Sun 12 Jan
♥ ☆ PeRSoNaL PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR ☆ ♥4 HiRe - 24
(off the 105 or 91 exit Lakewood)
HOT _______ NASTY _________ BUSTY ________ HUGE 40DDD'S __________ for all FETISHES - 26
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Mon 06 Jan
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Sun 05 Jan
> L { ✰ } { ✰ } K--BRuNeTTE °o{( EBoNY) HOT GURL! ____ ____OUTCALLS - 23
HOT _______ NASTY _________ BUSTY ________ HUGE 40DDD'S __________ for all FETISHES - 25
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Sat 04 Jan
HOT _______ NASTY _________ BUSTY ________ HUGE 40DDD'S __________ for all FETISHES - 25
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Fri 03 Jan
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
80$ MONICA 80$$ 36dd Bonita Latina me or free ..... 213-2480052 Pioneer/Artesia - 24
(Long Beach, 91 fwy exit pioneer)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Thu 02 Jan