Tue 07 Jan
60 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥NÅuGhTy Curvy mixed cutie ♥60 §p€C!ÅL ♥ wild an kinky - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
°•° 1oo% °• .-:¦:- •° SaTiSFaCTiON °• .-:¦:- •° gUaRaNTeeD °•° CaLL NoW!!! AvAiLaBlE NoW!!!!
(Long Beach, Out-Call Only)
NEW 19 Year Petite Asian TODAY (3/23) + FREE Shower + Toy = HOT FUN ~ Only $35 ! - 19
(Long Beach, 12067 Beach Blvd)
(LeTs MaKe ThiS InTeReStiNg) °I LikE iT DoGgYsTyLe "DonT YoU??" *BIG BOOTY* OUTCALLs* In The MOOD? - 22
(Long Beach, ( Outcalls all over ) 91/110/105/710/605)
🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 MASSAGE THAT U'R DREAMING 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 - 24
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Torrance, Long Beach Area)
GoodMoRNiNG ~~> WaKe Up To ThA BeST ~~~> BuSTy BLonDe BoMBSHeLL ~~~> AvaiLaBLe NoW - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Bellflower,Downey Incalls)
Good MoRning FuN ~*~ eXoTiC BLondE PLaYMaTe ~*~ HighLy addiCTiVe GiRL NexT DoOr ~*~ No RuSH Specials - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
..::BLONDE::.. ..::Petite::.. ..:: TER Reviewed Provider ::.. ♥**TOP LEVEL**♥ - 22
(Cerritos // Norwalk // 91 & 605 FWY)
♥ Super Sexy! Adorable face- Juicy Waist! ♥ Specials! ♥ - 19
(Long beach incalls/surrounding outcalls)
█ ALERT..ALERT █ NEW WhiTe Diamond + ╝ Sweet as Apple Pie! BloNde - 23
:*: :*:A_b_S_o_ L_u_T_e _L_y ___ G_o_R_G_e_O_u_S ___ C_o_M_p_ A_n_I_o _N :*: :* - 22
(Southbay Incalls/Outcalls everywhere)
Hand Me My Lipstick Love... - 42
(City of Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, Long Beach, South Bay, Orange County, Orange County)
%% 100$ SpEcIaLZ ALL NiGhT %% Im LoNeLy 2NiGhT CuM KeeP Me CumPaNy { *R^*O^*Z^*E^*A } - 21
(arteshia / pioneer)
NOW HIRING FOR NEW CLUB OPENING!!!!!!! Looking for beautiful women of all races! - 38
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Orange County, Palm Springs, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Europe´s largest adult company hiring online models. Earn $500+ per day. Free pre-paid credit card. - 38
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Mon 06 Jan
I am back!! Yaaaay! Don't miss this sexy Latina this time!! - 19
(Long Beach, 110 @ 91 405 CARSON TORRANCE SOUTH BAY)
HAPPY HOUR FULL + Body Massage + FUN Shower ONLY $30 til 7:00 - OPEN LATE !! - 21
(Long Beach, Beach and Chapman)
BuSTy BLonDe PLayMaTe ~°~ TemPoRaRiLy YouRs ~°~ LaTe NiGHT SpeCiaLs ~°~ CLicK HeRe - 21
boMb BoDy █ ▄ U ▃ N ♥R ☆S ♥H ▃ █ SpEcIaL ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R forget 60 special - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
Booty So Fatt Skin So Soft Let Me Do What She Won't Do 💦👅😘 Cuumm Enjoy - 23
(Long Beach, Carson Long Beach Wilmington)
CINDY Big BUtT (( SPECIAL 80/30 )) off 91fwy near 605fwy - 25
(562 Lakewood,Cerritos,Artesia,Downey)
☆⚠★CAUTION★⚠☆ Slippery When We++ & Back In Buena Park With Specials 60qk/100hh/180hr - 38
(Anaheim, Buena Park Beach Right Off The 91, Orange County)
*CLiCK HeRe! *NeW SUPER -HOTT! * —* BLondE *GiRL NeXT DooR! * —100% *ReaL*! *AvaiLaBLe NoW! - 22
(Long Beach, South Gate Downey 710/105Fwy)
🎉100$ Specials 🎉💞💖💘💟951-545-4521💟💘💖💞 - 21
(City of Long Beach, COMOTON INCALLS NEAR ALONDRA, Long Beach)
👑👑💗💛👑👑 JOIN me and my toys DADDYsexy latina 36ddd big booty in call 40 special 24/740👑💛💗👑 - 30
(Long Beach, commerce telegraph off the 5 freeway lbc)
L00K HERE ➜ ➜ WELL REVIWED ➜ Cutie WiTH B00TY! - 29
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Outcalls all over!, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Busty Beauty Babe Ready to play Outcall Long Beach surrounding citys - 42
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, long beach all over you)
