Mon 06 Jan
•★•💋GoRgeoUs! 💯REAL PHOTOS 😍 👙$100★•Hhr Available ALL DAY MIXED UPScale HOTTIE - 20
(Long Beach, 91 & Pioneer/Artesia/CERRTIOS/BELLFLOWER)
—♥— [[ Hazel Eyes • JUICY BOOTY ]] ——♥— [[ WHITE LATINA BOMBSHELL ]] —♥—— [[ S P E C I A L S ]] —♥— - 22
(Long Beach, Lakewood / Artesia / Bellflower / Downey)
***** Gorgeous thai Princess fresh new to the scene **** - 21
★☆★☆★ FIVE STARS SPA . 1380 Artesia Blvd Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 404-3359 🌟 - 23
(Long Beach, 🌟1380 Artesia Blvd 🌟 Gardena 90248)
(( H O T )) ___ *YUMMY* ___ {BL0NDE} ___ :B A R B i E: ___ [1OO] ___ =SPECiALS= _____ AVAiLABLE N0W! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia~Norwalk~Cerritos~Long Beach)
!!! % =+ CALL NOW += % !!! Wide Awake !!! !!! Avalible NOW 323 335 6092 - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
CALL NOW $60 $p€¢ia£s ?Th!cK Th!GhS °o? ?N!Ce H!Ps °o? RoUnD BoOtTy ? LuC!OuS L!PS °o - 23
(Long Beach, cerritos, pioneer, artesia, 91*605+710)
💕✨💕 Body of a GODDESS ⭐️ VISITING ⭐️ BUSTY BLONDE Cutie w/ a BOOTY ⭐️ HIGHLY Reviewed 💕✨💕 - 26
💎▄-:¦:-BombSheLL BLaCK n AsIaN BeaUty★Here to Satisfy ALL Needs★•° - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower / Lakewood off 91 fwy)
💕Best💑 companionship 💕INCALLS only💕New pretty Sexy 🍒💕 - 21
(Anaheim Artesia Buena Park Norwalk, Cerritos, Long Beach)
◤♥◢ B-I-G ●《♡》● ♥ B-o-O-T-Y ●《♡》● SNOW-BuNNiE ♥€XÂC†L¥ WH† U Ñ€€Ð ♥ (( 8O$ SPECiAL )) ◤♥◢ - 20
(Long Beach, 91/Pioneer - Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos)
(( B L O N D E )) ___ *BARBiE* ___ {SuPeR} ___ :S W E E T: ___ [&] ___ =YUMMY= _____ 1OO SPECiALS! - 23
(Long Beach, _ INCALL * OUTCALL _)
===== [BEAUTiFUL _ BlUeEyEd]=== BrUnEtTe ==== GIRL ===== NeXT ===== DOOR ===== - 21
(Cerritos~Norwalk 91&605)
Ben papi aqui estoy 60/30 Latina 714-860-5097 5fwy exit roscrans - 25
(Long Beach, Roscrans / Firestone)
🔥Available Now💋Slim and Petite 🔥😘👄FLawless Exotic Barbie 💣🔥💋👑BEAUTIFUL•💕•💋 😘 SeNsUaL & SeDuCtiVe Mix - 21
(Artesia, 91 fwy, Cerritos, Long Beach)
(( B L O N D E )) ___ *BARBiE* ___ {SuPeR} ___ :S W E E T: ___ [&] ___ =YUMMY= _____ AVAiLABLE N0W! - 21
(Long Beach, * 91 // 6O5 // 71O Fwys *)
💃🏻💕💖💜💝🌸💗9/1 New Asian Chinese girl in town💃🏻🍀🍀🍀young and pretty!😘😘😍😍no young no pay - 21
(91freeway&pioneer.; bellflower artesia, Cerritos, Long Beach)
_____________ [[ ** B O M B S H E L L .. .. ((WiN WiN)) ]] ________READY NOW!! - 21
(INCALL**** Artesia/*Long Beach/Lynwood)
(+)(+) BabY I GoT WhaT YoU NeeD Any "PositioN" YoU WanT You GOT iT (+)(+) {{BesT SpeciaLs iN TowN}} - 21
*☆* Amazimng Skills *☆ ThIcK __ SeXy __bLoNDe *☆* LATE NITE SpECiALs *★* - 25
A tRue Asian We Do it tHe bEsT asK abOut my 60 specail - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy 605fwy LB ,Artesia ,Norwalk Downey)
*° —A—v—A—i—L —a—B—l—E— °*— •*° —R—i—G—h—T — °*•—•*° —N—o—W— 1OO specials°* XoXO FeTiSh FR€Ndly - 22
(Long Beach, LAX//Southbay//405..1O5 fwy close)
Amazing ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛs 💗 El SaLvaDorian BoMbSHeLL 💗 HIGHlY SkILLED №➊ ReQUESTED💕💋Call NoW☎ - 20
(Long Beach, 91Fwy Lakewood Downey BellFlower Artesia)
. . . . . . ( ( ( ) ) ) ) 1oo (%percent ) . ) ) ) ) . beautiful . . - - . . . .
