Wed 08 Jan
pretty **big lips****amazing bigg round booty * huge bust Dds **N@sty ebony Fre@k - 23
(Long Beach, downey incall/outcall)
( ( ( MEOW>>>wanna see PINK KITTY PURRRR? cum play with A SEX KITTEN WHOS A TIGER IN THE SACK!! - 30
💦Ms.Juicy 💦and Curvy👅 INCALL and Outcall💖Freaky Bitch💖💖Open 24hrs💖 - 23
(Long Beach, Longbeach and surrounding areas)
Lets play ** freaky ebony 100%real * round Booty** Bigg DD'S (.)(.) *slim waist **FULL LIPS *l - 22
(Long Beach, downey incall &outcall;)
💦MouthWatering incall 80/100 SpecialExotic✔️ Upscale✔️🌇 Special 😘 Ready Now 🏪Slim waist 👙Gorgeous Face - 20
(City of Long Beach, Downey, Downey🏆 605/105fwy, Long Beach)
LaST NiTE!! ((BrUnEttE HoTTiE)) LaSt CHaNCe!! (`'•LuSCiOUs V•'´) UnB€Li€vaBL€ SKILLS & SpECiALs - 25
(Long Beach, Norwalk {605/5} Incall & Outcall)
* ❤.* L✪ ✪K *.❤* *!* AVAIL. NOW ((( NEW )))*!* V_i_S_i_T_i_N_G *!* - 22
JuMpStArT yOuR wEeKeNd WiTh ThIs SeXy SpInNeR! Incall & Outcall Specials! All pictures are 100% re! - 26
(Long Beach, Long Beach/Garden Grove/Redondo Beach/We)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Ready to play NOW!!! Incall/Outcall All Over You!!! - 40
(Long Beach, Long Beach Signal Hill)
▃▆▓Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▓▆▃ ▃▆▓Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▓▆▃ * I * N * D * E * P * E * N * D * E * N * T * ▃▆▓Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▓▆▃ ▃▆▓ - 22
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs Hotel)
-$$-- In TOWn FoR A FeW DaYs-$$-- FAT JUICY --CheCk me OuT - 22
INCALLS :) —— New Pictures ——— HOT BUSTY COLLEGE STUDENT ——— — AvailaBLe Now ————— ▓ - 20
(Long Beach, Cerritos,Artesia (91 Fwy))
INCALL FRIDAY 4-6:30 PM! Sensual Nude Lapdance (Bed dance) ,Toys , Massage , Fetishes - 31
(Hollywood/ Los Angeles)
INCALL $PECIAL$ ~》 ( ( ( E V E R Y T H I N G ____ U R ___ L O O K I N G ___ F O R ) ) ) ) 《~ OUTCALL - 28
(Long Beach, INCALL (MY PLACE)$pecial$100 (OUTCALLS_2)
InCaLl? OuTcAlL? ** A ViSiT 2 WOnt FoRgEt ** 2 Of MoSt REAL GiRLs ** SexY bUT stILL SWeeT - 21
(Long Beach, ~ {91} ~ ¡nCaLL or 0uTcAll ~ Carson ~)
Tue 07 Jan
♥NeW ChOcOlAte BuNnY iN ToWn♥ ~^~ LeT Me CaTeR tO yOu♥ ~^~ NeW iN tOwN - 21
(long beach outcall 91 710)
💋My Boyfriend is out of town 💌 - 27
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County, Orange County Outcall in O.C. INcall 💋, Santa Ana)
*~*~ ASIAN BOMBSHELL *~*~* Hollywood Hottie *~*~*~ Your Place or Mine *~*~ ^100% REAL PICS *~*~* - 21
(West Hollywood Incall / outcall)
60$ ✋👀🔊👂 👉#1 REQUESTED 💯% PURE➡FREAK™ 60$ 💎👑Royalty👑💎⬇⬇⬇ Available ⏰NOW!!! 📲 📞☎ 👈👍👌⬇⬇⬇ - 19
(Long Beach, 91 / 605 fwy 🏪 24HR fun)
:*: ( MaKiNg ) :*: ( yOUr ) :*: ( FaNTaSy ) :*: ( A ) :*: ( REaLiTy ) :*: iM CUte :*: SoFt & SeXy.! - 23
❤ ❤ ~ * •♛• * ★ EbOnY fREAK ★* ♛* ULTiMaTe SaTisFaCtIoN ★* •♛• *~ ❤ - 29
(Long Beach, Outcall ~Incall)
hot young READY NOW!! 80SPECIAL ..let's play lNCALL/OUTCALL NOW 2girLS - 21
(562 LB....incall &outcall.; 2girls 420, Long Beach)
CoMe PLay With Me ~-~ GoRgeouS FuN SiZed ~-~ BLue Eyed DoLL ~-~ I'LL MaKe YouR DaY ~-~ CaLL Me - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
🆕 Come Have Your Ultimate Experience With Two Hot party girls🆕 - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Long Beach incall Outcall)
🍭🍓💦★✨ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R. ★✨~ L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E •~★ - -GiRl NexT DoOr❤️❤️🍰 - 22
(City of Long Beach, Hollywood, incall Long Beach / Outcall, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
EarlyBird BOoty lOvErS🎀🍒😍💸👠60SpeCiAls🎀 wHiTe BiG BoOtTy 💋🎀60 pLaYmaTe👅🎀$pEcIalS •😗👅 - 22
(91 and harbor INCALL AND OUTCALL, Anaheim, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County)
╚» ♥ DaNgrOuS CuRvs ( 5 (☆***) SRv!C ; ) FLaWLsS~ CuT¡ ♥ ╚» - 21
(Long Beach, Bellflower/Carson/ Outcall? Incall?)
