Sun 12 Jan
60♡♢SuPeR ThIcK PreTTy SnOwBunNy ✔💟💟 With A Big AZs BooTY ✔✔💥⭐ SupErFreAky 🍒phat KItTy 🔹NeW - 24
(Long Beach, Norwalk/Downey/5/605/105 FWY Incll)
💋💖ALL NEW Sexy GirLs Looking 2 Play ◼️👉👉HERE 4 YOU❗️❗️❗️B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ §lip N §lide Fun.💕💕💜 - 19
(Cerritos, Long Beach, Westminster - Stanton - Cypress)
▓👑🌹▓>▓◤👑🌹▆ ▓EXOTIC ArmeNiaN {{DoLL}}♥👑💞▓▓▆ ▓▓▆flexible Janessa🍭👑!🌹👑▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓ - 22
(Inland Empire, RIVERSIDE/60 & 91frwy/incall)
💋💖ALL NEW Sexy GirLs Looking 2 Play ◼️👉👉HERE 4 YOU❗️❗️❗️B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ §lip N §lide Fun.💕💕💜 - 19
(Cerritos, Long Beach, Westminster - Stanton - Cypress)
$60 Smash ║ ║█ ─║ █║ ║█║_░JUICy biG B00Ty ░ ─║ █║║ ║_★ ★ ★ « Your Morning Creep █║ $60 Smash - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK/DOWNEY 5/605 fwy Incall Only)
~(.)(.)~ #50specials Come Hang Out this ~~~> Exotic Hispanic and Dominican GODDESS!! " - 22
(Long Beach, off the 91 & pioneer)
$60💖❤️ Busty B¡G BoOt¥ ☆ Puerto ★ Rican ☆ Princess 💖❤️ÅddI©+!V€ ♡δε∂υ©†¡√ε &FReaK;¥ °•○ $P€C¡AL$ 💞💖❤️ - 19
(Long Beach, 91 freeway Pioneer Artesia Cerritos)
★2 girls for 60$★Cindy BIG BOOBS 323-775-4945 (GREAT reviews )) 91 FWY Exit Pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Orange County Downey)
♥ 1OOO% ME ==>> HOT & REVIEWED || 5 ★ BIG * BOOTY * EbOnY *GiRl - 24
(incall* Woodland hills*outs,2 , u)
$1OO.OO SPC!AL ==► SO S X ¥___ ( ( ASiAN + LAT!NA ) )_◄ === SUPR FRAK¥ - 20
*50 SpECiALS* SeXy PeTiTe EbOnY HoTTiE °★ DONT MISS OUT* [Last Night] - 25
(Long Beach, Gardena InCall ~ Limited Time)
[[1oO% ReAL ]] ★ [[ ß U § ¥ ]] & [[ ß U i FUL ]] ★ [[SuPr FL¡RT¥]] - 19
!!!^!&!YOU havent HAD what YOU where LOOKING fo until YOU'VE had ME!!!!^~*^ - 21
(91 fwy in *Artesia*Norwalk incalla only)
only $100 2 play.❤️.Si hablo esponol the .❤️.Mexican American freaky .❤️👄.❤️ - 20
(Long Beach, Pioneer Blvd., Artesia Boulevard 91 HWY)
(¯ `• ✰•´¯) PasaDeNA S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S (¯ `• ✰ •´¯) - 21
(Los Angeles, Incall: Pasadena Outcall: Your Place)
S_M_O_K_I_N _ !!! _ H_O_T_T * __ ( EbOny __ BOmbShell ) __ ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! Model ~~Type - 21
(Long Beach, Lakewood Downey Bellflower Cerritos LB)
((PAKiSTaNi GiRL ......INDiaN MiX)) (CLiCK HeRe) *SuBMiSSiVe* TReaT [[RaRE]] - 22
°o★o°LOOK °o★o°NO °o★o°MORE °o★o°SeXy BlOnDe {Incall Specials} *2 DAYS ONLY* - 25
BrAzIliAN FrEak ** T **i ** G*** h:;T** SOO F** RI** S*kY & * & H O RR* n*Y*LeT ME tOuCh U **80 qq - 20
(Downey & Lakewood blvd Incalls)
👑Miss Robyn💋 Sweet Petite Treat🍭😛 NORWALK Incall/Outcall Specials💫😌 - 20
(Long Beach, Norwalk(605&Rosecrans;))
LaTeNiGHT FuN ** BiG BooTy BLoNdE ** K!TTY ** LuSTy & BuSTy ** NO RUSH - 21
(NorWalk Artesia 91fwy incall specials)
Last Chance fOr sOme fUn w/ ME40 SpECiAL~ Visiting ! LeAvInG ToDaY!!! - 19
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Whittier)
█▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█ ►►❤️ Late NIGHT 💲NACK Last Day last DAY✌️ ◄◄ █▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█ TRANSEXUAL █▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█▄▄▀▄▀▄▀█ - 24
(Long Beach, ARTESIA - pioneer off 91/605 freeways)
I'm BACK !! DAISY !!! 213-220-6580 60/30min pretty latina .BUSTY .. 91fwy exit PIONEER - 24
(Long Beach, Lakewood Artesia Norewalk 562)
JerseyGirls the best wilds fun ull find..i can prove it if u can take it,,i am a leo - 23
(Long Beach, seal & long beach im or out`call)
~__ G__E__T__ ~__I__N __~__ O__N__~__T __H__E__~ __A__C__T__I __O__N__~ __N__O__W__~ __B__A__B__Y_.. - 21
(INCALL Specials/24hours)
Jessica 310-953-0424 "OUTCALL ONLY" LA,OC Available from 2pm to 6am - 22
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Los Angeles , Orange County)
(¯`' .I ★ *-: CAN MAKE ★ *-: YOU ★ *- :POP.. '´¯)60 ROSES - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk, Artesia, Bellflower (91 & 605))
★ 💋(๏人 ๏)_ HOT 18 YR ¥OUNG Tiffany - NEW GIRL 💋OILY Bod¥2Bod¥ PROS8 ☆😘☆ Always Avail - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, PICO RIVERA - WHITTIER - BELL)
HighLy ReQueSTed* -- BLonde DReaM GiRL -- FuN SiZed BLue Eyed DoLL -- CoMe PLaY with Me -- 100% ReaL - 21
H💥T ____Busty ____Thai/Cuban/Indian mix__Naughty__Nude 💕NURU ==== teasing =====KISSING 👄 PROSTATE - 23
(Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Downey, Downey Norwalk Paramount Incall Outcall, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Sat 11 Jan
♥ Bombshell Blonde Barbie * 100% Real Pics! * 5ft9-36B-24-36 ♥ - 20
(Norwalk/Downey near 5/605/105 freeways)
💋💖ALL NEW Sexy GirLs Looking 2 Play ◼️👉👉HERE 4 YOU❗️❗️❗️B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ §lip N §lide Fun.💕💕💜 - 19
(Cerritos, Long Beach, Westminster - Stanton - Cypress)
**70rose $pecail** busty big booty chocalate amazon with with a bad shape - 20
60 SpRiNg FLiNg Fr€AK ████ {CuBaN DoLL } wit JUicY BoOtY ███ $60 "APPROVED 4 GROWN Men " - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
$60 spectacular ☆ Early MoRniNg DeToUr ☆ S€x¥ CuBaN DoLL ☆ —Big BoOt¥ ◆ $60 Certified pRo in Bed! - 22
(Long Beach, Downey area 605 fwy Incall Only)
$80 SPECiALS=> SExXxY PiCs=> aLL NaTuRaL BeAuTy=> EXOTiC SPANiSH GoDDeSs.. $80 - 22
(Norwalk ((91fwy/605)) incalls)
NeW PeRFEcT ___((( MiX))) __ CaRRiBeAn --♥- HOT -♥- READY -- ----- - 21
(Long Beach, 605/5Fwy Norwalk)
My candy 🍬🍫 store is open!🍒🍓 special right now! I am the 🍒 to your🍰NEW NUMBER - 20
(San Fernando Valley, woodland Hills)
♥ °°N°° a°° u °°g °°h °°T°° y ♥ °° & °° ♥ °° N°° i°° c°° E ♥ - 20
(Norwalk/ Artesia Incalls)
💯%NeW 💋E✖ΘTiC✨ MAMÍ💲exY👯F*R*E*A*K❗ H℮Re😘➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd💥 👯CURvy💛💙💎BUSTy🍓🍒 - 22
(Bellflower, Bellflower, Long Beach Downey ,91 Fwy, Long Beach)
NeW -| | G*F*E | |- !!_ -- X0iC-- _!! *=V=*! XxX E*=N=* ____ (*$60*) ___ (PL3AsUR3S) - 21
(*=*IN&0UTCALLS*=* 91 & 5 FWY cerritos/0c)
**((( NEW )))** *¨¨* CuM*¨¨* CHeCK*¨¨* Me *¨¨* OuT *¨¨* SeXy LaTiNa HoTTie*¨¨*
(*INCALL* ((Artesia/Cerritos/Norwalk)))
monica friendly.... at the 91 and atlantic 100/30min.323/495/5003.,, bombshell latina - 29