100 SPECiAL ** [[STUNNiNG]] ★ [[LATiNA]] ★ [[PETiTE PLAYMATE ]] NEW PiCS - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
$13O hh LOOK New G.F.E . Playmate! Big BootY -------- $13O hh - 20
[[1oO% ReAL ]] ★ [[ ß U § ¥ ]] & [[ ß U i FUL ]] ★ [[SuPr FL¡RT¥]] - 19
*100% ReaL eXoTiC DrEaMgIrL »--» SuPeR sExY »--» BLONDE PlAyMaTe (INCaLL) »--» *No Rush SpeCiaLs * - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
💯[[100Hh SpeCiaL]]💯%%%💯[[100Hh SpeCiaL]]💯🍩Caramel DeLiGhT🍩¥¥👠👙Ex0tIc B0mBsHeLL👙👠new Lexii - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia 91 freeway)
{{•60$°}}•°• ::**EveRyThiNg i Do iS "AMAZING" ::** MaK€ M€ M0@N!! **:: •°•((-60$-)) - 22
●●●100 SPCL●100% CHINESE 51" BOOTY from So.America🔥🔥 Gorgeous Chinese - 27
(**MONTEBELLO/MPK IN** Whittier,Commerce, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk)
100 SPECiAL —S ———— E ———— X ———— Y———— ♥ ———— L——— A——— T——— I ———— N ———— A - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk)
💥🎯🎊100%Real🎊🎯💥Lets Play!Amazing Blonde DD Busty💕 So W€t💦 And Ready🏁 - 23
(City of Long Beach, LAX,405,Torrance,Carson, Redondo,Lbc, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Westside)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(91 ~ 710 ~ 605 fwys)
▓► 100% R€aL_ CoLoMbIaNa M!X__ VeNeZoLaNa__ G_!_R_L 80 $p€cIaL Now!! ♡9494670763 - 24
(Long Beach, 91/605Fwy,Artesia,Downey,Norwalk)
100% Real. New Pics (60) Brunette SLUt CaLL NOW! Leaving!! - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk, Artesia, Bellflower (91 & 605))
**!** 100% nAtuRaL ** bUUsty ** cUUrvY ** wAitINg 4 U **!** - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia/ Norwalk/ 91FWY)
$100 put ME onthe TOP of yourto DO list
(Long beach-cerritos-artesia-norwalk)
♡————— 1Oo% ReAL —————— ~SuPeR HoT && KiNKY~ ——————— SpAnIsh*MiX * BoMBsHeLL —————♡ - 21
1⃣NIGHT ONLY !!! ____________ SUPER 🔥🔥🔥 _____ 💫✨ STUNNING BEAUTY✨💫 ________📞📞📞 - 26
(Long Beach, Downey/Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos)
* 1OO$ * ... {{ SOOO YUMMY }} ... SEXXY LITTLE BLONDE ... * 1OO$ * - 22
(Long Beach,Cerritos,Artesia,Norwalk)
2 is Better Than 1 Double Trouble Fraternal Twinz Incall NuRu Massage - 20
(Long Beach, 605fwy Downey Cerritos Artesia Long Beac)
▓♡► 100% R€aL_ CoLoMbIaNa M!X__ VeNeZoLaNa__ G_!_R_L 80 $p€cIaL Now!! ♡9494670763 - 24
(Long Beach, 91/605Fwy,Artesia,Downey,Norwalk)
*$100*...... (( Mmmm, Sooo Yummy )) ....... ~ Sexxy Little Blonde ~ .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
► =1 ★ ★% = T_H_I_C_K = _ = C_U_R_V_Y = _ = b_R_u_N_ e _T_T_e= ◄ - 19
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
{ 100% Real } ... { Young & Tight } ... { Blonde & Yummy } ... { $ 100 } - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
*—— :¦:• #1 • :¦:— SUPER FREAK! — :¦:•1oo SPECiALS!• :¦:— GENTLEMEN prefer BLONDES ——* - 21
(Long Beach, 91 Fwy =) Norwalk/ Cerritos/ Long Beach)
ASIAN First time come here 💕💕NURU Massage💕💕BODY TO BODY💕💕100%JAPNESE - 20
(91freeway&pioneer.; Artesia, Cerritos, Long Beach)
Sun 05 Jan
NEW____60____ ★ SM0KiNG H O T T BoMbSheLL ____60____ ★ Specials - 19
(Long Beach, Cerritos/Artesia/91 fwy)
JuiC¥¥ 💦 🔥 sliM ThiCk 🍒 🔥 Hottest BlONd€ bArBi€ 👑 - 20
(Artesia Cerritos Norwalk 91/605, Cerritos, Long Beach)
🔥 HoTTeST BloNdE BarBiE 👑 5 🌟 SeRviCe 💋 1OO% REAL! 😍 SPECIALS 🍭 SoO HoTT! ✨ - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos/Norwalk /Artesia 91/6O5 fwys =))
###~~~* I wAnnA feeL It *~~ MAKE me ~~* 323 335 6092 ms BIG booty - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
