Mon 27 Jan
💃👑 Mexican &' Creole Princess 👸💋 Lips That Will Have You MELT 👄 Come See What Makes Me BEST 😜😘 - 23
(Long Beach, 91/105/605/Downey/Paramount/Lakewood)
H O T -:¦:- S e X y B a b e! -:¦:- H O T - 18
~*eXXXpLoSiVe ~*~ WeT'n WiLD ~*~ PLeaSuRe ~*~ NAUGHTY YounG HOTTIE!!! ~*~ WaNNa PLaY ??? - 22
(¯`100sp´¯) I____DO____IT "★" __W_A_Y __ "★" __B_E _T_T_E_R__ (¯` 1000% Me ´¯) - 21
(Inland Empire, incalls Only... Ontario Baby!)
▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ 1OO% Rεaℓ ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥LATINA ßεαuty ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ #1 fun times ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬ - 42
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Costa Mesa, Downtown, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, Los Angeles, lynwood off 710 105 5 freeways, Orange, Orange County, Pasadena, Sa)
❤️100%real💜💎 sexy💖💖big booty💎💙latinagirl ❤️avaliable ❤️now❤ - 29
(5fwy Commerce Montebello pico rivera, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
N AU GHT Y ♥ B EAU TY [[ ♥ SOoO CuTe]] - 19
(91..6O5..incalls..norw cerr down)
* L@@K ** NeW ; NeW ♥ yUMMy!!! PiCtUrE W0W -DoNT MIss OUt*! !! SeXi * MaMaSitA AdAMaRyS*!!* - - 28
(Long Beach, Los Angeles)
💃👑 Mexican &' Creole Princess 👸💋 Lips That Will Have You MELT 👄 Come See What Makes Me BEST 😜😘 - 23
(Long Beach, 91/105/605/Downey/Paramount/Lakewood)
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN ♥ The VeRy BeSt! ♥ - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos.. Norwalk. Downey 91 FWY =))
°© ° ((= LAtiNA BEAUTY =)) °©° LeTs PlAy pApi!! ° I L!K3 !T R0UGH ° ((= MUST SEE =) - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91fwy)
🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺INCALLS & OUTCALLS🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸 100% REAL Sexy Amina Looking for Company Let's Have Some Fun😍💦❗ - 22
(City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk, off the 105 Fwy in Downey)
💋 ItaLiaN BeAuTy 💋 Visiting bLoNdE bArbiEdOll AVAiLABLE NoW!! - 22
(Long Beach, Cerritos. Downey . Norwalk 6O5.91 FWY =))
★☆☆☆☆*💗*♥💗♥💗♥ INCALL SPECIAL$ ♥💗♥*☆☆☆☆★☎EBONY PRINCESS Avalible @ Your Request - 22
(Downey, Inglewood / Hawthorne, LA . LAX . CENTURY BLVD . DOWNEY, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
____ __ ____ =J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___ __ ___ - 20
~INCALL~ SWEET CUTE and FUN BlonDe BABE here to MELT AWAY your stress ~SPECIALS~ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia,Norwalk,Cerritos 91/605/105)
Highly skilled💋Erotic Asian 🔥100%me no game 👑IM DRIPPIN💦💦WEEKEND SPECIAL⌚ - 20
(Downey, Downey,Norwalk,Cerritos,LB,Paramount, Long Beach)
GENTLEMEN ▅▆█ I'M HeRe NoW █▆█▬█Ѻ▀█▀ BIG BOOTY ❤SeXy SeNsUaL ✌ツBLoNdE █▬█Ѻ▀█▀✌ツ▅▆█ SpEciAl - 28
(Long Beach, DoWnEY,NoR105 /91/605 iNCALL. 80/100/150)
H O T -:¦:- S e X y B a b e! -:¦:- H O T - 20
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ --[[ GORGEOUS LATINA BEAUTY ]] -- ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 42
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, lynwood)
FrEaKieR Th@n UR LaSt PLaYMaTe {LeT ThE FuN BeGIN} {HiGHLY ReCoMMeNdEd PoRnSTar } - 21
Exotic hot and ready Milan the Russian princess 👑💋 - 22
(Long Beach, 91 freeway artesia blvd !!! Long beach)
°❤ ° BUSTY ♥:: TROPiCAL ♥:: BiG BOOTY °❤ °: {{LATINA GiRL}} - 24
(Long Beach, Torrance inncalls off the 405 or 110)
♥ ____ LIMITED TIME ONLY.. So come see this sexy mixxed Hottie___ ♥ - 22
(Downey~Norwalk~Cerritos 1o5 FwY*)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
818 606-7045 hazel %100 real pics or your service is free!!! - 21
(Long Beach, LAX 818 606-7045 HAZEL)
8o S.P.E.C.i.A.L.S 8o (¯`·.·´¯) — 36DD`Z All Natural — (¯`·.·´¯) — 100% Real, iNDEpEndent!! 8oSPL - 21
(Long Beach, Artisia Incalls Now Baby !! 91 fwy!!)
¤ morning 80¤ !! [[ K!LLeR HoTT!E ]] * (Mixed) BaBe * JuST WHaT YoU WaNT [iNDEPENdENt] 36DDz - 21
(Long Beach, artesia incalls now baby... Specials!!)
•❤ Lights:*¨¨* ★ CAMARA:*¨¨* ★ ACTiON ★—K¡ÑKŸ —★W£LL R€viEwed - 20
(Long Beach, 91fwy Incall.. outcalls also!)
Hola Papichulo!!! ( Beautiful Curvy Spanish & French) * ( $80 ) * ( SpeCiaLs ) - 21
(iNCALLS.. .(91fwy/NORWALK)..)
