Tue 07 Jan
°☆° New Small Petite Blonde. ((Just Visiting!)) Specials! °☆° Norwalk incalls - 21
(Longbeach/Norwalk incall)
▄▀▄▀▄▀NEW YEARS SPECIALS ((60)) ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ THE HOTEST SEXY ————MIXED BARBIE !! ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - 20
(Long Beach, Incall 91 Pioneer/ Outcalls Your place)
[[ NEW BOMBSHELL ]] ——$80——— █ CLicK HERE █ ———$80—— [[ SPANISH SWEETHEART ♥ ]] - 23
LOOK ••••►HERE ❤ A True ••••► PLEASER ❤ »»Go®g€0us Babe **S u p e r Busty Freak!! - 21
(Long Beach, norwalk artesia cerritos incalls 91fwy.)
°*ஐ*° F L A W L E S S *ஐ*° B L O N D E *ஐ*° P L A Y M A T E *ஐ*°
ExoTic FReNch & MEXiCan MaMi ❤ SeXy DaLiLah * HAbLO EspAnOL PaPaCiTo =) iNCALL SPECiaL !!!! - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
#❶ BLONDE CUTIE ♥ BARBIE ♥ .W e T T . . & . .HoTT. . . AVAiLABLE ALL NiGHT!! - 22
(Norwalk & Downey Incalls..)
CHECK iT OUT BOY'S ➪ * PRETTY SPaNiSh DoLL * : ❤ WeEkEnD 80 SPeCiALS - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
»»» Beautiful Exotic Charming ««« *100Special ALL Day and Night »»» Sexy Independent UnRushed ««« - 21
(NOrwalk, ARtisia, DOwney INcalls)
ALL NiGHT FuN ~ sexy brunette no rush, no drama, RELAX & ENJOY** ( INCALL SPECIALS ) AVAILABLE NOW!! - 19
(INCALLS cerritos/artesia/norwalk AREA)
$8O Specials ★N£W In Town 💋 SeXy🍬LaTiNa🍭AsIaN Eye CANDy 🍭🍬ALL yoU neEd 💋💗 pLayFul & NaUgHty 💜💕‼️👉👉 💋 - 21
(91 Fwy Artesia / Norwalk incalls, Cerritos, Long Beach)
60/80 Specials all Day! } JUiCyyy, SeXy, **Pretty Face** Delicious Latina Girl Available NoW!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs * Norwalk / 91fwy)
$80 SPECiALS=> SExXxY NeW PiCs=> aLL NaTuRaL BeAuTy=> EXOTiC SPANiSH GoDDeSs.. $80 - 21
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
*** ((( NeW BaRbiE ))) * (((WoNdeR LiPs))) * ((( BiG BooTy ))) * ((( AvaiLabLe NoW ))) *** - 21
(ARTESIA ....... NORWALK ........ INCALLS)
8 0(¯ `☆`¯) ThE We TTeR -:¦:- ThE BeT TeR (¯` ☆ `¯) 42 DD'S InDiAn/ AsIaN hOTTiE - 21
(norwalk downey incalls&outcalls;)
42DDD Busty & Hypnotizing Curves Erotic EXTRAORDINARY Cuban/ Hawaiian Beauty! 50$ - 23
(Long Beach, Downey Norwalk Bellflower Incalls only)
♥ °°N°° a°° u °°g °°h °°T°° y ♥ °° & °° ♥ °° N°° i°° c°° E ♥ - 20
(Norwalk/ Artesia Incalls)
▬★ N A U G H T Y ▬ P E T I T E ★ FILIPINO ♥- *-★ -H A W A I I A N* -★$6O - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia/Norwalk/Downey incalls)
{{MmMm}} ❤ #1 Priority.. ° D°E °L°i °C° i° O°U ° S° ❤ True Beauty.. {{mMmM}} - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
GoodMoRNiNG ~~> WaKe Up To ThA BeST ~~~> BuSTy BLonDe BoMBSHeLL ~~~> AvaiLaBLe NoW - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Bellflower,Downey Incalls)
GoRgEoUs SPaNiSh & FReNcH BoMbShELL ✰ = PRETTY FACE = 100% SeXy Me!! 80.. SPECiALS!! - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
Hola Papichulo!!! ( Beautiful Curvy Spanish & French) * ( $80 ) * ( SpeCiaLs ) - 21
(iNCALLS.. .(91fwy/NORWALK)..)
*ღ* Gorgeous European Beauty ♡ [[ 100% Me or it's Free ]] ♡ Miss Scarrlett Rose *ღ* - 23
~__ G__E__T__ ~__I__N __~__ O__N__~__T __H__E__~ __A__C__T__I __O__N__~ __N__O__W__~ __B__A__B__Y_.. - 22
(southbay incalls outcalls)
{BeST CHoiCe 80${{ SeXy}{ *BLoNde*}} 80${{HoTTie }}*l* {{ *CuRvY*}}* CaLL NoW - 21
#❶ BLONDE CUTIE ♥ BARBIE ♥ ...TighT. . . WeTT. . .HoTT. . . AVAiLABLE ALL NiGHT!!
