Mon 27 Jan
LaTe niTe sPeCiAL, LeTs G3t NaUgHTy N3w PiCs ,$60/quick DoNt MiSs oUt CALL NOw 562~658~8077 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
°100% rEaL •*☆*•° EaRlYbIrD SpeCiAls★ sExY BlOnDe bIg BoOtTy pLAteMaTe ★ 70$ °•*☆*•° FrEaKy FrIdAy - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
°100% rEaL •*☆*•° EaRlYbIrD SpeCiAls★ sExY MiXeD bIg BoOtTy pLAteMaTe ★ 70$ °•*☆*•° TaCo Tuesday - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
____ __ ____ =J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___ __ ___ - 20
((Hot & sexy i'm available limited time only!!!)) just Visiting!! - 22
(Long Beach, incalls only! lakewood downey norwalk)
Exotic hot and ready Milan the Russian princess 👑💋 - 22
(Long Beach, 91 freeway artesia blvd !!! Long beach)
d-a-n-g- e-r-o-u-s-l-y -_- s-m-o-k-i-n- h-o-t- b-o-d-y - _- INCALLS ONLY - 18
(Long Beach, 91 FRWY EXIT INCALL !! carson/long beach)
80 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 80 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
Sun 12 Jan
$80 SPECiALs.. NaTiVe AMeRiCaN BaRbiE... $80.. SPECiALS!! - 19
(lakewood/downey..(105fwy)..incalls only)
$60$80$100 NaUGhTy GiRL SpEcials CALL NOW 562~658~8077 AvAilable 24/7 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
$60 N@ught¥ CUBAN DoLL Awaits {{ Nice JuiCy BooTy }} MaN BEST Friend $60 Wanna SL¡p MY P@NT!3s Off? - 22
(Long Beach, ( Norwalk ) 605/91 fwy)
Im back New GorGeous Ebony 🌺100%me BigOl'Titts upScale Figure - 20
(Long Beach, 605/105 Lakewood blvd)
~__I__M__ ~__R__E__A_ D__Y __~__ T_ O__ ~__P__L__A _ Y__~__ I__F_ ~__Y_ O__U__R _ ~__R__E__A_ D__Y~ - 20
Sat 11 Jan
() () () () A B S O L U T E L Y () () ♥ () () S T U N N I N G () () () () - 20
(Long Beach, InCaLLs/OutCallS OFF 91 /artesia)
60,80,100 rose specials. With me, UR possibilities are endless - UR wish is my command - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
818 606-7045 hazel %100 real pics or your service is free!!! - 21
(Long Beach, LAX 818 606-7045 HAZEL)
💥$50 🌟Busty 💦So Juicy 💦❗❗Big Booty💋Hot n Tight 💥Super Freaky ❤Up All Nite ❗❗Come Play with Me 😘 - 22
(Long Beach, Downey Bellflower Norwalk (incalls only))
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 19
Click Here!!!! (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) COM€ TR€AT YOURS€LF TO THE B€ST (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) - 22
(Long Beach, long beach/ Downey/incalls only!!!)
60 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 60 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy - 20
(Long Beach, Norwalk artesia downey/incalls only)
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 19
GeT OuT Of ThE Ra!n & !NtO Me ★PReTTi PLaYmAtE : : YuMmI b@bE ★c U SOON ! - 19
(91-6O5-71Ofwys.INCALLS ONLY.cerr.norw.)
Fri 10 Jan
Click Here!!!! (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) COM€ TR€AT YOURS€LF TO THE B€ST (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) - 22
(Long Beach, long beach/ Downey/incalls only!!!)
