Mon 24 Feb
❎Bellflow█BBBJ❎Japan█First day 💟Asian girls new available💟773-592-0547❤️🔥real young asian girls🦋
(Long Beach, US)
Mon 27 Jan
Mixed Cuban goddess The Best Mouth Therapy 💦💧👅 You'll Luv Me inCall specials - 23
(BELLFLOWER INCALL 91fwy, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Westside)
★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★ EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCeReT ★ EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY ★ - 19
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, bellflower incall)
🏪Exotic T!ghT 🐰Slip Into My 🍯🐝🐝🐝50$ special💥💥 - 23
(Long Beach, 91fwy Artesia downey bellflower incaLl)
Feeling Lonely Bellflower Hosting 2 Girl Special and $65 Incalls - 19
(Long Beach, Bellflower Long Beach)
___::__~* Energetic __ Blonde __ Barbie *~_ $ 100 _ Specials __ INSIDE ___ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
👭👅DrippN 100hhr SPC. 💋Complete💞Satisfaction Super Fun😍✔ - 21
(Bellflower, Bellflower Incall....And outcall is ok, Long Beach)
* 1OO$ * .. (( Mmm , Soo Yummy )) .. Sexxy Little Blonde .. * 1OO$ * - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
Hot NEW COLLEGE GIRL in town ONLY tonight ✏️📚😉 wild sexy fun CALL NOW !!!! INCALL specials ALL NIGHT - 20
(Long Beach, LONGBEACH)
Mixed Cuban goddess The Best Mouth Therapy 💦💧👅 You'll Luv Me Early Bird InCall specials - 23
(BELLFLOWER INCALL 91fwy, Garden Grove, Long Beach, Orange County)
#❶ {LATINA B0MBSHeLL} {NiCe BiG BuTT } (CLiCK HeRe) BUSTY BiG BooBS!! - 23
(Cerritos Artesia Downey Lakewood)
❤★❤Incall ❤★❤ HOT n Sweet ❤★❤ ❤★Incalls❤ ❤★❤ HOT n SWEET❤★❤❤★❤ - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower lakewood artesia Incall)
🏪Exotic T!ghT 🐰Slip Into My 🍯🐝🐝🐝50$ special💥💥 - 23
(Long Beach, 91fwy Artesia downey bellflower incaLl)
╚» ♥ DaNgrOuS CuRvs ( 5 (☆***) SRv!C ; ) FLaWLsS~ CuT¡ ♥ ╚» - 21
(Long Beach, Bellflower/Carson/ Outcall? Incall?)
Asian CHINESE Girl first day in town🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳36DD YOUNG PRETTY 💜💜INCALL ONLY💖💖💖💖💖19 years old SUPER SEXY - 20
(91freeway&clark; ave,bellflower, Bellflower, Long Beach)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
✦LAST DAY✦LaSt ChAnCe ✦NeW PiCS 100% REAL°o✦o° BLoNDe BuNNiE °o✦o° - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 5/605 FWY★)
{ 100% REAL } ... { YOUNG & TIGHT } ... { BLONDE & YUMMY } ... { $ 100 SPECIAL } - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Mixed Cuban goddess The Best Mouth Therapy 💦💧👅 You'll Luv Me Early Bird InCall specials - 23
(BELLFLOWER INCALL 91fwy, Garden Grove, Long Beach, Orange County)
(* { { HoT } }* = * -Japanese & Black = Beauty*_*_ *{{ $1oo Incall Special }}*_*{ Available Now } ** - 23
Sat 11 Jan
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(~ 91 , 605 , 710 fwys ~)
($80)LooK No MoRe!!PhAT bOOty,CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLs!($80) - 22
(Long Beach, Bellflower/Artesia INCALL-off 91 fwy)
✦LAST DAY✦LaSt ChAnCe ✦NeW PiCS 100% REAL°o✦o° BLoNDe BuNNiE °o✦o° - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 5/605 FWY★)
(( $1oo Kisses))_| * |__ { S w e e t} *Tight & Wet _ ~ 1oO% R e a L~ _ (( SPECIALs )) - 23
((((( (( $1oo Incall)) ((( ___sMoKin' *HoT* BrUnEttE __)) ))) (( $1oo Incall )) ))))) - 23