~* ___ { BL0NdE! } ___ *~ ~*___ { H0T }___ * ~*{ }* ~*___{ *&* }___* ~*___ { YuMmY! } ___~ - 21
(* 91 // 710 // 605 Fwys *)
..::BLONDE::.. ..::Petite::.. ..:: TER Reviewed Provider ::.. ♥**TOP LEVEL**♥ - 22
(Cerritos // Norwalk // 91 & 605 FWY)
♥ Adorable Face * Juicy lips & Hips * Super Sweet * Specials! ♥ - 19
(Long Beach incalls 405 fwy/local out)
♥ Super Sweet! ♥ Sensual! ♥ Sexy! ♥ Super Specials! ♥ - 19
(Long Beach in/surrounding city outcalls)
Most of these Ads WILL WASTE YOUR TIME!!!! - 35
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, ALL AREAS)
NOW HIRING FOR NEW CLUB OPENING!!!!!!! Looking for beautiful women of all races! - 38
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Orange County, Palm Springs, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥ SPECIALS - 22
(Long Beach, All Over Long Beach/OutCalls ;))
NEW 19 Year Petite Asian TODAY + FREE Shower + Toy = HOT FUN ~ Only $35 !! - 19
(Long Beach, 12067 Beach Blvd)
NEW Location - NEW Sexi Petite Staff- Lingerie+ NO Clothes FUN ~ FULL Body Grope + Tickle Play - 21
(Long Beach, 12921 FERN ST, STANTON)
$$60/100/150 BRAND NEW >>SEXY EXOTIC Extremely Skilled PlayMate! I Love 2 Pease & I Do Get Nasty! - 20
(Long Beach, Your Place Or Mines 24/7)
ONLY $30 - ╠╣OT ▒! FULL Rub ♥ PROS-8 Fun ♥ NEW ~Petite Asian Staff ~ Clothe FREEE ♥ OPEN LATE - 21
(Long Beach, Beach and Chapman)
ONLY $35 ~GRAND Opening 1O NEW Petite Hotties PROS-8 TOY~ Clothe FREE XXtra FULL Body OPEN LATE - 20
(Long Beach, 13821 San Antonio Dr, Norwalk)
NEW‼️♦️100%Magical♦️♦️ Body2🔺 Body Slide💢💢Your favorite 👠👠 high heels❤️❌⭕️ - 23
(@91fwy@710@105@605fwy, Long Beach)
No Clothes - HOT FULL Rub by Petite Asian + Toy FUN OPEN LATE 1:00 AM -- ONLY $30 !!! - 21
(Long Beach, Beach and Chapman)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Busty Beauty Babe Ready to play Outcall Long Beach surrounding citys - 42
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, long beach all over you)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Busty Blonde Beauty Babe Ready to play now Outcall only LB - 42
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, LONG BEACH ALL OVER YOU)
Im so much fun. I will c_eam and you will love it! Im So exciting not like the boring types. - 21
(Long Beach, All over Los Angeles)
.*. : .FanTasY GirL * SeXy BlonDe PlayMaTe * MadE FoR YouR PleaSurE. : . *. DonT MiSs OuT! - 21
Filipina mixed Chic, Sexy Kinky Virgo Freaky minded, Flexible YellowBone w/ Big Booty 50 DealZ - 23
(Long Beach, 91/710*105 LBC & Cpt Supa Low 50 Dealz)
*CLiCK HeRe! *NeW SUPER -HOTT! * —* BLondE *GiRL NeXT DooR! * —100% *ReaL*! *AvaiLaBLe NoW! - 22
(Long Beach, South Gate Downey 710/105Fwy)
☆★CAUTION★☆ Slippery When We++ & Back In Buena Park With Specials 60qk/80hh/160hr - 36
(Long Beach, InCalls Buena Park/Beach blvd & 91frwy)
60 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥NÅuGhTy Curvy mixed cutie ♥60 §p€C!ÅL ♥ 100% real - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
▐▐▐¯`'•.¸ 💗💓*💗💓*💗💓 ¸.•'´¯▐▐▐ 310-618-1937 ► Delete Your Stress —— ▐▐▐¯`'•.¸ 💗💓*💗💓*💗💓 ¸.•'´¯▐▐▐ - 24
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Torrance, Long Beach Area)
{{ NeW BBw }} BRuNeTTe {{ *LaTiNa* }} °*☆* 38DD'S *6O* SPECiALS - 24
(Whittier*Norwalk*Bellflower*Long beach)
Good MoRninG SpeCiaLs ° ~°~ The GiRL of YouR DReaMs RiGHT HeRe° ~°~ SeduCTiVe BLondE BombSHeLL° ~°~ - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk Incall/Outcall)
AVAIL 12:30-5:30pm Super SEXY, Super HOT, Super FUN!! Come Check It Out! 40y/o - 40
(Long Beach, 605 Fwy)
❤ ——B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L—— ♥ ——E—x—O—t—i—c—— ♥ ——M— —a—T—e —— ❤ - 24
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Torrance, Long Beach Area)
♥ Curvy Cutie ♥ Juicy Lips ♥ Jucier Hips! ♥ Super Sweet! ♥ - 19
(Incalls off the 405 freeway near LAX.)