♡★♡ B@D LITTLE $NO₩BUNN¥ ♥ ♥ M O U T H W A T E R I N G ♡★♡ GiRL N€XT D00R ↓↓ - 22
(Long Beach, downey (105 605 frwy)incalls only)
█║NAUGHT¥ L¡L ╠╣ØTT¡€ ►►►*SLiM Waist* PRETTy Face ◄◄◄ §W€€T lil AppL€ B00Ty ≋★≋ A JU!CY TREAT║█80 - 20
(Long Beach, 91fwy CARSON AREA INCALL)
happy ThUrSdAY 180.1HR**SEXy MAMi AdAmArYs* super SPECIALS☎ 626.626.5070 Call Now!!! - 28
(IMPERIAL/ LAKEWOOD________________FWY105)
Thu 09 Jan
$80 SPECiALs.. NaTiVe AMeRiCaN BaRbiE... $80.. SPECiALS!! - 19
(lakewood/downey..(105fwy)..incalls only)
$60$80$100 NaUGhTy GiRL SpEcials CALL NOW 562~658~8077 AvAilable 24/7 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
40,60,80 rose specials. With me, UR possibilities are endless - UR wish is my command - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
★-» NEW »-★-»- »-★-» Gorgeous Brunette »-★MUST SEE First Time In CALI!! - 20 - 20
(Long Beach, beach side)
📸 NEW PICS 📸$6060 ✨80/30 Special✨Monica big booty/nalgona💋💋Si Hablo Español ... 91 exit Pioneer - 26
(91 fwy exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)
Wed 08 Jan
80 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 80 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
📸 NEW PICS 📸$6060 ✨80/30 Special✨Monica big booty/nalgona💋💋Si Hablo Español ... 91 exit Pioneer - 26
(91 fwy exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)
(NeW) CLiCK HeRE....NiCe BoDY... (( LaTiNa & EBoNy )) 8O IncaLLS - 21
(Long Beach, beach areas south bay Long beach lax)
😍Puerto Rican Princess 😍 - 22
(Beverly Hills, Compton, Downtown, Hollywood, L.A.X Area, Beverly Hills, China Town, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Westside)
BoOtY lOvErS°•*☆*•° EaRLybIrD SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy BlOnDe pLaYmAtE ★ $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° 70$ - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
Tue 07 Jan
Early Morning!HOTTie LaTiN BoMbShELL ♥* HiGhLy SKiLLeD &ADDiCTiVe; *♥* 1OO% REAL PiCs GuARaNTeeD - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
📸 NEW PICS 📸 ✨80 80 80🌹Special✨Monica big booty💋💋Si Hablo Español ... 91 exit Norwalk - 26
(91 fwy exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
📸 NEW PICS 📸 ✨60 60 60🌹Special✨Monica big booty💋💋Si Hablo Español ... 91 exit Pioneer - 26
(91 fwy exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)
(New pics) 80 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 80 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy (New pics) - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
80$🙋⭐💓 (ATTENTION)!!! 💖 💦TrUe FrE@K👅💦 BeST L👀KING*★* 💖👠 ✔BEST SpECials!! ☎☎CaLL NoW!▀█ - 21
(Westside, 405 Redondo Beach/ Pacific coast Highway)
$50$50$50/quick DoNt MiSs oUt CALL NOw 562~658~8077 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
⚠One date will turn you into a reg. With me UR possibilities are endless. -!! - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
(( Bad Girl Bonnie )) ••••• Sexy & Seductive ••••• BUBBLE BUTT with KILLER CURVES ♥ - 22
(Long Beach, Lakewood / Artesia / Bellflower / Downey)
42DDD Busty & Hypnotizing Curves Erotic EXTRAORDINARY Cuban/ Hawaiian Beauty! 50$ - 23
(Long Beach, Downey Norwalk Bellflower Incalls only)
LaTe niTe sPeCiAL, LeTs G3t NaUgHTy N3w PiCs ,$60/quick DoNt MiSs oUt CALL NOw 562~658~8077 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
°100% rEaL •*☆*•° EaRlYbIrD SpeCiAls★ sExY BlOnDe bIg BoOtTy pLAteMaTe ★ 70$ °•*☆*•° FrEaKy FrIdAy - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
100% REal °•*☆*•° LaTeNiTe SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy MiZeD pLaYmAtE ★70 $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° Wild OuT Wens. - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
°100% rEaL •*☆*•° EaRlYbIrD SpeCiAls★ sExY MiXeD bIg BoOtTy pLAteMaTe ★ 70$ °•*☆*•° TaCo Tuesday - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
Mon 06 Jan
happy ThUrSdAY 180.1HR**SEXy MAMi AdAmArYs* super SPECIALS☎ 626.626.5070 Call Now!!! - 28
(IMPERIAL/ LAKEWOOD________________FWY105)
BoOtY lOvErS°•*☆*•° EaRLybIrD SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy BlOnDe pLaYmAtE ★ $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° 70$ - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
