Sun 12 Jan
Last Chance!!! ***NAUGHTY thick bbw MISTRESS! juicy huge BOOBS!! - 23
▉ !!!!! KNOCKOUT!!!!! █ !! B L O N D E !! █ PlayMate !!!! █ █ █ I want YOU !!!! █ █ █▉ - 22
(Palm Springs, Outcall ( all desert cities ))
• ★ • _____• ★ • •♥• iNDEPENDENT BeAuTy •♥• • ★ •_____ • ★ - 21
(Los Angeles, Incall: Pasadena/Outcall: Your Place)
HoTTiE TOP MoDeL BeAuTY 🏆 Here All Day..Amazing Skills ..Let Me Spoil YoU! - 23
(Long Beach, Los Angeles,Bellflower,lakewood,Torrance)
✱ ★ °°_ITS_° _MY_°_ PLEASURE_°_ PLEASING_ °_YOU_°° ★ ✱
(In Call Paramount / Out Call)
It's All About You!! And You Deserve Every Bit!! Let Me Make You Feel GOOD All Over !! - 19
(Long Beach, I come to you)
Ill bE uR tEddY bEaR... CoMe hOp ¡N mY bEd... LATE niiGHt 0r EARLY biRd - 20
(Orange County, huntington beach, manhatten beach)
Sat 11 Jan
ATTENTION big BOOTY lovers,i'm latina/asian -75 dollar special 24-7 - 22
(Long Beach, anahiem/buena park)
$80 sp ♥L O O K ♥——————♥ NEW ♥———————♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-—————♥E X O T I C♥————— ◆ ◆ - 22
(Long Beach, 91fwy=Carson*Gardena* LongBeach*Torrance)
All New Girls ★★ === ♥✘♥✘♥ CRAViNG★ SOMETHiNG★ latinas & N.A.U.G.H.T.Y. ♥✘♥✘♥ - 23
(Long Beach, lampson & Stanford)
NeW NeW *•♛ •º•DREAM★ ('•.¸FUN☆¸.´¯) SEXY EXOTIC GODDESs (¯`'•.•'´¯) sPECIALs ALL DAY - 24
(Long Beach, dOWNEY iNCALL..Last Day..Leavin Tomorrow)
{{ NeW BBw }} BRuNeTTe {{ *LaTiNa* }} °*☆* 38DD'S *6O* SPECiALS - 24
(Whittier*Norwalk*Bellflower*Long beach)
======= LOOK NO FURTHER! ======== ❤ ========= I'M THE *BlonDe HoTTiE* oF YoUR DREAMS ====== - - 20
(Long beach..Cerritos..Artesia..Norwalk)
_-_Must See!!!!! ____ ___ ____ For those who like it HOTT!! ___ ____ ____ ____ ~ BUSTY ♥HOTTIE - 22
GoodMoRNiNG ~~> WaKe Up To ThA BeST ~~~> BuSTy BLonDe BoMBSHeLL ~~~> AvaiLaBLe NoW - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Bellflower,Downey Incalls)
Available Now! __ __ __ __ Super BUSTY LUSCIOUS BOOBS ___ ____ *Sensual Escape* - 22
(Long Beach, the 105 / 91 / 605 in downey)
:*: :*: A_b_O_v_E __ & __ B_e_Y_o_N_d __ T_h_E __ R_e_S_t_ :*: :* - 22
A BEAUTY °x° 60 sPECial °x° IM THE ONE °x° YOU NEED °x° SPECIALS NOW! - 20
(Long Beach, Carson..91..11Ofwy incalls & outcalls!)
60 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥NÅuGhTy fr€aK¥ mixed hotty♥to kink¥ for reality♥ - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
***%%*** 36DD ALL Natural ~RedhEaD FaThErs Day SPECials ***%%*** My REAL pictures ** UP all NIGHT - 24
🍻🍭🍬nasty naughtyy friday , CO'KANE🍻🍭🍬💦 Specials 💦come get a TREAT - 23
(Long Beach, 710 fwy / downtown long beach /)
°**° MouTh WaTeRiNg °**° JaW DroPPiNg °**° PeRFeCT 10 BLoNDe °**° UpScALe & CLaSSy!! - 22
:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: - 21
LINDSEY•°•tHe PrEttY bLoNde••BaRbIe L♥& ♥H0Liday TreAt :_** ALL nite SPeciaLS***** - 21
(Long Beach, norwalk downey 91 fwy)
J U I C Y B O O T Y > > > S L O P P Y H E A D > > > MmMmm... A R E N' T YOU GLAD U CLiCk'D __ME - 22
**COME Experience the BBW Of Your DREAMS** Naughty&Sweet; OUTCALL . Discreet location Incall!! - 28
((@)(@) INCALL & OUTCALL (@)(@), City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
come over and get pampered by a sexy girl....its all about you! Game day special 80/hr - 29
(Long Beach, Torrance/Gardena)
80/HR( ****** ((((( Sexy hot German/Puerto rican )))) Are u ready for it? *** New Pix - 27
...~~0oH DadDIi...I'v3 b3eN a BaD gIrL~~... - 24
(Long Beach, crystal casino hotel/long beach/compton)
