Fri 03 Jan
💋💕💋 Busty ♥ Big Booty ♥ Beautiful Dominican Freak ♥ Simply The Best 💋💕💋 24/7 - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Norwalk area 91/605)
BRAND NEW!! GIANT Stacked Rebone Vixen! BIG ASS MAN! The Kind You Want To Pound Hard! 100$! - 35
(North OC & LBC Border)
💎19 yr Hotti!es _S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥ Pℓαγmαtε 💕NAK1D NURU B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens / Whittier)
3 Beautiful, Hot Sexy Latinas at their own private location 120 donation - 27
(Long Beach, 510 N Longbeach Compton Ca 90221 LAXarea)
1oo DRoP DeaD GorGeouS * expeRiANce YouR ULtiMaTe F@NTaSys * CLassy FLawLeSS BLoNde ** iN YoUr AreA! - 21
(ArTeSia Norwalk 91fwy incall/outcall)
%100 REAL PICTURE'S ★ hOtT!e ★ EyE CaNdY& SiMpLy IrReSiStAbLe ★ EXCLUSIVE - 19
(Cerr..Arte..Norw..91-6O5fwys incalls)
100__S P E C I AL S__( L O O K ) ..HoT TiGhT & jUiCy .. (NaTuRaL FrEaK) ..HOTTIE GirL WiTh ASS - 20
(Artesia/Off the 91)
★ 100% ReaL =) HoTTesT BLoNDe! CaLL Me!! *DoNt WaNnA PaSS ThIs uP!!* ViSiTiNg!!! - 23
(Long Beach, Cerritos / Norwalk / Artesia 91 FWY =))
ღ ᵔ.ᵔ ღ C u t e, I T A L I A N, and p 💄ExoTiC ,, SweeTe t i t e ღ ᵔ.ᵔ ღ YOUR hot D E L i V E R Y 😍 - 22
(Bellflower, Long Beach, Outcalls Everywhere)
LovELY $$$% aNd $$%$ LonLY $PeciAL GURL waitinG For u........... - 19
Look No Further! ___ The TOTAL PACKAGE! ___Brains, Beauty, Boobs, & Booty! ___ Drama Free REAL PICS! - 26
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Outcall (Your Place))
Latina 18 y/o real pic. flat rate. petite nice body. - 18
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, sgv)
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN ♥ The VeRy BeSt! ♥ - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos.. Norwalk. Downey 91 FWY =))
❤ ~ * •♛• ❤ ~ * •♛• JAW DROPPING❤ * •♛• ❤ ~ * •♛• EbOnY FrEaK~ * •♛• ❤ ~•♛• ❤ ~ * •♛• - 29
(Long Beach, incall - 605 * outcall)
💋💋💋💋💋 L.A ESCORT ASIAN 💋💋💋💋💋 Finest Outcall Services 💋💋💋💋💋 New & Young 💋💋💋💋💋 Fast Arrival 💋💋💋💋💋 - 20
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, 💋💋💋💋💋HOTEL RESIDENCE OUTCALL ANYWHERE💋💋💋)
Im Where YOU Wanna Be $50 & $80 ☞91&CLARK;☜ SPECIALS; YES❣❣ - 20
(Long Beach, 91fwy Exit Clark/ INCALLS)
(I) -- ( W O N ' T )( S T O P ) ( T I L L )( U )( G E T )( E N O U G H ) - 21
Jenifer ☆ beautiful☆ Up Scale♥ sweet & sexy☆In call ☆☆☆☆100 full donation - 28
(Long Beach, Lakewood blvd & Imperial Hwy off 105 Fwy)
Beautiful Talented Mature Ms Raven Pleasure is all yours! After 6:00pm & wknds PCH Near Palos Verdes - 47
(Long Beach, In Lomita near Palos Verdes on PCH)
Beautiful Talented Mature Ms Raven Pleasure is all yours! ((INCALL)) 24/7 - PCH Near Palos Verdes - 47
(Long Beach, South Bay Area near Palos Verdes on PCH)
¥*~Available Now!**Come Get A Chocolate Treat**• Exotic Ebony Doll•💋💦~*¥ Incalls - 20
(Long Beach, 91,605 fwy Lakewood, Downey, &bellflower;)
Back in the area💕💕Sexy Fun Friendly💋💋 Real & Independent 😜😋 Sensual Massage Specialist! - 24
(Long Beach, Long Beach & Area)
♥ ____ LIMITED TIME ONLY.. So come see this sexy mixxed Hottie___ ♥ - 22