❤ ❤ ~ * •♛• * ★ EbOnY fREAK ★* ♛* ULTiMaTe SaTisFaCtIoN ★* •♛• *~ ❤ - 29
(Long Beach, Outcall ~Incall)
CRISSYPOO* BUsTy_ big _ BUTT[[ eBonY]] ( iNcaLL OUTcaLL SpeCiaLz - 25
(Long Beach, NORWALK 105 PARAMOUNT 91 DOWNEY 710)
NEWWWW From MIAMi ..! TRINiTy 🍫TRINITy🍫L●●K! NEW☜EXØTiC(✰ⓒ ⓤ ⓣ ⓘ ⓔ wίтħa Bøø✟y✰)] ❥TRINiTy - 22
(Downey, Inglewood / Hawthorne, LAX .!!!!!! Incallllll Available. Culver, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Santa Monica)
New Nasty Freaky Coulpe!! 7th st exit Long beach - 22 outcall/ Incall Ready? - 22
(Long Beach, 710 22 downton San Pedro 105)
~ GoOd MoRnInG ~ early bird specials ~ 100% GiRl of Ur DrEaMs ~ NaTuRaLy SeXy & SwEeT ~ - 21
(Long Beach, {110} Gardena Carson Torrance LB {91})
———*——— 60*SEXY BARBiE ————*————60* PRETTY ————— * ——— ** PUERTO RICAN **————SEXY and So HoT,——**—— - 20
$60incall E X O T I C _&_ S E D U C T I V E _E B O N Y HOTTIE Available Now - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower /Norwalk Outcall 91fwy Incall)
(40special) ebony bubble butt.. nicest azz on b.p. back in town with new pics!! 40/80/100 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, north hills incall / outcall)
PLus size BBw full Figured 38 DDD all natural Juggs sexy incall fun for 80 off 405 - 26
(incall - outcall)
* ★ NoT LiKe THe ReST ° iM SiMPLY THe BeST ★ *((( DAY SPECIALS))) - 19
((((CERRITOS))) iNCall & oUtCall)
°°°° ♥/♥ NORTHERN-CALI °°°° PLAYMATE°°°° ALEXIS ♥/♥ °°°° - 19
(Los Angeles Incall - 24hr Outcall)
•° o ☎o° •° o ☎o° Visiting Very Hot & Exotic BUSTY MIX PHILLIPINA~Fun Fun Fun •° o •° o ☎o° - 23
♥ o°• 80$ Specials *** INCALL/ OUTCALL• Exotic** Hawaiian & Dominican Queen *°o♥o °••°o♥o°• - 22
(Long Beach, indland empire)
█ • █ • █ • █ • █ IN LONG BEACH! ❤ Your FILIPINA FANTASY is ready to play! ;) █ • █ • █ • █ • █ - 19
(Long Beach, Incall: LONG BEACH, Outcall: Surr Areas)
LaST DaY((SeXii BrUNeTTe BuNNii))LiKe No OThER*•♥•* ULTiMaTe ExPeRiEnCe {{EaRLy BiRD SpECiALs}} - 25
(Long Beach, Norwalk {605/5} Incall & Outcall)
💗 💓 Incall/ Outcall $PECIAL$ 💓 💗 B E A U T I F U L 💗 BLONDE 💗 bOmbshell 💣💍 - 22
(Long Beach, Pico Rivera/Montebello/ Whittier/ Bell G)
*❀ * ❀ FILIPINO DOMINICAN MIX *❀ * ❀ everything u never had ★ - 22
Fresh New 2 Backpage... Need Some Fun... Hope You have Some Privacy !!! Read Me - 28
(Long Beach, INCALL$ 100 special ( Outcall 24/7)
🎀💋ErOtiC,e XOtIc💯🌟 Ready To PaRtY💋🎀 cOmE HeLp Me PLaY!!! - 24
(Long Beach, Belleflower,incall and all outcall)
ENLARGE picture ! ! !X X X X X ( im the REAL DEAL lucille ) ( )()( )()()( ) see me HULA H00P - 27
______!! EXQUISITE !! ______ *_*_*_*_ hottie with a sexxy body *_*_*< (downey) - 22
(Long Beach, DOWNEY { iN + oUt })