60 rose 60qk specials 😍With me UR possibilities are endless-!! 2 girl deals available - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
60rose qk specials. With me UR possibilities are endless-!! 2 girl deals available - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
•Âb§OLut€Ly 💖]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG█ ★ K•¡•N•k•¥ _&_ §K¡LLeD ★ █ • {F} • {R} • {E} • {A} • {K}• - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
BoOtY lOvErS°•*☆*•° HaPpY hOur SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy MiXEd pLaYmAtE ★ $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° 52 hips - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
BoOtY lOvErS°•*☆*•° HaPpY hOur SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy MiXEd pLaYmAtE ★ $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° 52 hips - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
60rose qk specials. With me UR possibilities are endless-!! 2 girl deals available - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
Sun 05 Jan
HaPpY ThUrSdAy Your _ {! FAVORITE & REAL BIG BOOTY!} _ ADAMARYS_! nEw LoOk & NeW - HaPpY ThUrSdAy - 28
★——— ❤ ———█ ❤ College Sweetheart {100} SPECIALS ❤ █ ———❤———★ - 19
(Long Beach, OFF 91 FWY (Artesia/L.A/Long beach))
BoOtY lOvErS°•*☆*•° HaPpY hOur SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy MiXEd pLaYmAtE ★ $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° 52 hips - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
**Get Addicted SPECIALS!! _____ ** H0TT3ST ** SLiMM ** G00DiE ** _____ Im Better Than Your EX !!! - 19
📸 NEW PICS 📸 ✨60 60 60🌹Special✨Monica big booty💋💋Si Hablo Español ... 91 exit Pioneer - 26
(91 fwy exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)
{{++Best SpeciaLs iN TowN ++} EaRLy MoRniNg DeLiGhT ((:CoMe HaVe Me FoR BreaKFasT:)) **140Hr** - 22
Sat 04 Jan
•Âb§OLut€Ly 💖]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG█ ★ K•¡•N•k•¥ _&_ §K¡LLeD ★ █ • {F} • {R} • {E} • {A} • {K}• - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
100% REal °•*☆*•° LaTeNiTe SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy MiZeD pLaYmAtE ★70 $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° Wild OuT Wens. - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
BUSTY:::: BiG OLe' AsS:::: :::::UR ViDeO VixeN:::::: [BRooKe] - 23
📸 NEW PICS 📸 ✨80 80 80🌹Special✨Monica big booty💋💋Si Hablo Español ... 91 exit Norwalk - 26
(91 fwy exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
60,80,100 rose specials. With me, UR possibilities are endless - UR wish is my command - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
60 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 60 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy - 20
(Long Beach, Norwalk artesia downey/incalls only)
♥ NEW exotic treat ______ have some fun with Layla _____ two girl specials ! ♥ - 23
(Long Beach, lakewood. artesia. belflower. downey.)
(New pics) 80 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 80 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy (New pics) - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
FReAks CoMe oUt At NiTe SpECiaLs $60$80$100 AvAilable 24/7 ASK ABOUT MY TWO GIRL SPECIAL - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
♡★♡ B@D LITTLE $NO₩BUNN¥ ♥ ♥ M O U T H W A T E R I N G ♡★♡ GiRL N€XT D00R ↓↓ - 22
(Long Beach, downey (105 605 frwy)incalls only)
$50$50$50/quick DoNt MiSs oUt CALL NOw 562~658~8077 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
40,60,80 rose specials. With me, UR possibilities are endless - UR wish is my command - 22
(Long Beach, Downey 105 lakewood exit incalls only)
Fri 03 Jan
BoOtY lOvErS°•*☆*•° HaPpY hOur SpeCiAls★ BiG BoOtTy MiXEd pLaYmAtE ★ $pEcIalS °•*☆*•° 52 hips - 22
(Long Beach, Downey(105 605 frwy)incalls only)
—♥—[[ GoRGeouS ]] —— ♥ —— [[ SEXY ]] —— ♥ —— [[ LATINA]] —— ♥ —— [[ GiRL NeXT DooR]] —♥ - - 20
(Long Beach, Artesia Downey Norwalk Cerritos Incalls)
42DDD Busty & Hypnotizing Curves Erotic EXTRAORDINARY Cuban/ Hawaiian Beauty! 50$ - 23
(Long Beach, Downey Norwalk Bellflower Incalls only)