Sat 11 Jan
818 606-7045 hazel %100 real pics or your service is free!!! - 21
(Long Beach, LAX 818 606-7045 HAZEL)
😘😘 100% real 💜💎 sexy💖💖 big booty💎👌💙latina girl come play ❤️ now ❤ - 28
(commerce montebello 5fwy, Long Beach)
😘😍 One.Of.One 😻😽 None before me 👆👇🙅 and NONE to come 💁😜. Adorable 👸 SWEeT 🍭🍭 and soft SNOW BUNNY ❄️🐰❄️ - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/710/Lakewood/Bellflower/Downey/LB)
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 19
Oh so ready to please you. You don't wanna miss me! Camilia from "FRANCE" - 30
(Los Angeles, All Los Angeles)
😘😍 One.Of.One 😻😽 None before me 👆👇🙅 and NONE to come 💁😜. Adorable 👸 SWEeT 🍭🍭 and soft SNOW BUNNY ❄️🐰❄️ - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/710/Lakewood/Bellflower/LB)
★_NEW ViSitiNg MiXEd B0MBSHELL _★_ 100% REAL .. 100% REAl 36DD`z .. iNdEPENdENt - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia incalls 91FWY Baby!!!)
💓LOOK💓Don't Miss Out [LAST NIGHT IN TOWN] 100% Real & Ready Specials Call Now 💋😘sexy LATINA - 22
(405 freeway Lawndale Torrance redondo be, Bellflower, Long Beach)
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 19
-:*:-Ju§T Vi§iTiNg tWO Dom!n!can SMOK'N HOT top notch pleasers-:*:- - 18
Hola Papichulo!!! ( Beautiful Curvy Spanish & French) * ( $80 ) * ( SpeCiaLs ) - 21
(iNCALLS.. .(91fwy/605fwy)..)
Fri 10 Jan
8o S.P.E.C.i.A.L.S 8o (¯`·.·´¯) — 36DD`Z All Natural — (¯`·.·´¯) — 100% Real, iNDEpEndent!! 8oSPL - 21
(Long Beach, Artisia Incalls Now Baby !! 91 fwy!!)
♥HaPpY ThUrsDaY-SPECIAL 80- ★ ▃ ▂ ▄AdA★▄ mArY ▄▄★Seductive BLoNdE w/ Big BoOTy ▄ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄MaMaSiTa - 28
(Long Beach, DoWnEY,NoR105 /91/605 iNCALL. 80/100/200)
»——» »——» ♥ [100% REAL] »——» [* NEW * BOMBSHELL * ] »——» [ITALIAN& SEXY]♥ »——» »——» - 20
✈New in town...Blonde...22yrs old...Text or Call📲 - 22
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, OC/LONG BEACH/LA, Orange County, Santa Ana)
°☆° New Small Petite Blonde. ((Just Visiting!)) Specials! °☆° Norwalk incalls - 21
(Longbeach/Norwalk incall)
come over and keep me company and play with me an let me put these dds on yo body - 18
GENTLEMEN ▅▆█ I'M HeRe NoW █▆█▬█Ѻ▀█▀ BIG BOOTY ❤SeXy SeNsUaL ✌ツBLoNdE █▬█Ѻ▀█▀✌ツ▅▆█ SpEciAl - 28
(Long Beach, DoWnEY,NoR105 /91/605 iNCALL. 80/100/150)
happy ThUrSdAY 180.1HR**SEXy MAMi AdAmArYs* super SPECIALS☎ 626.626.5070 Call Now!!! - 28
(IMPERIAL/ LAKEWOOD________________FWY105)
hey guys you came in contact with that beautiful girl jazzy smooth brown skin freak 19 - 19
(Orange County, los angeles / area)
Thu 09 Jan
✈New in town...Blonde...22yrs old...Text or Call📲 - 22
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, OC/LONG BEACH/LA, Orange County, Santa Ana)
* L@@K ** NeW ; NeW ♥ yUMMy!!! PiCtUrE W0W -DoNT MIss OUt*! !! SeXi * MaMaSitA AdAMaRyS*!!* - - 28
(Long Beach, Los Angeles)
(ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CALL ) ♥(*YOU*) ♥((((WILL See ---- I'm the best of ALL!!! )))) - 18
(Long Beach, 605fwy91fwy, norwalk, artesia,bellflower)
•❤ Lights:*¨¨* ★ CAMARA:*¨¨* ★ ACTiON. ★—ÜmmM ¡!—★W£LL R€viEwed - 20
(Long Beach, In/Out. 405 91 105 Norwalk Long Beach)
Hola Papichulo!!! ( Beautiful Curvy Spanish & French) * ( $80 ) * ( SpeCiaLs ) - 21
(iNCALLS.. .(91fwy/605fwy)..)
Wed 08 Jan
°☆° New Small Petite Blonde. ((Just Visiting!)) Specials! °☆° Norwalk incalls - 21
(Longbeach/Norwalk incall)
N AU GHT Y ♥ B EAU TY [[ ♥ SOoO CuTe]] - 19
(91..6O5..incalls..norw cerr down)
😍Look No Further Im You Girl👸🏽🍑🎀 - 20
(405freeway exit normandie, Carson, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Westside)
CLaSSY & FReAKY == BuBBLY & SwEET == BUSTY & ExOTiC == ReaL PLeaSuRe! S°L°U°T°Y speCiaLs - 21
(Long Beach, Artestia,norwalk,carson,bellflower)
💢Hot & Slippery Come Play With Me Sexy LATINA 100% 😜💋👅Call Now - 21
(91/710fwy Atlantic bellflower Carson LB, Downey, Long Beach)
Tue 07 Jan
▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ MOUTH°♥• * •°♥•° WATERING ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 23
(Long Beach, Incall (near 110,91,405 Fwys) & Outcalls)