Mon 06 Jan
×× B-E -S-T--G-I-R- L- -I-N-- T-O-W-N! ×× L-O- O-K--N-O-- F-U-R-T-H-E -R ××
(Cerritos : Artesia : 91/605)
💎▄-:¦:-BombSheLL BLaCK n AsIaN BeaUty★Here to Satisfy ALL Needs★•° - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower / Lakewood off 91 fwy)
Sun 05 Jan
Jaw dropping Amazing Ashli Upscale 💄👠Discreet Latina💋👅❤ beauty - 21
(Carson, Downtown, Gardena incalls & outcalls available, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
💞💞💞 hey baby💋💋 I'm your fantasy girl 🌟🌟 young tight and exotic🌷💏💏💏 - 21
(City of Long Beach, incalls/outcalls , two girl special, Long Beach)
Get A LittlE Bit' Of *T.L.C. From ME??! I'm Definately A KeepeR!!! - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk/ Artesia Incalls & Outcalls)
★ *CaLl Now ((24/7)) - ((BrEaTh -TaKiNg)) —— ((*GreaT ATTiTuDe !!*)) —— AvaiLaBLe NoW ★ - 18
👑💖💦100 special💦💖👑 Latina Mix With Booty 👑💖💦 #1 Provider of SGV💦💖👑 - 21
(Incalls & Outcalls, Rowland heights, 60, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
Let me be your fantasy💙💜💙 Sexy slim mixed beauty💋 available to you all day and night 🙈😍 - 23
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
★☆☆☆☆*💗*♥💗♥💗♥ INCALL SPECIAL$ ♥💗♥*☆☆☆☆★☎EBONY PRINCESS Avalible @ Your Request - 22
(Downey, Inglewood / Hawthorne, LA . LAX . CENTURY BLVD . DOWNEY, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
HOT sP€CiaL~ * -» aMaZiNg ________ gOrGeOuS _______ S u P e R F R € a K!« - * YuMmY BrUnEttE TREAT! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia.Norwalk 91freeway/Pioneer Incall)
BIG BOOBS __ SliM WAIST __ BUBBLE BUTT __ *brunette BARBiE __ THE BEST !! ~ in/out - 20
(Los Angeles, Incall, LAX/ OUTCALL ALL OVER)
Available NOW }❤ COLOMBIANA❤100% REAL [[N@UGHTY available now - 23
(Long Beach, downey incalls ....OUTCALLS available)
AMAZ!NG SK!LLS ==► SOO S X ¥___ ( ( AS!AN + LAT!NA ) )_◄ === SUPR FRAK¥ - 20
**// FriDay SPecIaL !!// PaSsIon Avlible Now **-- BabY Spend Your WEekenD With Me-- - 20
(long beach incalls outcalls)
Exotic, Latin Petite, Beauty 100$ special.. - 30
(Long Beach, 91fwy & lakewood blv bellflower incall)
60 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥NÅuGhTy Curvy mixed cutie ♥60 §p€C!ÅL ♥ 100% real - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
💕💜💕 ✨💜✨ 💍➡60⬅special LOOKnew in town GORGEOUs ➡60⬅special💍(EBONY) - 19
(Long Beach, incalls outcalls anywhere 405/710/91)
~$3X¥ Fr3aK¥ 5* R3dBoNe Stallion!!!~ 5'6_150lbs of *BEAUTY* INCALLS/ OUTCALLS 24/7! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! - 20
5star Upscale Independent Provider ((( EXOTIC Greatly REVIEWED)) Call & Text OK! Available NOW! - 21
(Long Beach, ~=~Incalls & Outcalls~=~)
o° (SEXY) °o° (EYE CANDY) :©* IF ITS NOT ME!!! ©* ITS FREE!!! *:© : *AsIaN /BlAcK*:©* - 19
__( NEW! )( DELiCiOUS )( HEART-STOPPiNG )( BL0NDE )( B0MBSHELL )(100 SPECiALS! )__ - 19
(Long Beach, !¡! .. INCALLS.. !¡! « OUTCALLS »)
NeWoOo * DeLiCiOuS * oOo * oOo*ErOtIc *oOo _ WeTt _ oOo * wett PuSsy *oOo - 20