(Long Beach, 105/605/710/91 Bellflower...incall)
~ EnJoY ToDaY w/ {{ TWO }} *S*e*x*y* S(l)u(t)y LaIdBaCk T*a*t*t*e*d FrEaKs. 24/7 - 21
(Long Beach, Lakewood/Bellflower/LongBeach INCALL)
💦NEW GIRL IN TOWN💖 😜 give me a call at 916-585-2287💖 💦Firestone & Lakewood blvd 🔥 - 20
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Downey incall. Firestone/Lakewood, Long Beach, Norwalk)
*N A U G H T Y* .. || BL0NDE || .. ~ C.o.l.l.e.g.e ~ .. [[ CUTiE ]] .. *1oO$ Special * - 22
(* near 91 , 605 , 710 fwys *)
Fri 10 Jan
((New Sexy ))💕 ((💕BuBbLe BoOty💕)✨ ( Mix!' Russian ) (0utcalls 120.Specials Only Tonight - 31
(Long Beach, 0utcalls all over 120=200)
💦NEW GIRL IN TOWN💖 😜 give me a call at 916-585-2287💖 💦Firestone & Lakewood blvd 🔥 - 20
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Downey incall. Firestone/Lakewood, Long Beach, Norwalk)
⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 NEW PICS 🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 INDEPENDENT 🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️💯 REAL 🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 - 23
(Bellflower, Bellflower Incall, Long Beach)
👭👅DrippN 100hhr SPC. 💋Complete💞Satisfaction Super Fun😍✔ - 21
(Bellflower, Bellflower Incall....And outcall is ok, Long Beach)
(cLicK HeRe) $1OO SPeciaL with the HoTTesT !*! LaTiNa MaMi (Just what u need) - 23
(long beach-south bay-bellflower-Downey)
~ EnJoY ToDaY w/ {{ TWO }} *S*e*x*y* S(l)u(t)y LaIdBaCk T*a*t*t*e*d FrEaKs. 24/7 - 21
(Long Beach, Lakewood/Bellflower/LongBeach INCALL)
* NiCE R0UNd bOOtY * ((PeRFECT TiTS )) * PReTTY fACe * = Me - 18
(Long Beach, Bellflower & NEAR ((INCALL )))
*H *O *T .. (( Y o U n G )) .. || B L 0 N D E || .. * B.A.R.B.i.E * .. 1OO$ - 22
({{ 91 // 605 // 710 fwys }})
Thu 09 Jan
(cLicK HeRe) $1OO SPeciaL with the HoTTesT !*! LaTiNa MaMi (Just what u need) - 23
(long beach-south bay-bellflower-Downey)
"BUSTY" Brunette Italian Beauty!!! SEXY Half Hour SPECIALS Right NOW!!!! 100% REALLY ME!!!! - 30
(Long Beach, 91fwy & lakewood blv bellflower incall)
{{* H.O.T BL0NDE! *}} _____ ~ GiRL NEXT DO0R ~ _____ {{* 1OO$ SPECiAL *}} _____ ~ TiGHT & YUMMY ~ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Wed 08 Jan
⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 NEW PICS 🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 INDEPENDENT 🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️💯 REAL 🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 ⚫️🎀🎀🎀 - 23
(Bellflower, Bellflower Incall, Long Beach)
(( $1oo Kisses))_| * |__ { B r u n e t t e } *hot & SEXY _ ~ 1oO% sWeeT~ _ (( SPECIALs )) - 23
LEAVING 2DAYo♥o NaU.gH.tY TeMpTaTiOnS o♥o ((BLonDe BeAutY)) OR ((EbONy PLaYMaTe)) SPeCiALs - 25
(Long Beach, 105/605/710/91 Bellflower...incall)
LEAVING 2DAYo♥o NaU.gH.tY TeMpTaTiOnS o♥o ((BLonDe BeAutY)) OR ((EbONy PLaYMaTe)) SPeCiALs - 25
JuiCy & BBW SnowFlaKe BomB Cakes** PuRe SatiSfaCtioN ** No TeaSing JusT PLEasInG - 24
(91/105/710/ bellflower // Incall, Long Beach)
(( * ^{{ HoT }}__* ^ Exotic _ *Petite_ Brunette**_ | * | _ ~ (( $1oo Kisses )) )) ____ - 23
(Downey Incall/ 105/ 605 fwys)
Tue 07 Jan
╚» ♥ DaNgrOuS CuRvs ( 5 (☆***) SRv!C ; ) FLaWLsS~ CuT¡ ♥ ╚» - 21
(Long Beach, Bellflower/Carson/ Outcall? Incall?)
