Mon 27 Jan
♥ LaSt ChAnCe 2 MaKeThIs WeEkEnD UnFoRgEtAbLe w/ A SeXy 100 SpECiAl ♥ - 21
(Long Beach, Carson ♥ {{ near MALL off 405 }})
💦MouthWatering incall 80/100 SpecialExotic✔️ Upscale✔️🌇 Special 😘 Ready Now 🏪Slim waist 👙Gorgeous Face - 20
(City of Long Beach, Downey, Downey🏆 605/105fwy, Long Beach)
"Mia" INDEPENDENT / Sweet/FUN - PiCs ACCurate/CURRent 100% REAL INcall req. 1st visit DISneyLAND - 28
(City of Long Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, orange anaheim disneyland irvine, Orange County)
LaST NiTE!! ((BrUnEttE HoTTiE)) LaSt CHaNCe!! (`'•LuSCiOUs V•'´) UnB€Li€vaBL€ SKILLS & SpECiALs - 25
(Long Beach, Norwalk {605/5} Incall & Outcall)
*♥* LOOK------->>> {{ThE BEST hAs ARRIVED!!!}} ::: :Se xX x Y:: ::E XO TIC - 20
🚘 Long Beach Outcalls 💟🚺💄Sexy and SLIM FILIPINO PLAYMATE 🎎🉐🈹 Sweet as HEAVEN 💌 Kinky as HELL 👙💥 - 21
(Long Beach, Long Beach, Carson, Firestone, Lakewood)
((LeAViNG ToMoRRoW)) SeXy BRUNETTE :•.★.•:L€T M€ SHOW YOU HoW aMaZiNG I AM:•.★.•: AvAi£aBLe aLL NiTe - 25
(Inland Empire, Temecula Incall/Outcalls)
LaST NiTE((SeXii BrUNeTTe BuNNii)) LUSCIOUS V *•♥•* THE 1 & ONLY *•♥•* ULTiMaTe ExPeRiEnCe - 25
Mixed Cuban goddess The Best Mouth Therapy 💦💧👅 You'll Luv Me Early Bird InCall specials - 23
(BELLFLOWER INCALL 91fwy, Garden Grove, Long Beach, Orange County)
"LeT'S Roll Around " N a K eD " !!! CLiCK HERE == > JuiCy BoOTy JaDa !! Come SLIDE oFF mY PaNtiEs - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK 91FWY)
👑🌟 $K!LLeD Mouth💋 T!!GHT Gr!P$ 👐 u WAnT It!!! CoM3 & l3t m3 jUmP oN !T !!! 👑🌟 - 26
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, ➡Incall➡San Pedro⬅in call ⬅➡SaN.PeDRo ⬅)
KINKY & FUN‼️ Voluptuous BUSTY Sweetheart Ready To fullfill ALL Your Fantasies‼️ INCALL&OUTCALL; - 21
(Inland Empire, Victorville Applevalley Barstow hesperia)
№➊ JAW DROPPING ⚡ G O R G E O U S Q U E E N 👑 1OO% Rεaℓ↱ ➡ SeXy 💯📱🌅 ready now 🌉📱 - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk, ⚡DOWNEY 👉 91/105/605fwy 💥INCALL ONLY)
Look /// YoUr DiRtY LiTtLe SeCreT *** KiLLeR CurVes * Nice * NeW BuSTy PLayMate **AVaiL 24/7 - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK 91FWY)
●L●Ø●Ø●K ___N●€●W● ●G●!●R●L●_____ [ UNFoRG€TTABL€ ] ☆°__ €XOTiC__ €BONY__ (¯`•TH!CK __ •´¯) - 20
(Long Beach, ••••• ► *DOWNEY // INCALL ONLY* ◄ •••••)
*L_e_T__ m _E __ S _a _T _i _S _f _Y __ y _O _u _R __ e _V _e _R _y __ N_ e _E _d! - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos, Buena Park)
Just Arrived 😍Chocolate 🍪🌷Sensational 🌹💕💦 Upscale 💖Young 😍 Incall/Outcall 👅 - 21
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Long beach)
❤ M_O_N_D_A_Y **Spc!aLs ¥umm¥ BauTifuL DeLigHt L00K n0 FurTheR ☆ ❤ - 22
(Long Beach, *91fwy*Buena Park*Anaheim*Fullerton)
LOOK ► WHO IS BACK ___ SwEeT ___ N ___ SeXy ___ BuNNie [[ Specials ]] - 20
(ArTeSia (91/605/105))
LeTs MaKe ThiS InTeReStiNg ° LeTs PlAy ° One JuiCy BooTy » OnE LusCioUS ExoTic BaBe ° - 22
(Long Beach, [ Norwalk ] 91fwy)
(Long beach Cerritos Norwalk carson)
◇LaDiamond LaDorra♡Friday $80 OutCalll Special! NO Texts ☎2139737131☎ - 19
(Long Beach, OUTCALLS/ Lynwood / Long Beach)
💦LaSt DaY N ToWn🍑BOoty lOvErS🎀💸👠60SpeCiAls🎀 wHiTe BiG BoOtTy 💋🎀60 pLaYmaTe👅🎀$pEcIalS •😗 - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk, San Gabriel Valley, Whittier 605 and slauson out and incall)
keep it simple and keep honest gfe special incalls satisfaction is my middle name - 20
(my place long beach incalls)