(Downey~Norwalk~Cerritos 1o5 FwY*)
beautiful ebony mistress * your sexy wi$h ** Bigg DD'S (.)(.) *slim waist **FULL LIPS ** round azz - 22
(Long Beach, downey incall &outcall;)
( * ( * ( * ( * ( * ( *( All Natural 40Double DD's BUSTY 4 foot 8 SHORTY * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) - 19
*** ((( NeW BaRbiE ))) * (((WoNdeR LiPs))) * ((( BiG BooTy ))) * ((( AvaiLabLe NoW ))) *** - 21
(ARTESIA ....... NORWALK ........ INCALLS)
✈New in town...Blonde...22yrs old...Text or Call📲 - 23
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, OC/LONG BEACH/LA, Orange, Orange County)
▆▓▓ ▓▓▆▃❤¨❇ New!! NeW!! New!! Late Night Spec. Redbone Delight ❇¨❤▃▆▓▓ ▓ - 19
(Long Beach, 405 91 >> FwY carson)
{{ NeW BBw }} BRuNeTTe {{ *LaTiNa* }} °*☆* 38DD'S *8O* SPECiALS - 24
(Whittier*Norwalk*Bellflower*Long beach)
*New** BIGG BOOTY playmate ** Bigg DD'S (.)(.) *slim waist **FULL LIPS **N@STY EBONY - 22
(Long Beach, downey incall)
New In Town Come Enjoy pleasure🌸with your kinky fun size👸asian!! AVAILABLE NOW💕 - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Long Beach, Downey)
NeW PERKY big B( . )( . )BS + + + BooT- Soooooooo FREAKY freaky SpEciALs -MIxeD - 18
(Long Beach, FRWY 91)
$$$$$New To Anahiem Area Incalls Specials With A very SEXXY SMALL PETITE ASIAN GODDESS$$$$$$ - 19
(Long Beach)
NeW PERKY big B( . )( . )BS + + + T!Te BooT- Soooooooo FREAKY freaky SpEciALs -MIxeD - 18
(Long Beach, FRWY 91)
🌟🌟New in town🌟🌟Late night specia🌟🌟Mixed beauty 🌟🌟 - 21
(405/91fwy INCALL SPEC 😍😘, Carson, Long Beach)
Good afternoon Gentleman Jenifer sweet enough 2 keep u happy $ 120 Full donation - 27
(Long Beach, lakewood , Downey , Paramount)
Hello My Name Is ** JENNY ** and my SPECIAL you'll like ** call me ** - 25
Hey Daddy !! 23.YES girl!! All the way !!Your sexy girlfriend
(Long Beach, Carson Gardena Torrance San Pedro)
ExOtiC, GoRgEoUs, PReTTy, LaTiNa.. 60 SPECiALS! Available LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs / Downey, Norwalk)
' Ebony , ready to take you to Ecstasy (; >click here !!< - 19
(Long Beach, ..Hawthorne..LA..OC..ect.)
██████████████ EARLY MORNING ████████████ SPECIALS █████████████ 559-546-9529 ██████████████ - 19
(Long Beach, 605 fwy /Pico Rivera /Whittier)
A Treatment That You Seek and Desire **call me I'am LINDA Sexy Latina** - 25
*♥*__ ADDICTIVE__ *❤* __BRUNETTE__ *❤*__ BOMBSHELL __*♥* __READY NOW - 21
80 80 80 this morning HOTTIE VoLUpTiOuS ... SeNsUaL BuStY PrEtTy sPeCiAlS - 23
60/100 Clark Specials ✦__SeDuctive & AstONiShinq__✦ Let Me Show You My Skills - 20
(Long Beach, 91fwy/Clark)
$8O __________ $8O ___________ $8O __________ $8O ___________ $8O __________ $8O __________ $8O ____
(I N C A L L S ------ READY NOW!!)
60 special kimmy new number 323/374/8059 ★SmAll n PeTiTe ★PuErToRiCaN & bLaCk an IrIsH super - 20
(Long Beach, 605rosecran/bellflower/norwalk)
5'4 11Olbs 34D [*ALL NATURAL*] Beautiful Busty Japanese Hottie **- ->[Visiting]
(6O5/Whittier In & Out :))
$80SPECIAL*+ *+Hot * Sexy * BLOND * 80$ * SPECIAL *+*+ - 25
(Long Beach, LB/Lynwd/Norw/out call specials)