Mon 27 Jan
fridays epecials 80 for two girl ALY and JENNY CALL ME - 25
(Long Beach, longbeach,91@ pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
fridays epecials 80 for two girl ALY and JENNY CALL ME - 25
(Long Beach, longbeach,91@ pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
Mon 13 Jan
Afternoon Specials aly and jenny AVAILABLE now %%% - 25
(Los Angeles, longbeach,91@pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
Sun 12 Jan
ALY and Jenny SUPER SPECIALS TODAY **** 80 **** - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91@ pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
Afternoon Specials aly and jenny AVAILABLE now %%% - 25
(Los Angeles, longbeach,91@pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
Sat 11 Jan
(N(E(W° ※ ● 6@ SpEcIaLs @LLdAY ● ※ ° HeARt * StOpPeR ® AVALI. NOW!! - 22
(91/605fwy(pioneer exit) $60 specials)
Fri 10 Jan
ALY and Jenny SUPER SPECIALS TODAY **** 80 **** CALL (714 948 65 96 $$ ) - 25
(Los Angeles, longbeach,91@pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
ALY and Jenny SUPER SPECIALS TODAY **** 80 **** - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91@ pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
*@ @ C_O_M_E ____ F_3_3_L__ __M_Y___ W_A_R_M_T_H_ @ @* $80 INCALL SPECIALS$80 - 22
(91/605FWY(PIONEER) $80(1/2h))
[ Pretty FaCE!!] + [ SwEET-HoNEy ViXxEn!! ] + [ A TRUE HoTTiE!!!] 150SPECIAL!!! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia 91/605fwy 91 & pioneer)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
ALY and Jenny SUPER SPECIALS TODAY **** 80 **** CALL (714 948 65 96 $$ ) - 25
(Los Angeles, longbeach,91@pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
Hola papi somos 2 chicas calientes,Sexis Esperando por ti Super special 80 por 2 Aly y Jenny - 25
(Los Angeles, long beach,91@pioneer 605fwy,artesia)
Mon 06 Jan
Hola papi somos 2 chicas calientes,Sexis Esperando por ti Super special 80 por 2 Aly y Jenny - 25
(Los Angeles, long beach,91@pioneer 605fwy,artesia)
C_A_T_C_H = ( ( ME ) ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( ( YOU ) ) = C_A_N =_♥_= 60 SPECIALS= - 22
(91/605fwy(pioneer exit)7029817381)
Good morning Guys Super SpecialS Today 2 girl ((Aly and Jenny )) $$$$$$ - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91 exit pioneer,artesia,605)
Sun 05 Jan
(N(E(W° ※ ● 6@ SpEcIaLs @LLdAY ● ※ ° HeARt * StOpPeR ® AVALI. NOW!! - 22
(91/605fwy(pioneer exit) $60 specials)
Good Morning Guys Super Especials 80 for two GIRL CALL ME Aly and JENNY - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91@pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
100% REAl P!x$*DON'T W@STE $$ ON A TE@SE LET ME PLE@SE U! (You DE$ERVE @LL THIS @$$) $$60 SpEciAls$$ - 22
(91/605fwy(pioneer exit) $60 specials)
Sat 04 Jan
Good morning Guys Super SpecialS Today 2 girl ((Aly and Jenny )) $$$$$$ - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91 exit pioneer,artesia,605)
100% REAl P!x$*DON'T W@STE $$ ON A TE@SE LET ME PLE@SE U! (You DE$ERVE @LL THIS @$$) $$60 SpEciAls$$ - 22
(91/605fwy(pioneer exit) $60 specials)
Good Morning Guys Super Especials 80 for two GIRL CALL ME Aly and JENNY - 25
(Long Beach, long beach,91@pioneer,artesia,605fwy)
Fri 03 Jan