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN ♥ The VeRy BeSt! ♥ - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos.. Norwalk. Downey 91 FWY =))
💃Let me do what your Wife 👄won't do ☝️let me be your Freaky Bitch 👅👅Early🌗 🐣🌗 Specials💖💖 - 23
(Long Beach, Longbeach and local areas Incall&Outcall;)
_____ L ___ A ___ T ___ I ___ N ♠ B___ E ___ A ___ U ___ T ___ Y - 20
(605/91 freeways cerritos/artesia)
☆.•* L✪ ✪K *•. ❤ ❉ —— I M —— § Õ —— Ð Å M N —— ╠╣ Õ T T —— I M —— Õ N —— F ¡ ® € —— ❉ 6O Specials - 22
(Long Beach, Southbay incall / 405 & 105 fwy)
KIssAbLE BodY OnLy VisiTiNg PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn ((CuTiE w/BOOTY )) Super Sexy PLaYmaTe !! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia,Cerritos,Norwalk ((91/605/105)))
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Green eyed Beauty for your pleasure Available Now I am the one 4 u - 40
(Long Beach, long beach central)
just arrived sexy latina visiting long beach this week. veronica 949☆566☆7480☆incall or outcall - 26
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, traffic circle area)
Jenny sexy latina $$50special (two gilrs for $$70 30 min ) 5fwy - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy norwalk firestone roscrans incall)
indulge on Your Desires...Why nOt?! You worked HARD so PlaY HardER w BBW! - 30
(City of Long Beach, Incall and Outcall, Long Beach)
☆❤IM YOUR JACKPOT❤☆ Hottest & #1 Sweetheart JOJO Guaranteed 2 Light Your Fuse ☆ ❤ - 19
(BELL GARDENS / PICO RIVERA, Downey, Long Beach)
Latina white girl 21 y/o with booty. huge butt! commerce area 5 fwy. incall 100 flat! - 21
(Anaheim, commerce/downey, Downtown, Fullerton, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
*** If YoU GoT the ApPeTiTe..... *** We'vE GoT 3 wAyS To MaKe YoUr NiGhT!!!! *** UP ALL NIGHT!! - 28
LaSt NiGHt in ToWN ♥CURVY BLONDE █ ::B3AUTIFUL MiD WeSt ::BuSTy :: GerMan &iRiSh; Hottie - 21
(Long Beach, iNCALL ONLY<3 ..Call Me ViSTiNG;] !!!)
LaTIN GIrLS📷 KATY📷 & More👌 COLOMBIANA💋#1ReQUESTED PLAYMATE!•°1st Come 1st SERVED!+📢562-294-8371 - 22
(Bellflower👀👀👀📢SI YO HABLO ESPANOL📢, Long Beach, Norwalk)
#❶ {LATINA B0MBSHeLL} {NiCe BiG BuTT } (CLiCK HeRe) BUSTY BiG BooBS!! - 23
(Cerritos Artesia Downey Lakewood)
Juicy Latina ⇥หεωЪ¡ε ห †๏ωи⇤💞 вιg в🍑🍑ту çυтιє💞🎶ѕкιℓℓz тħåт кιℓℓ🎶💞 ʀɛaʟ օʀ ʄʀɛɛ 909 714-4144 - 21
(91, 105, 605 Fwy Downey Incall, Downey, Long Beach)
❤ ~ * •♛• ❤ ~ * •♛• JAW DROPPING❤ * •♛• ❤ ~ * •♛• EbOnY FrEaK~ * •♛• ❤ ~•♛• ❤ ~ * •♛• - 29
(Long Beach, incall - 605 * outcall)
▓ ►Jʉ!CY__ TH!CK TH!GHS_ P€T!T€_ CʉRvY_ CAʉCAS!AN_ R€ADY NØW *-L!m!T€D T!M€ §P€c!AL§-* CALL -Stacii - 20
(Long Beach, •••• ► *DOWNEY // INCALL ONLY* ◄ ••••)
💋 ItaLiaN BeAuTy 💋 Visiting bLoNdE bArbiEdOll AVAiLABLE NoW!! - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos. Downey . Norwalk 6O5.91 FWY =))
★IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY!!! ★Asian Lover's Delight ★ ! - 24
(Long Beach, incall/outcall downtown Long beach)
iM a NaStY GiRL S-U-P® F®AK XxXx - R@TeD : : *PINK & Juicy SUPER YUmMY! - 19
▃ ▆ █_____ ___º(¯`'•Im BACK (¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) BLONDE★☆ WITH KILLER BANGING BODY ..NevaehDream ! - 25
(Long Beach, Downey/Norwalk 105/605...incall)
Kristi hot long legged blonde green eyed beauty for your pleasure available now I am the one to call - 40
(Long Beach)
❤♥♥♥Incall SpecialsExotic ❤ Beauty ❤ Irish & Black ❤ Bombshell♥♥♥❤ - 20
