Mon 27 Jan
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
* FUN * ~ .. ~ * YOUNG * ~ .. ~ * BLONDE * ~ .. ~ * COLLEGE * ~ .. ~ * CUTIE * ~ .. ~ * 1OO$ * - 22
(~ Near 91 , 605 & 710 fwys ~)
GUESS WHO'S IN TOWN :-) __S__M__ O__K__I__ N_!!!_H__ O __T_T*__ * D _O _ L _ L _ * - 22
Sun 12 Jan
°== S_E_X_Y ==== °❤° === $60 === °❤° ==== T_R_E_A_T ==° - 19
(Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos/91 fwy (in)call)
Sat 11 Jan
(( *PeRfEcT ChOiCe* ))!~((BeauTiFuL & PeTiTe))~!(( *NiCe n' TiGhT* )) - 19
(Artesia/Norwalk/Cerritos/91 fwy (in)call)
Fri 10 Jan
((New Sexy ))💕 ((💕BuBbLe BoOty💕)✨ ( Mix!' Russian ) (0utcalls 120.Specials Only Tonight - 31
(Long Beach, 0utcalls all over 120=200)
*H *O *T .. (( Y o U n G )) .. || B L 0 N D E || .. * B.A.R.B.i.E * .. 1OO$ - 22
({{ 91 // 605 // 710 fwys }})
Thu 09 Jan
★★Monica 80$$$ ★★VERY very Busty Latina ven te espero !!! 91 fwy exit pioneer - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit Pioneer)
*-:¦:-°o? -:¦:-°sO* JuiCy *~N~ TighT ** -:¦:- °TopNoTch ~ DELIGHT** o?-:¦:-° - 19
(cerritos/artesia/norwalk (in)call)
Huge BUSTY melon 40DDD TITS on Super EXOTIC LATINA SUPER BUSTY!!!! I can go to your place OR mine - 26
(Your place or mine by the 605 and 91 fwy)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
((New Sexy ))💕 ((💕BuBbLe BoOty💕)✨ ( Mix!' Russian ) (0utcalls 120.Specials Only Tonight - 31
(Long Beach, 0utcalls all over 120=200)
GUESS WHO'S IN TOWN :-) __S__M__ O__K__I__ N_!!!_H__ O __T_T*__ * D _O _ L _ L _ * - 22
❤️❤️❤️ I'm really real , Lincoln Avenue, Cypress,, Incalls ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 21
(, Artesia Cerrito Norwalk , Lincoln Aven, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
__*!*____ B_L_O_N _D_E_S ___*!*__ A_L_W_A_Y_S ____*!*___ H_A_V_E _____ *!* ____F_U_N!____ *!* - 22
(_____ 91 ! 71O ! 6O5 Fwys *)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
*H *O *T .. (( Y o U n G )) .. || B L 0 N D E || .. * B.A.R.B.i.E * .. 1OO$ - 22
({{ 91 // 605 // 710 fwys }})
★★ GORGEOUS & SEXY J-A-C-K-P-O-T #1Mulatto 100% Real (out/In) ★ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Norwalk Downey Lakewood)
* 1OO$ * .. ~{{ Mmm, Soo Yummy }}~ .. = Sexxy Little Blonde = .. * 1OO$ * - 22
(*{{ 91 . 605 . 710 fwys }}*)
Mon 06 Jan
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
* FUN * ~ .. ~ * YOUNG * ~ .. ~ * BLONDE * ~ .. ~ * COLLEGE * ~ .. ~ * CUTIE * ~ .. ~ * 1OO$ * - 22
(~ Near 91 , 605 & 710 fwys ~)
Huge BUSTY melon 40DDD TITS on Super EXOTIC LATINA SUPER BUSTY!!!! I can go to your place OR mine - 26
(Your place or mine by the 605 and 91 fwy)
Sun 05 Jan
* 1OO$ * .. ~{{ Mmm, Soo Yummy }}~ .. = Sexxy Little Blonde = .. * 1OO$ * - 22
(*{{ 91 . 605 . 710 fwys }}*)
Huge BUSTY melon 40DDD TITS on Super EXOTIC LATINA thats in the (562) AREA or can go to your place - 25
(near the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place b)
Sat 04 Jan
HOT _______ NASTY _________ BUSTY ________ HUGE 40DDD'S __________ for all FETISHES - 25
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
50° 1oo% °• Cold OuTSiDe Soft WarM N InsiDe CoMe N PlaY ¦:- •° - 19
(Long Beach, 605 rosecrans downey norwalk buena park)
60$ 60$ BIG BOOTY 60$ 60$ real pics Monica ... 38DD I'm READY pretty Latina ..... Pioneer/Artesia - 32
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit pioneer)
Fri 03 Jan
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
__*!*____ B_L_O_N _D_E_S ___*!*__ A_L_W_A_Y_S ____*!*___ H_A_V_E _____ *!* ____F_U_N!____ *!* - 22
(_____ 91 ! 71O ! 6O5 Fwys *)
80$ MONICA 80$$ 36dd Bonita Latina me or free ..... 213-2480052 Pioneer/Artesia - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit pioneer)
Huge BUSTY melon 40DDD TITS on Super EXOTIC LATINA thats in the (562) AREA or can go to your place - 25
(near the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place b)