*100% ReaL eXoTiC DrEaMgIrL »--» SuPeR sExY »--» BLONDE PlAyMaTe (INCaLL) »--» *No Rush SpeCiaLs * - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
1 Of a kind ♡ Rare breed ♤ Queen India ☆ Upscale & discreet ♧ Experienced kinky curvy nasty 24/7 Grl - 18
(beverly hills downtown lax echo park Oc, City of Long Beach, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Westside)
(( 100% REAL)) (( 100% UnRuShEd )) GuArAnTeEd KnOcKoUT!!! _ 150HR (( $pecial )) - 19
(.... Let's Get this Party STARTED)
100% ReaL BLonde BomBSheLL ~ ToTaLLy HoTT n K¡nKy* ~ BLuE Eyed DoLL* ~ eXCLuSiVeLy YouRs* ~ SpeCiaLs - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
♥♥♥ 31 Flavors Needed ♥ The New Mona's Ranch is Hiring GIRLS ♥ Legal Business in Nevada ♥♥♥ - 25
(Elko, Nevada, Long Beach)
Hiring new Incall girls. All shifts available. - 32
(Incall, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Xclusive_-_Our Name And Reputation Speak's For Itself_-_Now Hiring_-_Start Tonight, Get Paid Tonight - 22
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Southern California)
Sun 05 Jan
NEW Location 2-HOT Girl Special - NEW SEXI Petite Staff- Lingerie + NO Clothes HOT FUN !! - 21
(Long Beach, 12921 FERN ST, STANTON)
*~*+~* Holistic +~*~* Bodywork +*~~*+ Sensitive *~*~+ Massage *~+*~* - 25
(Long Beach/Orange County/Los Angeles)
I am back!! Yay! Don't miss this sexy Latina this time!! - 19
(Long Beach, 110 @ 91 405 CARSON TORRANCE SOUTH BAY)
GRAND OPENING 2/19 - NEW Location - NEW Sexi Petite Staff - HOT FULL Body Fun - 21
(Long Beach, 12921 FERN ST, STANTON)
" {{ C }} {{ U }} {{ M }} {{ M }} " {{ G }} {{ E }} {{ T }} " {{ IT }} " ~ 30MINS//60 ~ 1HOUR//100 ~ - 19
(105//110//405FWYS=HAWTHORNE BLVD.-1000% REAL DEAL-)
Breaking News 60 Clean and Ready ) The Best Price on Bp ( real f®£ak ask about booty special - 21
(Long Beach, all over 91 bellflower artesia norwalk)
come play █ ▄ U ▃ N ♥R ☆S ♥H ▃ █ SpEcIaL ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R forget 60 special - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
CLiCk HeRe ~~~ Gorgeous FuN SiZed BLOndE DoLL ~~~ TempoRaRiLy YouRs ~~~ CoMe over and ReLaX with Me - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
BETTER than WIFE, I'm BETTER than GIRLFRIEND!! Super Busty Exxotic Beauty!! SHOWER,PROSTATE kissing! - 23
(Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa Irvine Santa Ana Newport, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, Orange County, Santa Ana)
Hand Me My Lipstick Love... - 42
(City of Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, Long Beach, South Bay, Orange County, Orange County)
1 Of a kind ♡ Rare breed ♤ Queen India ☆ Upscale & discreet ♧ Experienced kinky curvy nasty 24/7 Grl - 18
(beverly hills downtown lax echo park Oc, City of Long Beach, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Westside)
LATINA Playmate Bouncy Booty Huge Boobs Porn Star Style Baby 40HH Up and available now👅💋💕💙💚💛 - 32
(Downey Lakewood Norwalk Commerce in call, Long Beach)
( L O O K ) ..HoT TiGhT & jUiCy .. (NaTuRaL FrEaK) ..WhiTe GirL WiTh ASS ..( AvAiLaBLe NoW ) - 24
BREATHTAKING —— Gorgeous —— STRAWBERRY Blonde —❤——— YOUR ———— # ➀ Perfect CHOICE! ❤ LIMITED Time ! - 22
(Irvine, incalls/OUTCALLS all OVER South Oc !)
BIG BOOBS __ SliM WAIST __ BUBBLE BUTT __ *brunette BARBiE __ THE BEST !! ~ in/out - 20
(Los Angeles, Incall, LAX/ OUTCALL ALL OVER)