New Video Booth Luversz,Exotic Bubble Butt! "38DD" Topnotch Diva! Unrushed unlimited Fun♡ 3233277196 - 22
(Westside, Lax Area /Los Angeles/Inglewood)
Come and see me the * DELICIOUS* $50 special!! very experienced - 19
(Long Beach, Downtown longbeach.710 freeway)
come over and get pampered by a sexy girl....its all about you! dont miss the specials today 80/hr - 29
(Long Beach, Torrance/Gardena)
* ♥ -:¦:- CoMe GeT A TaSTe OF PaRaDiSE! -:¦:- ♥ * *You Will LOVE IT!* - 22
(iNCALLs 91/6o5/71o)
CoMe _ GeT _ THe _ C u R V e S _ You _ D e S e R V e_ ===> S W ee T _ R =SPECiALS - 19
(bellflower incall)
o°*°o SiMpLy StUnNiNg ♥ AmAziNgLy ♥ AdDiCtIvE ♥ °*° SPECIALS o°*°o - 20
prettiest party pal on the list.. .real picts ...real hot ...real deal 100% REAL PICTS OF ME - 23
(Long Beach, lbc/palos verdes/redondo/lax/hermosa/mdr)
Only Today📷 KATY📷 PETITE👌 COLOMBIANA💋#1ReQUESTED PLAYMATE!•°1st Come 1st SERVED!+📢562-294-8371 - 22
(Bellflower👀👀👀📢SI YO HABLO ESPANOL📢, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Let's have some fun baby call me for specials - 29
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, OUTCALLS to YOUR PLACE)
*°•*☆*•° Limited time here *!* Texas Best 80 Incall *°•*☆*•°* * Come see what you've been missing - 22
(Long Beach, * Cerritos * Artesia * Norwalk * 91/605)
★ [iF §H§ GOoD . . iM BR] ★[&&] ★ [i G§ NO bR HaN Hi§] ★ - 22
I LoVe wHaT I Do ****** & I DO iT WeLL ******* 110 & 91 fwy harbor city - 24
(mY PlaCe HoStInG...harbor city)
(¯`'. iNdepenDeNt (¯`'.¸ ♥ BoMBSHeLL ♥ ¸.'´¯) iNCALL SPECiALs ¸.'´¯) AvAiL. NoW - 22
(*!* 605/105 fwy (( iNCALLs )))
Hot European BBW Blonde Bombshell Ready To Meet Your Every Desire...INCALL 24hrs - 30
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Torrance incall...OUTCALL avaible)
hottest latina on this site. SPECIAL... 100 for 30min..special. 949/566/7480 party friendly monica - 28
(Long Beach, pch and redondo)
(( ♥ happy♥ )) :: ::50(( ♥ ♥Lovely ♥ ♥ )) ::50 :: (( ♥ ♥ Now♥)) - 22
(Long Beach, Bellflower, 91fwy,562.567.5691)
Fri 10 Jan
🍻🍭🍬nasty naughtyy friday , CO'KANE🍻🍭🍬💦 Specials 💦come get a TREAT - 23
(Long Beach, 710 fwy / downtown long beach /)
★ NeW LoCaTiOn!! ★♂ ------- Sweet ---------- L i k e → C A N D Y ♀ ★ 80 Special ♬¡Se Habla Español!♬ - 22
(Long Beach, 91Fwy >>> Downey// IN CALL)
MiDwEsT S3Xx FReAk *** pLaYbOI" S bADD-eSt BLOnDe *** ExClUsIvE rAtES ******* 60 qq - 19
=♛ { N__o__T__ H__ ! __ N__G __ ...♛... C__ o__ M __ P __ @ __ R __ 3 __S }♛= - 19
(Artesia-InCaLl OuTcAlLs)
G*F*E :::: SNOW BUNNY ((AvAiLABLe) ) BLoNDe HoTTiE G*F*E* (( 80QK ANyTiMe== ==LooK)) - 20
(ArTeSia (91/605/105))
👠💄💋Don't Make Me Wait Much Longer $60 Special 🔥Linda Leone🔥(714 )829-0059. - 30
(5 Fwy/Firestone ave/Norwalk., City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)
BBW BaMbII BaNgSkOk iS ReAdY To RoCk ThAt ..K... LeT Me QuEnCh ThAt ThIrSt... - 28
((@)(@)Torrance/SanPedro /Hermosa/Redondo, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
♡★♡ B@D LITTLE $NO₩BUNN¥ ♥ ♥ M O U T H W A T E R I N G ♡★♡ GiRL N€XT D00R ↓↓ - 22
(Long Beach, downey (105 605 frwy)incalls only)
°° ★ °° ()°____ - B- L- O - N - D - E - _____ °() °°★ °° - 24
BBW Bambii Bangskok ...In Town For Your Many Pleasures.... Discrete Incall Location **24hrs** - 27
((@)(@) INCALL & OUTCALL (@)(@), Long Beach)
♥ Asian & Latina * Playdate * Today Is My Last Night 100% Me Or I'm Free! I'm all real! - 23
•••► AMAZiNG SKiLLS. o * o .SEXi EBONY. o * o .TOE CURLiNG. o * o . Incalls* - 19
(Long Beach, (HWY-5)COMMERCE Incall50/80/160 SPECiALS)