💗 Be AuTiFuL ♥ ExOtic ♥ PLaY m aTe 💗 - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos Artesia Norwalk Downey*incalls*)
❤ Amazing! ❤【SoMeTHiNG LiKe A DReAM】【Sexy】 ✓【Sweet】 ✓【Exotic】 ✓【Treat】 ✓ ❤ ❤ - 21
(Long Beach, norwalk artesia cerritos incalls 91fwy.)
==>ThE BeSt SeRViCe ArOuNd ToWn.. Up aLL DaY & NiGhT!! KiNkY SPaNiSh GoDDeSs *$80..SPECiALS* - 22
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
(( 100% REAL)) (( 100% UnRuShEd )) GuArAnTeEd KnOcKoUT!!! _ INCALL (( $pecials )) - 20
(91Fwy. Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos .Incalls)
100% REAL PICS !! __ Well REVIEWED !! __ Upscale Incall !!_ _All American_BLONDE BOMBSHELL - 22
»»» 1OO iNCALL SPECiAL ««« NiCE BODy, BEAUtiFUL FACE, AWESOME SMiLE, and 1OO% iNdependent ¤ ««« - 21
(NOrwalk, DOwney, ARtisia iNcalls Now!)
`1 O O [M o R n i N G] -JaPaNeSe (CuTie w / B O O T Y ) H 0 t S e X y & f U N [ S P E C I A L S] - 20
(Long Beach, ★ 91Fwy;Cerritos / Artesia★)
~*~* 100% nAtUral ~*~*100% UnRushEd ~*~* 100% saTisfActoRy ~*~*~ - 19
(Norwalk(incalls)(outcalls only 2 house))
Mon 06 Jan
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Norwalk Downey INCALLS)
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Norwalk Downey INCALLS)
HoLa PaPiChuLo.. #1 Naughty LaTiNa *SPECiALS* 100% SeXxXy ME!! "DoN't MiSs OuT". - 22
(incalls// 5 fwy ((Norwalk // La Mirada))
GFE ********* SEXY **********BUSTY ********* WhiTE GiRL *********** CuRvAcEoUs ********** BLONDE - 19
(norwalk incalls)
i____DO____IT "★" __W_A_Y __ "★" __B_E_T_T_E_R__ ★ 60 Special! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs / Whittier,Norwalk 605fwy)
Gorgeous beautiful face 100% ReaL! 80 S` P` E` C` i` A` L`S!!!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs / OutCaLLs.. norwalk.. 91/605fwy)
CoMe 🐱. And GET Me ✨ WHiLe 🐝 I'M. 🐭 SOooooo HoTTTT🔥. - 21
(91 frwy artesia//Norwalk Incalls, Long Beach)
✄ CUT OUT THE REST & GET READY 4 THE BEST! PRETTY.. PeTiTe.. CuRvy.. SPaNiSh & FreNcH HoTTie!! - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
#❶ BLONDE CUTIE ♥ BARBIE ♥ .W e T T . . & . .HoTT. . . AVAiLABLE ALL NiGHT!! - 22
(Norwalk & Downey Incalls..)
C u r V a T i O u S ~*~ BoMBSHeLL ~*~ T i G h T 3rD h O L e~*~ CuUuM See DADDY - 20
(norwalk incalls)
$100 incall special---- Sweet & SeXy All Natural LaTiNa HoTTie - 22
(torrance.gardena.carson incalls only)
»»» 1OO iNCALL SPECiAL ««« NiCE BODy, BEAUtiFUL FACE, AWESOME SMiLE, and 1OO% iNdependent ¤ ««« - 21
(NOrwalk, DOwney, ARtisia iNcalls Now!)
