Mon 27 Jan
Gorgeous & Real!!! Extremely BUSTY Latina 40DDD's !!!!!! Sweet n FUN - 27
(Long Beach, off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Good morning Guys Super SpecialS Today $$50 $$70 call714 948 65 96 - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91 exit pioneer,artesia,605)
Exotic *** Sweet *** Busty *** Asian Sweetheart *** Relaxing Massage *** GFE - 24
(Long Beach, Cerritos, 605 & 91 FWY)
Exotic *** Lovely *** Busty *** Gorgeous *** Asian BabyDoll *** Great Massage - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia, 605 & 91 FWY)
FiLiPiNO// ChiNeSe ******* PLaYmaTE ******* 100 % G/F/E ****** Sexy & Seductive ****Qk sPeIcALs - 21
Exotic Cutie ♡ Juicy Booty ♡ Bedroom Eyes ♡ Curvy Thighs ♡ Soft Lips ♡ Thick Hips ♡♧☆ Don't miss out - 25
(Long Beach, Long Beach Artesia off the 91/605 fwy in)
100 % GFE _ Click _ {{{Here}}} _ If _{{ You}} _ Like _ {{A }}_ NaughtY _ {{{Blonde}} _ QK sPEICaL _ - 20
100 % ____ G.F.E. ____ PhAt B{0{0TY____ Freak ___ 100% REAL PHOTO - 20
❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤ - 20
(Long Beach, ARTESIA, 91 FWY 710, 105 , 605)
Morning specials💛💚All natural 🌟🌟🌟 Sexy Curvy Latina★★★ Sweet Big Booty💟💟💟 - 25
(Long Beach, Artesia off the 91/605 fwy incall)
NASTY HOTTIE with Big Huge Amazing TITS 40DDD!!! For ALl Fetishes & FAntasies - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Ms. Bends......60 special before time hurrrry! Ask me about my specials!!!! - 19
(Long Beach, 91 and 605 fwy... Incall)
L O O K=====> SUPER * SWEET * __ &__* SEXY *______* BLONDE *_______ ♥ HOTTIE ♥ ! - 22
(Cerritos // Norwalk // 91 & 605 FWY)
l leave at 11 50$$ 50$$ 50$$ SELENA 36DD Latina .... español call me selena ... 91 fwy 605 fwy - 24
(Long Beach, downey artesia cerritos lakewood)
LaTIN GIrLS📷 KATY📷 & More👌 COLOMBIANA💋#1ReQUESTED PLAYMATE!•°1st Come 1st SERVED!+📢562-294-8371 - 22
(Bellflower👀👀👀📢SI YO HABLO ESPANOL📢, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Juicy Latina ⇥หεωЪ¡ε ห †๏ωи⇤💞 вιg в🍑🍑ту çυтιє💞🎶ѕкιℓℓz тħåт кιℓℓ🎶💞 ʀɛaʟ օʀ ʄʀɛɛ 909 714-4144 - 21
(91, 105, 605 Fwy Downey Incall, Downey, Long Beach)
> L {✰} {✰} K > ( SeXy HOT GIRL ) * SuPeR NAUGHTY SeX KiTTeN - 19
(Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos/91/605 fwy)
Juicy - n - Delicious BLoNdE..(100 * Speci@l Just 4 U .. iN - C@lls Only... C@ll ME ! ) - 20
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
((I Can Be YouR Morning Secret )) DoLL FaCed> BIG BOOTY< ViXen :: Leaving soon ♡ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia incall ♥ off 91/605 fwy)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
GeT🆙N My 🎀T¡GHT&PR;€TT¥ 👅F@T KitTy K@T👅 Dr¡ppeN💧Moist 🚨 80incalls - 24
(Long Beach, 605/105/91 fwy incalls Lakewood....)
♡ __ HΘΤ German & iRiSH __ ♡ シ Visiting Cali ___ ★ 100% REAL ★ AvaiLable NOW __ Leaving Soon シ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia incall ♥ off 91/605 fwy)
*** HOT PETITE Bombshell! ~ * BLONDE!* THE ULTIMATE Companion! GREAT REVIEWS!! *** - 22
(ARTESIA // NORWALK // 91 & 605 FWY)
G*F*E ((AvAiLABLe) ) ASIAN HoTTiE G*F*E* ((ANyTiMe== ==LooK)) ASIAN BuNNy - 21
*** G*O*R*G*E*O*U*S __--____ == x- X- x== _____ ____ Y=*=O=*=U =*=N=*=G ____ /*/___ B*L*O*N*D*E ** - 22
(Cerritos // Norwalk // 91 & 605 FWY)
G*F*E ((AvAiLABLe) ) BLoNDe HoTTiE G*F*E* ((ANyTiMe== ==LooK)) SnOw BuNNy - 21
((( CLICK HERE )) ------ (( EaRLy mORNinG SpEcIaLs )) ------------- (( CuM gEt a TaStE )) ----- - 20
☆ = ❥ *▓* Âb§OLutLy ÂmÂzInG * ▓* .* (_S_e_X_y_) 1OOO% REAL ! *.* - 23
(Long Beach, 605/91 Fwy =) Cerritos / Norwalk !)