Im the HOTTEST Big Booty Babe!🔥🔥🔥 Super Freak💦💦 INCALL - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia/Long Beach/Cerritos)
(INCALLS ONLY)100% NeW! NeW! *•* GOrGeOuS *•* ExOtiC *•* KnOcKOuT *•* Specials 8080808080 - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk Cerritos Artesia 91/605fwy)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, city)
HOT la tina atractive.sexxy body 'IM DULCE 714 650 38 83 - 25
(Long Beach, city artesia 91 fwy exit pioneer)
hot senorita vixen ;) specials !!! specials!!! specials!!! - 21
(Long Beach, long beach iglewood lax area)
❤️💦INcalls!! Come now 💧❤️💦 %1000 ME 💦❤️💧discrete ❤️💕💦 Incalls ❤️ - 20
(Artesia Cerritos Downey Incalls, Downey, Long Beach)
—♥— [[ Hazel Eyes • JUICY BOOTY ]] ——♥— [[ WHITE LATINA BOMBSHELL ]] —♥—— [[ S P E C I A L S ]] —♥— - 22
(Long Beach, Lakewood / Bellflower / Artesia / Downey)
###~~~* I wAnnA feeL It *~~ MAKE me ~~* 323 335 6092 ms BIG booty - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
👑 ✨ HoT! 1OOOO% REAL! ° 💋 ( M V P! ) 👑🍭 B3TT3R THAN H3R⇧AND H3R⇩💎💕 - 22
(Long Beach, 91/6O5 FWYs Artesia/Cerritos! SPECiALS!)
HI gents SNOWBUNNY best sevice in town doll 702 797 0647 INCALL ONLY - 20
(Long Beach, 91 freeway norwlk artesia cerr incall)
+++ * GoRgeoUs ( *Hot Brunette* ) ♥ S e x y ( *1OO% S w e e t ) ~ *8o Specials* ☆ - 24
Get A LittlE Bit' Of *T.L.C. From ME??! I'm Definately A KeepeR!!! - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk/ Artesia Incalls & Outcalls)
I am back!! Yay! Don't miss this sexy Latina this time!! - 19
(Long Beach, 110 @ 91 405 CARSON TORRANCE SOUTH BAY)
💎GORGEOUS PinK💖 Freaky🍭 & Kinky🎀♥• [🍌💦SPECiAlS]•♥One n Only Bunnie™🐰White PlayMate♥• 👅💦 - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia off 91/605 iNCALL.🏪)
CINDY 38DD sexy curvy latina 60$ 323-775-4945 ... 91 fwy exit pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Bellflower 562)
Busty beautiful brazilian im in or out specials 405/Lax Redondo Artesia San pedro 24/7. - 35
(Long Beach, 405/lax,Redondo,Artesia,San pedro,24/7**)
★——— ❤ ———█ ❤ College Sweetheart {100} SPECIALS ❤ █ ———❤———★ - 19
(Long Beach, OFF 91 FWY (Artesia/L.A/Long beach))
_ _ _ _ CURVY BEAUTY _ _ _ _ THICK GODDESS _ _ __ YUMMY BABE _ _ _ _ _ BIG BOOBS _ _ __ _ BUSTY __ _ - 21
cindy & NEW friend both BIG BOOBS Big BOOTYS .. come over GET both for 80$ 80$ 80$ 91fwy PIONEER - 26
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Bellflower 562)
Cindy ❤️ I'm BACK ❤️ 60$$ CINDY ❤️latina big BOOBS 91fwy exit PIONEER - 26
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Lakewood)
★ *CaLl Now ((24/7)) - ((BrEaTh -TaKiNg)) —— ((*GreaT ATTiTuDe !!*)) —— AvaiLaBLe NoW ★ - 18
{{××CoMe & ExPloRe Me××}} Im FuLL Of FUN!!! °°°·80$ SpeciaL·°°° - 19
Breaking News 60 Clean and Ready ) The Best Price on Bp ( real f®£ak ask about booty special - 21
(Long Beach, all over 91 bellflower artesia norwalk)
((__ *BUsTy* __ -*- __ *BloNdE* __ -*- __ *SweET* __ -*- __ SEXYY__)) - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos/ Norwalk/ Whittier/Artesia)
come play █ ▄ U ▃ N ♥R ☆S ♥H ▃ █ SpEcIaL ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R forget 60 special - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
💦💋 Creamy latina💋💦💦 🙌🏽💁🏼💁🏼 SUPER FREAK😜😫Si Hablo Espanol💃🏼💃🏼 951 536-8386 - 21
(Artesia, 91, 105, 605 Fwy Downey Incall, Downey, Long Beach)
*-:¦:-* ❤ * BUSTY BLONDE NEW PICS & REVIEWED*-:¦:-* ❤ * [[ Last NiGHT ]] - 21
(Long Beach, [[ iNCALL ]] Artesia off 91fwy♥)