——————— *NAUGHTii HOTTie* ——————— * OUTCALLS ONLY! * ——————— - 21
(Long Beach, Incalls And Outcalls)
Im back New GorGeous Ebony 🌺100%me BigOl'Titts upScale Figure - 20
(Long Beach, 605/105 Lakewood blvd)
Gorgeous beautiful face 100% ReaL! 80 S` P` E` C` i` A` L`S!!!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs / OutCaLLs.. norwalk.. 91/605fwy)
early bird Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥NÅuGhTy Curvy mixed cutie ♥60 §p€C!ÅL ♥ - 19
(Long Beach, all over Artesia,longbeach,cerritos,LA)
»——» ★DING!! ★DING!! ★DING!! »——» ★ (((((((((( J A C K P O T $60 AZZ!!)))))))))) ★ - - - 20
(Long Beach, Seal beach, 710 Frwy, 91 Frwy, 405 Frwy)
CHaNel🐝NewPics📷VIDEO🎥HOT n REaDy👅$100special - 21
(Incalls in Gardena. Outcalls ((LOCAL)), Long Beach)
BuStY ......YOUR -:¦:- TOES -:¦:- WILL -:¦:- DEFINITELY -:¦:- CURL ¯`· YuMmY·¯ YuM ·´¯'YuM - 21
★ BLONDE ★ Beauty ★ Incall Specials ★ - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia Incalls & Outcalls)
BIG BOOBS __ SliM WAIST __ BUBBLE BUTT __ *brunette BARBiE __ THE BEST !! ~ in/out - 20
(Los Angeles, Incall, LAX/ OUTCALL ALL OVER)
All DAY 80 S°P°€° C°I°A° L •°° MiX€D Fr€aK AVALIABL€ NOW! - 21
(Long Beach, 91 fwy incalls/outcalls all over)
> L { ✰ } { ✰ } K--BRuNeTTE °o{( EBoNY) HOT GURL! ____ ____OUTCALLS - 23
◆60/80/160 Specials◆▬▬▬▬ P R E T T Y • F A C E ◆ S M A L L • W A I S T ▬▬▬▬▬◆ CALL 24/7! - 22
💕💜💕 ✨💜✨ 💍➡60⬅special LOOKnew in town GORGEOUs ➡60⬅special💍(EBONY) - 19
(Long Beach, incalls outcalls anywhere 405/710/91)
~$3X¥ Fr3aK¥ 5* R3dBoNe Stallion!!!~ 5'6_150lbs of *BEAUTY* INCALLS/ OUTCALLS 24/7! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! - 20
42DD HUGE TITS +HOT VIXEN+ ____ ____ +HOT SPEC IALS+ ___ ___ +YOU CAN'T GO WRONG + _ 70qq - 21
* LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy * 8O$ *S_P_E_C_I_A_L_S !! * VeRy PReTTy LaTiNa * - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs * OutCaLLs 91/605 * Norwalk)
HOT![[ OPEN MINDED ]] ♥ [[ BrUneTtE TREAT ]] ♥ [[ VERY SWEET ]] - - - 24 - 21
(Long Beach, 91..6O5fwys cerr norw down arte In & Out)
__ GORGEOUS RedHead BUNNY __ ~ Upscale & ACCOMODATING ** Juicy Bubble BUTT -» reviewed - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth **** Woodland hills)
☆... ☆ ...BEAUTIFUL SMILE... ☆ ... EXOTIC ☆ ...U WANT ME... ☆80/180 - 19
(Long Beach, Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos)
60 SpEcIaLs __ *BeInG* __!!__ *ThIs * __!!__* BaD *__!!__ * FeELs* __!!__* So0* __!!__ *Go0D__! - 20
(Long Beach, InCaLls 91 pioneer/ outcalls ur place)
___ [[ 1oO% ~ R€AL]] — ♥ — [ NEW NUMBER 818-390-3405 ] — ♥— [[ 2 GIRL SPECIALS! ]] ___ - 21
(Long Beach, Incalls And Outcalls)
$1OO.OO SPC!AL ==► SO S X ¥___ ( ( ASiAN + LAT!NA ) )_◄ === SUPR FRAK¥ - 20
$1OO.OO SPECIAL __ **___ SOoOo__Na _ sss _tt _yy__ **__~ LATiNA + ASiAN ~__**__3___X ___ R_A_T_E_D_ - 20
#1 G O R G E O U S ___ V E R Y - P R E T T Y ___ L A T I N A .. 80 .. SPECiALS!! .. AVAiLABLE NoW!! - 23
(Long Beach, Incalls/Outcalls 91/605fwy/ Norwalk..)