*!*!* Beautiful & Exotic *!*!* (626) 421 - 8367 *!*!* THE REAL MISS SWEETS *!*!*! 1(oo) & SpEcial - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk/whittier/Downey/605/105/91/5 fwy)
((£aST DaY SpLs!)) •♛• Exclusive {{1 oF A KiNd}} Companion •♛• BeAiTiFuL BuNNii •♛• {{£aSt CHaNCe}} - 25
(Long Beach, ARTESIA/NORWALK 91/605 FWY)
Americas # 1 AddicTion ((((( Wet Tight & young )))) AppleBottomed Slut - 19
BBW-•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •-:¦:-•*BBW - 23
(Long Beach, 605/91/5/105/710& 405 Fwy)
Sun 26 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
6O Special ExxxCLuSiVE EvEnTS :::: AvAiLAbLE NoW ::::: SnACK :::: 6O Special - 22
8O specials LeTT LooSe ~ BiGeSt BooTy EvEr ~ InCALL SpECIAL ~ wItH The Best ~ HoTTiE NoW - 22
$60Super Freak °• Nice SliM Waist • JuiCy BooTy (( CLaSsY CUBAN DoLL ))MaN BEST Friend $60 - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 605/91 fwy)
60 Tasty TEMPTATION " ATTENTION Grown Men" ████ {CuBaN Freak } wit JUicY BoOtY ███ $60 ADULT OnLy - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
( A L L _ D A Y ) ) _ S A T U R D A Y ( R E A L _ Q U A L I T Y ) ( R E A L _ B I G _ B R E A S T ) - 20
($120(ALL)CITYs(91)(105)(110)(605)FWYS *)
Sun 12 Jan
███████ ————— ❤ Angel Touch ❤ RELAX & Super .ASIAN. Massage.————— (( For U )) —— ███████ - 23
(Long Beach, ★ Downey ★ Bellflower 105/ 91/ 605 Fwy ★)
80qk~ EaRLyMoRnInG FuN~ ExXxoTiC BoMBSHeLL~ ALwaYs AvaiLaBLE ~ YoU'LL Be VerY GLaD We've MeT~ 80qk - 20
$60 Rise N Shine Pleasure •KILLER Body{{ Sexi CUBAN DoLL }} Big Juicy BOOTY!! $60 Spectacular - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
80q SpAnK Me* Pull My Hair~ ErOtIc ~ MiXEd sEX KItTeN Super Wet & Ready For YOU!! ~ SPECIALS** - 22
6O Special ExxxCLuSiVE EvEnTS :::: AvAiLAbLE NoW ::::: SnACK :::: 6O Special - 22
60qk 🌹I Want You Now👅Your #1 Pick 💅👸Spanish Gal's👰👯 Are The Best 💋🍌562 230-3922👅Super Freak - 21
(91, 105, 605 Fwy Downey Incall, Downey, Long Beach)
$60Super Freak °• Nice SliM Waist • JuiCy BooTy (( CLaSsY CUBAN DoLL ))MaN BEST Friend $60 - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 605/91 fwy)
$60 UnRushed Quality Time (( LeT's PLaY iN my SHEETS )) Cuban DoLL $60 UnRuShed N@uGht¥ FUN - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
$6O CLiCk HErE ➜➜ⓈⒺⓍⓎ° MiXeD Mami 👅💦👄 [[1OO%ЯEÁL]] 👅💦👄 KILLER BODY • T!GHT & YoUNg 🎀 CALL ME - 19
(Long Beach, 91 / 605 fwy 🏪 24HR fun)
$$ 60 SpECiAl ~~ Ba.Ng This ~~~ BuBBLE BuTT ~ nAuGHty CuBaN ~ $$$ 60 InCaLL SPecial - 22
$60 N@ught¥ CUBAN DoLL Awaits {{ Nice JuiCy BooTy }} MaN BEST Friend $60 Wanna SL¡p MY P@NT!3s Off? - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 605/91 fwy)
$60 Fun ║ ║█ ─║ █║ ░JUICy biG B00Ty CUBAN ░ ─║ █║║ JUMPSTART uR WEEK «█║ $60 FUN - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
One of a KIND!!! Super Busty 40G's Latina!! No other girl has them this big! - 26
(Long Beach, off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Only Today📷 ZULY📷 PETITE👌 COLOMBIANA💋#1ReQUESTED PLAYMATE!•°1st Come 1st SERVED!▶️562-417-5371 - 22
(Bellflower👀👀👀📢SI YO HABLO ESPANOL📢, Long Beach, Norwalk)
♡ __ HΘΤ German & iRiSH __ ♡ シ Visiting Cali ___ ★ 100% REAL ★ AvaiLable NOW __ Leaving Soon シ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia incall ♥ off 91/605 fwy)