((New Sexy ))💕 ((💕BuBbLe BoOty💕)✨ ( Mix!' Russian ) (0utcalls 120.Specials Only Tonight - 31
(Long Beach, 0utcalls all over 120=200)
✩┆✯FoRgEt✰┆ ★ThE✪┆✫ReSt✬┆✩CALL✯┆ ✰ThE★┆✪BEST❣❣✫┆✬ Satisfaction✰┆★ - 23
(Long Beach, ☆ BELLFLOWER __91fwy--- INcall ☆)
$60incall E X O T I C _&_ S E D U C T I V E _E B O N Y HOTTIE Available Now - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower /Norwalk Outcall 91fwy Incall)
(New)👯 fuN 2x ThE ✨PleASure🍆😻💦👅🍆 - 21
(Alantic/Firestone (Southgate incall), Bellflower, Long Beach)
Exotic, Latin Petite, Beauty 100$ special.. - 30
(Long Beach, 91fwy & lakewood blv bellflower incall)
__*!*____ B_L_O_N _D_E_S ___*!*__ A_L_W_A_Y_S ____*!*___ H_A_V_E _____ *!* ____F_U_N!____ *!* - 22
(_____ 91 ! 71O ! 6O5 Fwys *)
(( $1oo Kisses))_| * |__ { B r u n e t t e } *hot & SEXY _ ~ 1oO% sWeeT~ _ (( SPECIALs )) - 23
Mixed Cuban goddess The Best Mouth Therapy 💦💧👅 You'll Luv Me inCall specials - 23
(BELLFLOWER INCALL 91fwy, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Westside)
*H *O *T .. (( Y o U n G )) .. || B L 0 N D E || .. * B.A.R.B.i.E * .. 1OO$ - 22
({{ 91 // 605 // 710 fwys }})
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Blondes Have More Fun "BUT" BRUNETTES Do It Way Better!! 100% REALLY ME GUY'S! Specials ALL Day!!!! - 30
(Long Beach, Lakewood blv & 91fwy.. Bellflower incall)
{ 100% REAL } ... { YOUNG & TIGHT } ... { BLONDE & YUMMY } ... { $ 100 SPECIAL } - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
* 1OO$ * .. ~{{ Mmm, Soo Yummy }}~ .. = Sexxy Little Blonde = .. * 1OO$ * - 22
(*{{ 91 . 605 . 710 fwys }}*)
___ = 1oo$ Incall = ___ = Young & Tight Blonde Bombshell = ___ = 100% Real = ___ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Hot NEW COLLEGE GIRL in town ONLY tonight ✏️📚😉 wild sexy fun CALL NOW !!!! INCALL specials ALL NIGHT - 20
(Long Beach, LONGBEACH)
Mon 06 Jan
(( * ^{{ HoT }}__* ^ Exotic _ *Petite_ Brunette**_ | * | _ ~ (( $1oo Kisses )) _ ^ * ^ )) ____ - 23
"BUSTY" Brunette Italian Beauty!!! SEXY Half Hour SPECIALS Right NOW!!!! 100% REALLY ME!!!! - 30
(Long Beach, 91fwy & lakewood blv bellflower incall)
❤★❤Incall ❤★❤ HOT n Sweet ❤★❤ ❤★Incalls❤ ❤★❤ HOT n SWEET❤★❤❤★❤ - 20
(Long Beach, Bellflower lakewood artesia Incall)
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
(New)👯 fuN 2x ThE ✨PleASure🍆😻💦👅🍆 - 21
(Alantic/Firestone (Southgate incall), Bellflower, Long Beach)
Extraordinary 100% REAL OR Free!🌟H℮R℮ ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟γΟυr 💎ΜιηD 💋✯ ✯EvErYtHiNg YoU DeSiRe aNd MoRe - 23
(Bellflower incall 91fwy, City of Long Beach, Compton, Long Beach)
✔60💦FaC[]e3 ⭐ DoW[]nn A**[] Up⚡ ThIcc[]kk 🍦 Whi[]Te 💋G[]uRll👍👌⭐ - - 24
(Bellflower/Paramount/91/710/605/incall, Long Beach)
Exotic, Busty,Petite, Italian Beauty 100$ special.. - 30
(Long Beach, 91fwy & lakewood blv bellflower incall)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(91 ~ 710 ~ 605 fwys)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
{ 100% Real } ... { Young & Tight } ... { Blonde & Yummy } ... { $ 100 } - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Sun 05 Jan
(( * ^{{ HoT }}__* ^ Exotic _ *Petite_ Brunette**_ | * | _ ~ (( $1oo Kisses )) )) ____ - 23
(Downey Incall/ 105/ 605 fwys)
* 1OO$ * .. ~{{ Mmm, Soo Yummy }}~ .. = Sexxy Little Blonde = .. * 1OO$ * - 22
(*{{ 91 . 605 . 710 fwys }}*)
((( $100 Incall ....SuPer CuTe + PeTiTe & CurvY +_ . jApAnEsE & bLaCk = BarBie ))) - 23
NEW 2 AREA 80 $♣ ♛ PRETTY FACE ♛ ♣hhr/100$♣ ♛ PERFECT b0dy ♛ ♣♣♣♣ UPSCALE.100% REAL PICS - 20
Exotic, Latin Petite, Beauty 100$ special.. - 30
(Long Beach, 91fwy & lakewood blv bellflower incall)
$1oo .. * (( Mmm , So Yummy )) * .. Pretty Blonde .. * (( Tight Little Kitty )) * .. $1oo - 22
(91 / 605 / 710 fwys)
JuiCy & BBW SnowFlaKe BomB Cakes** PuRe SatiSfaCtioN ** No TeaSing JusT PLEasInG - 24
(91/105/710/ bellflower // Incall, Long Beach)
(( * ^{{ HoT }}__* ^ Exotic _ *Petite_ Brunette**_ | * | _ ~ (( $1oo Kisses )) _ ^ * ^ )) ____ - 23
~♥~ FINALLY ~♥~ SOMETHING ~♥~ REAL~♥~ NEW PICS! 60 - 19
(Long Beach, norwalk incall 91 fwy bellflower artesia)
___::__~* Energetic __ Blonde __ Barbie *~_ $ 100 _ Specials __ INSIDE ___ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Blondes Have More Fun "BUT" BRUNETTES Do It Way Better!! 100% REALLY ME GUY'S! Specials ALL Day!!!! - 30
(Long Beach, Lakewood blv & 91fwy.. Bellflower incall)