ ❥❥💎 Godess ❥👑 {{DOLL}} ☰ CΘM€❥ PLA¥❥ WiT - 23
(105.605 fwy! Downey. Norwalk. Incalls, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk)
^_^ ASIAN BOMBSHELL ^_^ 8(o) SpEcIals *_*_* NoRwAlK / Downey /605 fwy *_*_* (6)0 SpecIals *_*_*_*_* - 19
(Long Beach, norwalk/downey/605 fwy/cerritos)
Aly and Jenny Two Hot Latinas! Special Special - 26
(Long Beach, Long Beach,91@ Pionner Norwalk Cerritos)
*(( AmAziNg SkiLLs *)) EvErYtHinG YoU WaNt I HaVe AnD MuCh MorE [[×CoMe See For UrSeLf! ((+$$60$$+)) - 21
✦LAST DAY✦LaSt ChAnCe ✦NeW PiCS 100% REAL°o✦o° BLoNDe BuNNiE °o✦o° - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 5/605 FWY★)
•⚫️💗⚫️• { a dream come true - 🌟80* NEW GIRL IN TOWN } 🌟 { Gorgeous,PETiTe LaTiNA }&80*{NICE BODY }•⚫️💗 - 21
(Long Beach, 91 fwy / Artesia / Cerritos / Norwalk)