(Long Beach, Upscale Outcalls (NEW) Incalls 100% Real)
👑💖💦100 special💦💖👑 Latina Mix With Booty 👑💖💦 #1 Provider of SGV💦💖👑 - 21
(Incalls & Outcalls, Rowland heights, 60, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
100 Outcall Specials 60 Incall Exotic ❤ Beauty ❤ Irish & Black ❤ Bombshell - 20
(Long Beach, Incall 91 Pioneer / Your place)
Sat 04 Jan
((_I LIKE IT ROUGH_)) IT MiGhT Be C-O-L-D OuTsiDe BUT {"I:N:S:I:D:E"} FeeLs Soo W:A:R:M!! - 22
(Long Beach, ARTESIA (91) OutCalls Near NORWALK Area)
Come get your 80.. Weekend SPECiAL!! !! 100% Stunning Beauty Queen is ready and Available NOW!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs / OutCaLLs.. norwalk.. 91/605fwy)
🌸🙌 BLONDE Colombian🌸 ☞Rεαdy NOW 🌸 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G 🌸╠╣Ot Bombshell !!!!🙌🌸 - 22
(Long Beach, Off 605 / Pico / Downey / Whittier ,ect)
come get your 80.. SPECiAL!! !! 100% Stunning Beauty Queen is ready and Available NOW!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs * OutCaLLs 91/605 * Norwalk)
$1OO.OO SPECIAL __ **___ SOoO __Na _ sss _tt _yy__ **__~ LATiNA + ASiAN ~__ - 20
$1OO.OO_SPECIAL __ **__ SoOoO_ Na_ ss_ t _ yy__ **___~ ASiAN + LATiNA ~___** __ P_L_a_Y _M_a_T_e_ - 20
100 Outcall Specials 60 Incall Exotic ❤ Beauty ❤ Irish & Black ❤ Bombshell - 20
(Long Beach, Incall 91 Pioneer / Your place)
$1OO.OO SPECIAL __ **__ SssOoO__ Na_ ss_tt _ yyy__ **___~ ASiAN &LATiNA; ~___** __ P_L_a_Y _M_a_T_e - 20
Looking for a great time jazzy's here!!!! To the rescue !!! - 21 - 21
(Long Beach, Long beach, outcalls incalls surrounding)
KILLER BODY [[ visiting short time ]] SENSUAL ___ LATINA ____ !!! hot sexy wild- READY NOW *** - 24
(Long Beach, 105/605/5 fwy incalls/& outcalls)
🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺INCALLS & OUTCALLS🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸 100% REAL Sexy Amina Looking for Company Let's Have Some Fun😍💦❗ - 22
(City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk, off the 105 Fwy in Downey)
beautiful sexy black woman~~exotic puerto rican~~north long beach~~get it while its hot~~~ - 24
(Long Beach)
♥ Stunning Well Reviewed Blonde Beauty! Looks & Personality to match! ♥ - 20
(incalls to Long Beach off the 405/ Local out)
__( NEW! )( DELiCiOUS )( HEART-STOPPiNG )( BL0NDE )( B0MBSHELL )(100 SPECiALS! )__ - 19
(Long Beach, !¡! .. INCALLS.. !¡! « OUTCALLS »)
♥♛♥♛♥♛♥♛♥NEW SEXY n EXOTIC PHILIPPINA Hurry FUN FUN FUN!!!♥♛♥♛♥♛♥♛♥ - 23
(Downey, Long Beach, Downey, Norwalk, Paramount)
🍓🍓 NeW specials 🍓IrReSiStAbLe BlOnDe BeAuTy!!! 🍓 NeW specials 🍓🍓 - 19
(Inland Empire, Fontana/Rancho/Ontario)
80 Special Certified Pleazer!!! Let a Pro handle it!!! Supa Juicy N Ready80 Special 24/7 - - 23
(Long Beach, 91frwy/pioneer incalls only no outcalls)
[ ] ♥ [ ] 8O ßrUneTtE ★ ßu§Ty ★ ßombshell [ ] ♥ [ ] - 20
(Long Beach, bUenA Park..91fwy iNcalls & OUtCALLS)
◆60/80/160 Specials◆▬▬▬▬ P R E T T Y • F A C E ◆ S M A L L • W A I S T ▬▬▬▬▬◆ CALL 24/7! - 22
NEW**•❥SWeeT ❥ PeTTiE *★•MiXeD TReAT ❥*ViSiTinG •Specials - 22
(Long Beach, INCALLs = 91 fwy. OUTCALLs your place)
-:¦:- °❀° ExXxotic -:¦:- Life -:¦:- Size -:¦:- Barbie °❀° -:¦:- - 20
(Long Beach incalls... local out)
♥ F L A W L E S S & Busty ** C_U_R_V_Y ** Brunette BeAuTy ♥ HOT YUMMY NAUGHTii SPECIALS! - 20
(Long Beach, 91fwy Incalls & Outcalls All over!)
{{BruNNeTTe}} _____ ^!^ SuPeR CuTe ^!^ _____ ~~SweEt & SoFT ~~ _____ [ReaDY To PLaY]_____*NoW* - 21
(Long Beach, 91.6O5fwys cerr norw down arte in&out;)
( ♥ BUSTY ♥ PLAYMATE ♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥1OO% REAL & REVIEWED♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥ AVAiLABLE ♥♥ ) :: :: (Incalls) - 21
(Long Beach, Gardena 91 • 11O • 4O5fwys In & Out)
50 CoMe N Get TrEaTed like A KiNg ¦:- •° FrOm a MixeD GoDDeSS - 19
(Long Beach, 605 rosecrans downey norwalk buena park)