Fri 10 Jan
*° — A — v — A — i — L — a — B — l — E — °*•—*° — R — i — G — h — T — •*° — N — o — W — - 24
(Long Beach, In Call Near the 405 fwy Out Call)
$80=>REaL ( XXX ) AcTiON ( ( SPANiSH & FRENCH ) ) PRETTY FaCE _ ( $80 SPECiALS)!! - 21
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
$80.. #1Top cHoicE!! SeXxXy NeW PiCs.. aLL NATURAL BeAuTy =>MAiN ATTRACTiON
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
{[$50 SPECIAL C0ME SEE MeeH NOW!!! 2 FOR 1 SPECiAL [[2 FOR 1= $100]] - 20
(Long Beach, OFF 91 FWY PIONEER)
$80 SpECiALs.. SeXxXy FReNcH GoDDeSs... iS ReAdY & WiLLiNg To..???? DoN't MiSs OuT!!! - 21
(iNCALLS.. ((91FWY/605FWY)))
>>> Hot babe Gents u will adore me 80 80 80 off the 5 - 27
██████████████ AFTER WORK ████████████ SPECIALS!!! █████████████ 559-546-9529 ██████████████ - 19
(Long Beach, 605 / 105 / 5 / 10 / 60 fwy INCALL ONLY)
$80..aLL NATURAL BeAuTy =>>MAiN ATTRACTiON ..DoN't MiSs OuT!! TER iD #: 150894 - 21
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
$60~*~*~*~*~*~ SPEcialS ~*~*~*~*~*~ CoMe PlaY *~*~*~*~*~*~ SPECials ~*~**~*~*~$60 - 21
(91 fwy in *Artesia*Norwalk incalla only)
●♥●60 SpEciAls●♥● ReaDy NoW!!! {{FRE*AkY & NaUGHt●Y DoMiNiCaN & HisPaNic HottiE}} ♡♥♡ - 22
(Long Beach, Pico Rivera, Downey)
(( 60$ Special 60$ )) CINDY 38DD Latina .... Love To Kiss -*-*- Super Sexy -*-*-605 FWY/91FWY - 25
(Long Beach, orange county long beach lakewood 562)
2 horny LATINAS Special 2 X 120 cummmmmm Daddy iNcALL off 91 fwy Pioneer - 25
(lakewood bellflower norewalk cerritos)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME!! ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ - 43
(Long Beach, Long Beach Near the 22Fwy)
NEW ** - -- - - - - - - - ★YOUNG EXxXoTiC ★ - - - - - - -BRUNETTE BaBe - - - - - - - - 22
(Long beach-cerritos-artesia-norwalk)
New giRl in tOwn hot sExy Latina ask about my 60 specials - 19
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk downy cerittos)
❤ N A U G H T Y H O T T T I E ❤ New Pics! $60 SPECIALS TODAY ONLY!! - 19
°☆° New Small Petite Blonde. ((Just Visiting!)) Specials! °☆° Norwalk incalls - 21
(Longbeach/Norwalk incall)
_M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__O __f__ f - - 23
*!*!*!*LeXi's BaCk! 405 @ HaWtHoRnE BlVd!!!*!! NEW NUMBER 424-646-1209!! - 24
(Long Beach, S. Bay/ 405 @ HaWtHoRnE BlVd)
Last Night·•:❤ :✿: ❤:•· Petite Ebony Playmate ·•:❤:•· ___ 50 Specials! ____ - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 fwy)
LOOK H€R€ ▓► !LL _B€__ ¥oUR__ FAVoR!T€_ N€W_ ADD!CT!0N ▓► P_€_T_!_T_€_ WH!T€__ G!RL ▓►ONLY 3 DAYS!!! - 20
(Long Beach, 605/ Lakewood/ Long Beach/ incalls only)
L ((☻)) ((☻)) K -- dreamgirL avaiLabLe !! LATENiGHT 1ooSPECiAL BODY THERAPY - 21
(91,4o5,1o5 ex. Lakewood)
✨🌠JESSY 🌠Tuesday Special Let me show U Infinity &Beyond; 📹 Proof PLAYBOYMaterial 100% real pics 📷 - 25
(Commerce Montebello bell gardens 5 fwy, Long Beach)
HERE to top off your day with something cute and very sweet ! amazing personality - 20
(Inland Empire, 3055239671 waiting for your call)
exotic LATINA with big booty..ready to play - 20
(Lakewood,Downey,Cerritos,Artesia,91fwy, Long Beach)
"EVERYONE KNOWS IM THE BesT ON HERE " *brunette BUBBLE BOoTY n busty * -/inOut $pecials 100%real - 21
(Inland Empire, Ontario Incalls & Out)
Cindy 2 Latinas FOR 60$$ both big BOOBS 38DD sexy latina GREAT reviews ........91 FWY Exit Pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Orange County Downey)
Early Morning Slut Snack? Try A Piece of my MUFFin!! I Can Satisfy any MANS Appetite. (BUSTY LATINA) - 24
CINDY 80$/30 💋Pretty Latina busty 323-775-4945 GREAT Reviews 91fwy EXIT Pioneer - 26
(91 exit Pioneer, Long Beach)
Cindy ❤️ I'm BACK ❤️ 60$$ CINDY ❤️latina big BOOBS 91fwy exit PIONEER - 26
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Lakewood)
!! NEW PICS !! ☆ Sexy HOT BOMBSHELL ______ (( ♥ Your California Dream Girl ♥ )) - 22
(ARTESIA // NORWALK // 91 & 605 FWY)
NEW NEW adorable GFE Brazilian CUTIE ... Im in the MOOD for a LARGE MILKSHAKE! ... ALL DAY SPECIALS! - 20
(Long Beach...IN or OUT...Specials!!)