*LaST NiTE SpECiaLs* SeXy BLoNDe BuNNy °•★•° SWEETER THEN A CUPCAKE° °•★•° LeAViNG SoOn - 25
kimmy love «¿» «?» «¿» New number 323/374/8059 «¿» «?» «¿» 60 special big booty - 20
(Long Beach, 605rosecran/bellflower/norwalk)
Last days in town~ ★SEXY ♥ .★ .SWEET & FUN!! *:* →→ # 1 P.I.C.K. - 21
(Long Beach, 405 {{ Carson Incall Outcall }})
❤★❤Incall ❤★❤ HOT n Sweet ❤★❤ ❤★Incalls❤ ❤★❤ HOT n SWEET❤★❤❤★❤ - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower lakewood artesia Incall)
Im Back!!!• *¨¨*•Boys play with toys men play with this!•*¨¨*•(( ♥ ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ )) - 24
(Long Beach, 91/605...incall)
💕❄️💕💕❄️❄️💕★I N C R E D I B L E 💕💕❄️❄️DOLLY ❄️💕❄️❄️💕 in your area !!💕 - 25
(DOWNEY INCALL ONLY !!!, Long Beach)
* iNsAnE sKiLLs* B@ng My Br@in$ Out ೋ* cuM PlaY w1th ME!! : : 38G's yOuLL @bsOluTeLy LOVE!! - 19
🌸*¨❤¨*•KINKY "BLOND€" D✪LL (¯'•🌟•'¯) TH€ B✪MB (¯'•🌟•'¯) DR✪P D€AD G✪RG€✪US •*¨❤¨*• 🌸- J €ANN|€ - - 25
(Carson, Incall GARDENA (405 & 110)💋Outcalls, Long Beach)
№➊ JAW DROPPING ⚡ G O R G E O U S Q U E E N 👑 1OO% Rεaℓ↱ ➡ SeXy 💯📱🌅 ready now 🌉📱 - 19
(City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk, ⚡DOWNEY 👉 91/105/605fwy 💥INCALL ONLY)
HOT sP€CiaL~ * -» aMaZiNg ________ gOrGeOuS _______ S u P e R F R € a K!« - * YuMmY BrUnEttE TREAT! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia.Norwalk 91freeway/Pioneer Incall)
IRRESITIBLE NeW NeW PhOtO[ [ [ BLoNDe LaTiNa MeXiCaN ] ] ] new NEW -InCaLLs SpEciALs AvAiLaBLe nOw - 28
(Long Beach, DOWNEY .. FWY 605 .105)
[×❤×]IvE BeEn A Bad Girl ..How Will You Punish Me[×❤×] Si HABLO ESPANOL - 24
(Long Beach, Incall// Outcall 100$ SPECIALS)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Ready to play NOW!!! Incall/Outcall All Over You!!! - 40
(Long Beach, Long Beach Signal Hill)
★【☆I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈! ☆ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【GreaT AttiTuDe】★【 SiMpℓy* THE * BeSt* 】★ - - 25
(Long Beach, 710fwy/405fwy/signal hill/lb/ incall)
▉ !!!!! KNOCKOUT!!!!! █ !! B L O N D E !! █ PlayMate !!!! █ █ █ I want YOU !!!! █ █ █▉ - 22
(Palm Springs, Outcall ( all desert cities ))
- (~*♥*~) °*° KNOCK °*° OUT °*° CU T IE °*° (~*♥*~) UP ALL NIGHT - 21
(Long Beach, [[ iNCALL ]] Artesia off 91fwy♥)
Its the New Year Let me spoil you In town this weekend lets have Fun - 20
(Long Beach, Downtown Long Beach)
** Incall Specials ____{{ *japanese + black*}}.....~ 1oO% sWeeT~ ____ SPECIALS - 23
(91 ___ 710 ___ 605fwy __________________)
▃▆▓Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▓▆▃ ▃▆▓Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▓▆▃ * I * N * D * E * P * E * N * D * E * N * T * ▃▆▓Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▓▆▃ ▃▆▓ - 22
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs Hotel)
🔥💦💣*HoT• •-👑:💖•*WhiTe🍌💋BloNde BuNNy *🔥👙👠*ThiCK & CuRVy ***👑💋 - 25
(San Gabriel Valley, 10Fwy/West Covina/Azusa/San Dimas)
**HuGe NaTUrAL 36DD'S ** **SwEeT TrEatS!!** **BuStY LaTiNa** ((2 x O K)) ''''' - 24
JAW DR0PPiNG ————— T0E CURLiNG ————— * (( Come Play)) *———— LATiNA HOTTiE ————— 1OO SPECiALS - 22
(Long Beach, Southbay incall / 405 & 105 fwy)
~INCALL~ SWEET CUTE and FUN BlonDe BABE here to MELT AWAY your stress ~SPECIALS~ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia,Norwalk,Cerritos 91/605/105)
HoW BaD Do YoU WaNT Me?? :: ExoTIc BruNettE : Yess..ToUCH Me RigHT ThERE! YeS.. ♥ RiGHT ThERE? - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK 91FWY)