(Long Beach, exit atlantic from 91 freeway)
(long beach-southbay-cerritos-lax)
×MaMaCiTa LooK ! ! !×X× CURVY ×X× LaTiNa___BLoNdE ×X× BeautifuL AdAmArY SpEciAL 100H - 28
(CALL ME _____________ GENTLEMEN)
NEW!!! ✨ANDREA👑✨ ALL DAY Specials ➓☆SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E★ - 22
(Long Beach, LBC)
* LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy * 8O$ *S_P_E_C_I_A_L_S !! * VeRy PReTTy LaTiNa * - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs * OutCaLLs 91/605 * Norwalk)
**MUST SEE**** (G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s )**** °°★°° (6O hOt SENSATION) Come play! N@u.GtY GIRL** ! - 20
(Long Beach, Buena Park// 91freeway (near knotts))
NeW_.*¨¨*- ¦:-* IRReSiStiBLe ExXxOTIC SiNaLoEnSe YoUr ULTiMaTe DReAmGiRL .*¨¨*- ¦:-*_ - 28
♥♥ MORNING 60$ TREAT * $eXy Pl@yMatE* MiXed Fr€aK ➸➢➸ Amazing SkiLLs ➸➢➸ ★ BIG BOOTY★*60$* - 19
LOOK ====► ((AVAiLABLE)) NOW ((ANYTiME)) ◄==== LOOK - 22
(InCaLl-off the 91 near 605 freeway)
—— H O T T I E — south AMERICANA ~~ latina colombiam **------- incall - 23
(Garden Grove, brookhurst NEAR TO FWY 22)
G G SPA ! Especial TUESDAY ! Happy Hour Especial# 1 CHOICE LATINAS ,AVALABLE 5 GIRLS 310.461.9610 - 22
(Long Beach, Long Beach, Hawthorne, Torrence, Gardena)
CUTE Fun-Loving SMALL TOWN GIRL in the City :) ** My Real Pics ** REAL FUN :) - 25
(Long Beach, Upscale Outcalls Only *** Your Place)
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(~ 91 , 605 , 710 fwys ~)
♥ College Sweet♥ w/a Naughty Side. Ebony Cutie- Specials! ♥ - 19
(Incalls to LB off the 405/Local outcalls)
BACKPAGE . (Most Valuable ) TORRANCe 4 IncaLLs 36D-25-38 LATiNA MiX - 24
(Long Beach, Carson | Gardena | Southbay &#)
AvAiLaBLE Now ~ ★SEXY ♥ .★ .SWEET & FUN!! *:* →→ # 1 P.I.C.K. - 21
(Long Beach, 91 {{ Carson In/Out Central }})
Alert Alert Alert Sexy German&blk; Exotic vixen great specials Call for details - 23
(Long Beach, Downey bellflower)
818 606-7045 hazel %100 real pics or your service is free!!! - 21
(Long Beach, LAX 818 606-7045 HAZEL)
💋💖ALL NEW Sexy GirLs Looking 2 Play ◼️👉👉HERE 4 YOU❗️❗️❗️B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ §lip N §lide Fun.💕💕💜 - 19
(Cerritos, Long Beach, Westminster - Stanton - Cypress)
✦LAST DAY✦LaSt ChAnCe ✦NeW PiCS 100% REAL°o✦o° BLoNDe BuNNiE °o✦o° - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 5/605 FWY★)
!! 80. SPECiALS !! ⇒ A b s o l u t l e y * B e a u t i f u L .. « tHe BeSt u EvEr HaD!! - 22
(iNCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
80$$$$$! Ebony! *** Hott! *** Ready! *** & Waiting!!!! **** !!!!!!!!!!!! *** $$$ 80 SPECIAL - 21
(Long Beach, EVERY WERE OUTCALLS/91/710/605/105/10/5)
80/Hr Special ***Sexy hott German/Puerto rican ****** I Host only ** Special 80/Hr - 27
80qk~ EaRLyMoRnInG FuN~ ExXxoTiC BoMBSHeLL~ ALwaYs AvaiLaBLE ~ YoU'LL Be VerY GLaD We've MeT~ 80qk - 20
▃▅▆Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▆▅▃ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ A β S O L U T E L Y __ I N C R E D I β L E ▬▬▬▬ ▃▅▆Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▆▅▃80$ - 22
(Long Beach, 91 freeway)