Clothing FREE~ HOT Fun - PROSTATE + Fetish Fun Open Late - ONLY $35 !!! - 21
(Long Beach, Beach and Chapman)
"exotic B E A U T Y *° AvAiL aBlE °**° RiGhT °**° NoW°* all nite long - - - 20
(Long Beach, 105 &lakewood; //// 605 & firestone)
Early Morning Slut Snack? Try A Piece of my MUFFin!! I Can Satisfy any MANS Appetite. (BUSTY LATINA) - 24
~~ E*A*R*L*Y * A*M ~~ ♥ ~~ NEW PICS ~~ 80 SPECIAL ~~ ♥ ~~ Dream Come True~~ - 21
(Long Beach, InOuT ★ GARDENA★ 405 frwy)
R E A L~ P I X ~ B U S T Y((DD'S))~C U R V Y~ N Y M P H O~ O U T C A L L S ~ 24/7 ~ C A L L N O W ~ - 20
(OUTCALLS 24/7 (up all night))
:•: ★ :•: PrOof ViDeO:•: ★ :•: nEW :•: ★ :•: ★:•: ★ :•: FrEnCh :•: ★ :•: - 21
(Long Beach, oc, orange county, long beach, all areas)
prettiest party pal on the list.. .real picts ...real hot ...real deal - 23
(Long Beach, lbc/palos verdes/redondo/lax/hermosa/mdr)
Mature, Evolved, Sexy & Fun Role-Play / Fetish / Fantasy: In/Out-Calls ~CLICK~ for $58 SPECIALS - 44
LETS ___DO___A____ {{{ SiXTy9 }}} _____ NEW BLONDE ___ (AVAILABLE NOW) ____ 100% G.F.E ___ - 20
🌊Milwaukee's GREATEST Massage On The West Coast🌊 BEST Coast🌊 - 30
_M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__O __f__ f - - 23
*_+_* LET *_+_* ME*_+_* CATER *_+_* TO *_+_* YOUR *_+_* EVERY *_+_* NEED *_+_* - 19
!!♥♥I Am A New Latina 100 % Real Pic•GET NAKED With Me—°x°—♥You♥—°x° DeSeRvE♥TO—°x°—•Be PaMpErEd!♥♥ - 19
(Long Beach, LongBeach SanPedro Torrance Beach Area)
Asians Do it the BeSt I'm waiting ask about my 60 special - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy 605fwy LB ,Artesia ,Norwalk Downey)
JeAnNiE frOm Ur DrEaMs ♡ Perfect PaRty Playmate ♢ SeXy & SwEeT ♡ 100% REAL FUN - 21
(Long Beach, ☏ Gardena ♡ In & Outcall)
🎉💣JESSY🎉💣Weekend 120🎉🌟 SPECIAL✅You're Personal PLAYBOY MATERIAL 🐰 Blondie 🐰💯real📷 📹proof - 26
(5fwy Montebello Bell Gardens Commerce, Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
*☆* I WaNNa FrEAk YoU *★* ThIcK __ SeXy __bLoNDe *☆* LAST NITE SpECiALs *★* - 25
-------- -------- ------- --------[ hot 20-year old blonde ]-------- -------- -------- -------- - 20
(outcall please)
Thu 09 Jan
$80 SpECiALs.. SeXxXy FReNcH GoDDeSs... iS ReAdY & WiLLiNg To..???? DoN't MiSs OuT!!! - 21
(iNCALLS.. ((91FWY/605FWY)))
$80.. HoLa PaPiChuLo.. #1 Naughty LaTiNa *SPECiALS* 100% SeXxXy ME!! "DoN't MiSs OuT" - 22
██████████████ AFTER WORK ████████████ SPECIALS!!! █████████████ 559-546-9529 ██████████████ - 19
(Long Beach, 605 / 105 / 5 / 10 / 60 fwy INCALL ONLY)
$80 SPECiALS ==> Spanish & French BomBSheLL HoTTie.. *SPECiALS* 24/7** - 22
60 specail cOme see yOur drEam cOme trUe nOthing better then a Asian - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy 605 fwy Norwalk Downey longbeach)
New•★• BuStY •★•GirL Next Door with @BiG BooTy ♥ Caramel Cutie •★• New cutie - - 24
(Long Beach, Lakewood_Downey_ParaMount_Norwalk)
NeW! ALL NaTuRaL 1oO% ReaL BLoNdE BaRBie#1(11olb Sexy & FuN)w/a BuBbLe BuN! ReaDy 2 PLaY GenTLeMen! - 21
(Artesia/pioneer off(91/605) Incalls)
Naughty but Classy,, ur #1 Latina choice.. *Specials* 24/7* - 21