[★]E y E°° ►C a n d y [★] Y o u r BLONDE A d d i c t i o n [★] - 22
CoMe SpEnD YoUr 4th of JulY With All AmErIcAn BBW Aria!!! - 30
(Long Beach, Incall 110fwy and Outcall)
(((AvAilabLe All NiGhT SeXy EbOny PrettY FaCE biG BeHiND ))) NeW JuST ArRived!! - 22
60specails562-419-0564★A + big juicy booty Cutie Nice big SpaNakble BoOtY - 18
(Long Beach, Pico rivera/ fwy5/605 ☎562)419-0564)
60 Special Incall Exotic ❤ Beauty ❤ Irish & Black ❤ Bombshell - 20
(Long Beach, Incall 91 Pioneer / Artesia)
(40special) ebony bubble butt.. nicest azz on b.p. back in town with new pics!! 40/80/100 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, north hills incall / outcall)
* * 100% REAL PICS * * TiMe 2 GeT ThIs PaRtY StArTeD * * 24/7 & LaIDBaCk * * 8o In ~ 120 OuT * * * - 21
(Long Beach, 110~105~ 405~ Southbay ~ Incall Outcall)
New Freaky Couple! Lets enjoy one another! Incall or Outcall 🚗 - 24
(Long Beach, O.C. Carson San Pedro L.B. H.Gardens)
👑Miss Robyn💋 Sweet Petite Treat🍭😛 NORWALK Incall/Outcall Specials💫😌 - 20
(Long Beach, Norwalk(605&Rosecrans;))
HOT▃ ▅ ▆ █ 💄💞🍓█ ▆ ▅ ▃🌺🍀 -PORN STAR JADE HSU HOSTING INCALLS 🍀🌺▃ ▅ ▆ █ 🍒🌴🌺█ ▆ ▅ ▃ - 27
(Irvine, Irvine Incall / outcall)
HOT 420/Party Friendly Couple watch/join 10inch BLACK Stud *** Curvy Playmate Freakz *** LIVE 24/7 - 25
(Downtown, all los angeles)
( ) »-♥-» *___ G__ O __ O __ D __ ___♥MO* __R __N __I__N __G __ »-♥-»* ( ) - 22
(Incall // outcall)
Good MoRning FuN ~*~ eXoTiC BLondE PLaYMaTe ~*~ HighLy addiCTiVe GiRL NexT DoOr ~*~ No RuSH Specials - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
💙💋💋❤️💜❤️ BIG BOOTY ELISA SWEETZ 💚💚💚 THE BEST ON HERE !! 😘😘💦💦 Highly Reviewed!!! 💕💕💕 - 22
(Costa Mesa, Downey, Irvine, La Mirada/ Buena park, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange, Orange County, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Santa Ana)
bigg lips **super busty(.)(.) *slim waist **big round azz **sensual playmate - 22
(Long Beach, incall downey /outcall always)
👉👉 B€TTËR THAN HËR 🙋 ⇧ ÄND HÊR ⇩ 🙋 🎀 ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 🎀« Mz JUICY KAKEZ 💜 » 💯ReAL Hips Thighs SoftAzz 💋 👀 💖 ❤ - 28
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, North Hollywood/Woodland Hills-Out/In, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
♥ Stunning Well Reviewed Blonde Beauty! Looks & Personality to match! ♥ - 20
(incalls to Long Beach off the 405/ Local out)
60 100 120 ✖✖✖ Melody Ebony ✖✖✖ CHOCOLATE Must Meet Today! ✖✖✖ ✔Mature ✔CLASSY ✔Sexy ✔MASSAGE - 32
(Long Beach, HARBOR CITY 110 exit SEPULVEDA)
$100hr special 👌 looking👀 for a hot young playmate??!;* come play 💦 with chocolate 🍫 - 21
(City of Long Beach, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Where ever you need me to be👠👡)