♡————— 1Oo% ReAL —————— ~SuPeR HoT && KiNKY~ ——————— SpAnIsh*MiX * BoMBsHeLL —————♡ - 21
#1Top cHoicE!! SeXy NeW PiCs... aLL NATURAL BeAuTy =>MAiN ATTRACTiON
((incalls// 5 fwy ((Norwalk // La Mirada))
`1 O O [M o R n i N G] -JaPaNeSe (CuTie w / B O O T Y ) H 0 t S e X y & f U N [ S P E C I A L S] - 20
(Long Beach, ★ 91Fwy;Cerritos / Artesia★)
Be AuTiFuL ♥ ExOtic ♥ PLaYm aTe♥ - 20
🌻🌻💛Beautiful💛🌻🌻💛Chanel💛🌻🌻 - 20
(Bellflower, Carson, Downey, Incalls 405 Hawthorne exit,Torrance,Gard, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk)
(Norwalk..Cerritos..Artesia.. INcalls)
🌻🌻💛Beautiful💛🌻🌻💛Chanel💛🌻🌻 - 20
(Bellflower, Carson, Downey, Incalls 405 Hawthorne exit,Torrance,Gard, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk)
+¡Gh+ SUPER SOAKER big bubbleBUTT » » ASIAN&black; GODDE$$ Ready now » » » GreenEyes** ツ㏂㏘ - 19
(Long Beach, Artesia91fwy NORWALK Cerritos LB INCALLS)
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* H0t && SeXy ★ y0UNg aND fUN ★ REadY t0 PlAy .*¨¨*-:¦:-* - 20
ExoTic FReNch & MEXiCan MaMi ❤ SeXy DaLiLah * HAbLO EspAnOL PaPaCiTo =) iNCALL SPECiaL !!!! - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
60 Specials all Day! } JUiCyyy, SeXy, **Pretty Face** Delicious Latina Girl Available NoW!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs * Norwalk / 91fwy)
$80 SPeCiALs.. aLL DaY & NiGhT!! DoN't MiSs OuT!! 100% Me.. SpAniSh BeAuTy.. - 22
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
$8O*** ((( NeW BaRbiE ))) * (((WoNdeR LiPs))) * ((( BiG BooTy ))) * ((( AvaiLabLe NoW ))) ***8O$Q - 21
(ARTESIA ....... NORWALK ........ INCALLS)
!! 80 SPECiALS !! ⇒ A b s o l u t l e y * B e a u t i f u L .. « tHe BeSt u EvEr HaD!! - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
$80 SPECiALS=> SExXxY NeW PiCs=> aLL NaTuRaL BeAuTy=> EXOTiC SPANiSH GoDDeSs.. $80 - 21
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
$80 H O R ____ t H e N ___ O u R ____Â V R Â G ____Ç H I Ç K $80 - 21
NUDE B2B Sensual Massage ___ __ BUSTY___ Beautiful__ ____Open-Minded __ _Fetish___ToYs________♥ - 24
(Long Beach, Norwalk * Downey Incalls 105/605/5/91)
_____ - :¦: - ♥ o° - :¦: - Your Best kept S E C R E T- :¦: - ♥ o° - :¦: - _____ - 20
(Norwalk Incalls)
°o❀ o° C_Õ_M_P_£_ _T__£_Y_ _ I _ Ñ _ T _ Õ _ X _ I _ C _ Â _ T _ I _ Ñ_G °o❀ o - 20
*** ((( NeW BaRbiE ))) * (((WoNdeR LiPs))) * ((( BiG BooTy ))) * ((( AvaiLabLe NoW ))) *** - 21
(ARTESIA ....... NORWALK ........ INCALLS)
.*¨New¨* _ Petite ☆ Blonde ☆ Playmate _* -: :-*._ Perky & Fun; ! - 21
(Norwalk & Downey Incalls..)
New ☑CLiCk HERE ➜60Qk➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ°EBØNy BABE👅💦👄 [B!G B00TY] 👅💦👄KiLLER BODY•T!GHT & TH!CK 🎀 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk, Norwalk incalls only)
i____DO____IT "★" __W_A_Y __ "★" __B_E_T_T_E_R__ ★ 60/80 Special! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs / Norwalk 91/605fwy)
▶▶₤eAViNG 2DaY◀◀ SεXY BLoNDε :•.♡.•:LεT Mε SHOW YOU•.♥.•JuSt HoW aMaZiNG I AM:•.♡.•:LaTε NiTε SpLS - 25
(Long Beach, ஐ NORWALK INCALLS 605/5 FWY ஐ)
•Âb§OLut€Ly 💖]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG█ ★ K•¡•N•k•¥ _&_ §K¡LLeD ★ █ • {F} • {R} • {E} • {A} • {K}• - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
-*- .80 SPECIALS -*- N_@_$_T_Y *^-^-^* FR3AKY BRUNETTE !!!!! C@ll NoW!!!! - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk incalls artesia 91 fwy)
60*[NEW PIC] ❤• [NEW GIRL] ❤•60* [GorgeouS &] ❤ [MiXXED] ❤. [BUSTY]60* - 19
(Long Beach, Downey* Norwalk * Artesia * INCALLS)
new :::: $60 Sexy CUBAN HOTTIE ~~ Available NOW ~~ Real Pictures !... $60 .... SpEciAl - 22
(norwalk incalls)
MoRninG 8O _ I_ N_C _A_ L L * S _P_ E_C _I _A_ L _S !! * VeRy PReTTy LaTiNa * - 23
(Long Beach, incalls/605 fwy /Norwalk /Downey/)
Lonely? Need Some Company? 👯 Busty 36DD Brunette Latina 👯 Prostate Body Glide Fetish 👙 💄N DOWNEY - 23
(Long Beach, bellflower pico whittier residential)
HoLa PaPiChuLo.. #1 LaTiNa *SPECiALS* 100% SeXy ME!!! "DoN't MiSs OuT".. - 22
****High Standards? Let A Gorgeous BLONDE BEAUTY Take Your Breath Away**** - 24
(Long Beach, Artesia,Cerritos,Norwalk,Downey Incalls)
FiRSt ClaSS sErViCe ✈ LiMiTeD TiMe! All Smiles! T H E *ULTIMATE* G I R L ->> NEXT DOOR - 20
(~ Incalls 24Hrs. ~ Norwalk/Cerritos)
★ ☆ H O T T I E ★ YOUR ☆ ( ( ( ••► B R U N E T T E B A B E◄•• ) ) )★ ☆ HuRRy ¯`'•.¸; * 60 Special! - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91frwy incalls)