⚠•★• N O W H I R I N G •★•⚠ (( Dancers ★ Escorts ★ Companions )) ⚠•★• N O W H I R I N G •★•⚠ - 100

Posted : Monday, January 06, 2025 04:07 AM | 6 views

V.I.P ANGELS FEMALE ° COMPANIONS ° ESCORTS ° DANCERS ° WANTED!! APPLY TODAY!! Currently seeking Classy, Sexy, Attractive & fit Companions 18-35. In High Demand For * Blonde * Brunette * Red * Middle Eastern * Asian * Latina , & Exotic Mixed Companions.•••► No Experience Required. We offer: *TOP PAY!!! Companions make 500-1000+/Shift You must meet the following requirements to work with us: *Be Attractive with a Fit body and well groomed. *18-35 years old *Open-minded, Friendly *Be as responsible, reliable and trustworthy! *Available Minimum 3 shifts per week *Must Have a working cell phone. START TODAY!!! Driver/Dancer teams and independents welcome Send recent photos along with contact number to VIPANGELSNOW@GMAIL.COM OR CALL KYLE 24/7 AT : (818)528-6169 bakersfield tran escorts,putas long beach,queens trans escorts,tranny escorts mcallen,trans escorts new orleans,escorts ts westpalm,trans escorts queens ny,transexual escorts houston,long beach escort service,ling beach escorts
  • Post ID : 1274060
  • Poster's age : 29
  • City : Long Beach
  • Address : Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, LA/OC/SD/IE/SFV/SGV