♥ § i M p L y ♥ § T u N N i N g (S)(u)(P)(e)(R) (-S-w-E-e-T-) - specials - 21
(Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos/91/605 fwy)
Hot ___ WILD ___ TIME with Extremely BUSTY Latina 40DDD's !!!!!! in the 562 or ur place - 25
(Long Beach, off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Hot ___ WILD ___ TIME with Extremely BUSTY Latina 40DDD's !!!!!! Sweet n FUN - 25
(Long Beach, off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) GoRgEoUs _ ExXxotic _ PlayMate (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸. '´¯) Sexy & Erotic!!! - 21
(Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos/91/605/5 fwy)
HOT _______ NASTY _________ BUSTY ________ HUGE 40DDD'S __________ for all FETISHES - 26
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Hot NEW PICTURES of Super BUSTY G size cups of Exotic Latina in the 562 - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Sat 11 Jan
$60 UnRushed Quality Time (( LeT's PLaY iN my SHEETS )) Cuban DoLL $60 UnRuShed N@uGht¥ FUN - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
60 SpRiNg FLiNg Fr€AK ████ {CuBaN DoLL } wit JUicY BoOtY ███ $60 "APPROVED 4 GROWN Men " - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
$60 SECRET Sunday °• (( CUBAN DoLL ))Come get N@ugHt¥ $60 Sexii SunDay - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 605/91 fwy)
((New pics super hot )) call Specials $$$$ 1000000% Real pothos - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91 exit pioneer,artesia,605)
NASTY HOTTIE with Big Huge Amazing TITS 40DDD!!! For ALl Fetishes & FAntasies - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤ - 20
(Long Beach, ARTESIA, 91 FWY 710, 105 , 605)
Morning specials💛💚All natural 🌟🌟🌟 Sexy Curvy Latina★★★ Sweet Big Booty💟💟💟 - 25
(Long Beach, Artesia off the 91/605 fwy incall)
NASTY HOTTIE with Big Huge Amazing TITS 40DDD!!! For ALl Fetishes & FAntasies - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
$60 spectacular ☆——— "Its time 2 get N@sT¥" ———☆ CuBaN DoLL ☆ —Big BoOt¥ ◆ $60 Certified pRo in Bed! - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
80qk~ EaRLyMoRnInG FuN~ ExXxoTiC BoMBSHeLL~ ALwaYs AvaiLaBLE ~ YoU'LL Be VerY GLaD We've MeT~ 80qk - 20
(50$ SPECIAL ))sext latina CARMEN 213-545-4104 (( 50$$ SPECIAL ))• 91 fwy near 605 fwy .. Pioneerim - 25
(Long Beach, cerritos long beach orange county downey)
60 NauGht¥ Secret ((BEAUtiFUL CuBaN DoLL )) •Nice• (JuiCy BoOtY) $60 Rainy Day SecretT - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 605/91 fwy)
NeW o°*o°G O R G E O U S ☆ BLONDE☆ *o° ☆ *o In TOWN special $80 - 20
(91 fwy/ 605 fwy/ cerritos!)
!! NEW PICS !! ☆ Sexy HOT BOMBSHELL ______ (( ♥ Your California Dream Girl ♥ )) - 22
(ARTESIA // NORWALK // 91 & 605 FWY)
*** NeW BLonDe *** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L*** 1 0 0 % G. F. E *** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L ***** NeW BloNDe - 20
J U I C Y B O O T Y > > > S L O P P Y H E A D > > > MmMmm... A R E N' T YOU GLAD U CLiCk'D __ME - 22
Curvy Girls Do it Better! ♥ Hot New Pix! ♥ 100 spcl! - 22
(Long Beach, artesia.norwalk.cerritos 605/91 fwy)